story of encounter

Robin 2022-04-20 09:01:24

This is the sequel to "before sunrise". To be honest, I don't like the sequel. I'm afraid that the dissatisfaction with the sequel will destroy the good impression of the original in my memory, but I will pay attention, it must be because of me Loved the original version of it, for example: I'm going to follow "before sunset" because I love "before sunrise", so I start watching its sequel after an afternoon nap.
It is still the encounter of two people, it has been nine years since the last time, and it is the re-encounter in a lifetime.
It's still two worlds, the scene has changed from Vienna nine years ago to Paris, and they still talk speculatively, which makes me look at it a lot, because the speed of thinking and movement of the two people is too fast, and the language seems to be insufficient to express them. The idea that gives me the feeling is thinking, the brain moves at a high speed, thoughts, thoughts, like the green vines in spring, stretch out and stretch out and entangle, one idea comes out and another idea overlaps and emerges, and the language center operates at a high speed. not enough. What a mess, my description||||
Imagine, you're single -- or not single, it doesn't matter, it's a solo trip, on an early summer evening with a peer of the opposite sex who's very speculative when you first meet When you met in a European city, you sighed to yourself that you never thought that there are people in the world who have such a tacit understanding with you, but you must go your separate ways the next morning and return to the original life before you met, you think: this is so wonderful in front of you The person I will never meet again in my future life, I don't want that. So you agreed to come back here in 6 months - your separate platforms.
After 6 months, the boy came back, but he did not find the girl he promised. She missed the appointment.
9 years later you married the woman you didn't love because she was pregnant with your child. The child is now 4 years old and is the only consolation this marriage can give you. Why do we have to live in pain? Why live with someone you don't love? Just because of the weight of the word "responsibility"? Just because we're adults who can't go back to the age where we can dream? We have no sin, so why should we suffer?
Fortunately, you know and are sure that there is still a person you truly love in this world. Although you have only met once, and the two of you have only had a dozen hours, you are sure that you have loved her and still love her. .
So you wrote down the dozen or so hours of stories you had together and published it as a novel. The direct motive was to express the deep loneliness and unhappiness of the years, and the underlying motive was—you want her to see this book. After the novel, I regret her missed appointment, and more importantly, if you want to find her, you want to see her! ! !
The city she lives in is the last stop on your itinerary to promote your novel in Europe, and tonight you're flying back to your country, and she shows up.
Next is the story of the sequel, they are still chatting speculatively like 9 years ago, but he looks a little irritable, because he always has the urge to hug her suddenly, too long, too long, the person of his dreams is in front of him , I am amazed at Ethan Hawke's acting skills, the expressions and movements are so real that I think it is disrespectful to him to say "acting skills".
Finally, I cried when she sang his name on "waltz for a night" on her guitar.
Her expression was a little shy, a little helpless, and a little self-deprecating.
Jessie., she called.
Of course she loves him! I even guessed that she didn't go to the appointment not only because of her grandmother's death, but because she was afraid to go to the appointed place but didn't see him - she was afraid of being hurt again, because after all, the other party was only an American who had been with him for less than a day. , so she missed the appointment, and she felt that the best outcome was that he also missed the appointment but - he didn't, he waited for her in Vienna for three days.
Fate is to play tricks on people.
If you love him, believe him, give him a chance, even if you are injured, the pain will not spread to others, you have not caused any trouble to anyone.
The end of the story,
- "The plane is going to be late"
- "I know"
seems meaningful and seems like a good ending.
However, I have a tendency to be paranoid and self-abusing, but I would rather believe that they are still separated. How much influence will the two people's lives have if they get along for less than two days in their lives? Happiness and unhappiness are actually just that simple.

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Before Sunset quotes

  • Celine: Do I look any different?

    [long pause]

    Celine: I do?

    Jesse: I'd have to see you naked.

  • Jesse: In the months leading up to my wedding, I was thinking about you all the time. I mean, even on my way there; I'm in the car, a buddy of mine is driving me downtown and I'm staring out the window, and I think I see you, not far from the church, right? Folding up an umbrella and walking into a deli on the corner of 13th and Broadway. And I thought I was going crazy, but now I think it probably was you.

    Celine: I lived on 11th and Broadway.

    Jesse: You see?