We meet on narrow roads in our lifetime

Brady 2022-04-20 09:01:24

I have been on vacation for three days, it has been raining, I haven't gone out, I have given the time to the movie
, and I spent a while to write something called after watching.
Maybe there is no special feeling. Maybe it is just a pure record.

Actually, it is pure and beautiful. For
example, when we read an article, Read it word by word to have a good time
We don't need to understand its background, its central idea, its lingo, etc.

Love at sunrise and sunset is the last of two movies "BEFORE SUNRISE" "BEFORE SUNSET
" It's the continuation of the previous one, and there is a nine-year difference between the story and the filming time.

Nine is a number that I can't compare to when I read it. When I read it, I will have an aftertaste on the tip of my tongue.
Nine years is a long time. What will you do for a period of nine years and how much will you change

BEFORE SUNRISE tells the story of nine years ago
Young American French women met on the train from Budapest to Vienna
They chatted non-stop while he got off the train Invited her to get off the bus in Vienna as well.
. Come to think about it,
they lied to themselves that it was just an evening and they would never see each other again.
They said goodbye before sunrise without leaving their name, address and phone number, but they agreed to meet again at the station in six months

. Will they meet again in the crowd?
The end of the shot stays where they walked together
The streets they walked, the cemetery alleys by the river, and the grass that was beautiful at night There are even their wine bottles on it.
I look forward to their reunion. It makes people have the courage to look forward to their own miracles in ordinary life.

They meet again, but not Six months later, but nine years later,
BEFORE SUNSET on the Left Bank in Paris Telling the story of nine years later
He came to Paris for his novel to sign the novel It was his and her story
She was his reader She was standing in front of the bookstore The famous Shakespeare and Books store shows up dreamily Smile
How many people are lucky enough to meet again after a miss

They still only have one afternoon The flight he was on has six or seven hours to go and
they keep walking and talking non-stop in the cafe Seine street benches
Their meaningful smiles and ambiguous and uncertain eyes fill every corner of Paris,
watching the lover and confidant nine years ago in front of me, how can I not bear the ripple
-filled conversation or the sadness or the temptation or the nostalgia or humor. . .
For nine years, they have each had their own love life, but the ambiguity between them has been spreading. In the

end, he sent her to her house, he went to her house to listen to her singing. At this time, time was running out.
She played the guitar and sang that song. A song I wrote for a night nine years ago
Let me sing you a waltz
Out of nowhere, out of my blues Let me sing you a waltz
About this lovely one night

Not clear
When the clouds in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows are all dyed, the flight departure time is getting closer and closer,
she smiled and said that you are going to miss the plane, he sat down and replied with a smile, I know
everything comes to an abrupt end after a smile THE END
let you imagine him Did you finally get on the plane or not, let you imagine whether they ended up together or not? The lingering voice curled

from sunrise to sunset,
and an eye. Before this sunset, there will be nine years to the next nine years. Will there be a story in

life? When we meet on a narrow road, we can't escape the entangled curve that suddenly grows in the palms of our hands. Before we are
sensible , we will only be in love for a day. If we can't keep it, we
can't tell which year in the fleeting year will change our life. If you

think of this song, it should be very suitable
I am moved by all sincere feelings

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Extended Reading

Before Sunset quotes

  • Celine: Do I look any different?

    [long pause]

    Celine: I do?

    Jesse: I'd have to see you naked.

  • Jesse: In the months leading up to my wedding, I was thinking about you all the time. I mean, even on my way there; I'm in the car, a buddy of mine is driving me downtown and I'm staring out the window, and I think I see you, not far from the church, right? Folding up an umbrella and walking into a deli on the corner of 13th and Broadway. And I thought I was going crazy, but now I think it probably was you.

    Celine: I lived on 11th and Broadway.

    Jesse: You see?