What details of "Love at Sunset and Dusk" touched you?

Rosario 2022-04-19 09:01:32

I haven't written a movie review for a long time. It seems that I can never get inner peace in the noisy life. The days are always swinging like the pendulum of a clock. Now I can finally calm down and watch a favorite movie. The thoughts unfold gradually as the film progresses.

Today I want to talk about a love movie "Love in the Trilogy". The Love in the Trilogy is a classic work by directors Richard and Linklater. The story comes from the director's personal experience.

The first part of the love trilogy "Love Before Dawn"

On a French train, a young couple was arguing in the carriage under the warm sunshine. A girl reading a book reluctantly changed her seat to the back row, when a man from the United States was sitting in the back row. Man, man keeps turning his head to look at this beautiful French girl, I believe in love at first sight, because love at first sight is the purest true emotion, the kind of light that shines in the eyes that no emotion can give, and the man begins to puff up The courage to strike up a conversation with the girl. They talked about their ideals, their vision for the future and their understanding of love. The first time they met, the two had a great conversation. It seemed that they had endless things to say, but the train Mashan was about to arrive at the station. , The man seemed uneasy. After struggling in his mind, the man finally summoned up the courage to invite the girl to get off the bus. The girl seemed a little hesitant but agreed. The two walked and chatted on the streets of Vienna, from life ideals to love and marriage. , they found that each other's ideas were surprisingly similar. In a restaurant, the two confessed to each other through role-playing games. The man came to the bar owner, pointed to the girl and said: That woman over there is the most beautiful woman I have ever met in my life. The important person, I want a bottle of red wine but I don't have the money. If I can, I will give you the address. I will send you the wine money when I get home. The boss took out a bottle of wine and said: I will give you a beautiful night. A man and a girl are enjoying the bright moonlight and drinking red wine on the grass. The romance of love is perfectly displayed at this moment. The girl said that you are leaving tomorrow. The man said that if you want to stay here and marry you A choice, I choose to marry you, the girl said: I think you are too romantic, the man said that even if it is too romantic, some people have less reasons for marriage than this, and then the two kissed together, (here omitted here Go to 800 words), the next morning after the passion, the man will get on the train and leave the city, the man and the girl are chatting with each other, pretending to be calm, but the words are incoherent, the train is about to leave, and at the last parting moment, Holding palms and looking at the tears, he was speechless. The man suddenly hugged the girl hard and said that we will meet here in half a year. During this period, we will not call or communicate, and give each other space to think freely. Can not forget each other, then we are here to continue our love. At the end of the film, the man boarded the train and left slowly in the early morning dawn.

Love at Sunset, Part 2 of the Love Trilogy

The two walked out of the bookstore together and strolled on the streets of Paris. The woman asked the man if the man had made the appointment that time. The man pretended not to care and said no. Then he asked the woman if he had made the appointment. The woman said that his grandmother died that day. Then she asked the man why he didn't go, but the man couldn't answer, but the woman suddenly understood from his eyes and exclaimed, "Oh my God!" You went, and then the two started laughing loudly. The man's laughter was a little helpless, while the woman's tears were flashing. Maybe the laughter was deliberately hiding something. Maybe the woman thought that the man was just a passer-by and didn't take that night seriously, but when she saw the man's eyes, he seemed to know what he had missed. The two got on the cruise on the Seine and told each other about each other's past. , The man said that he had never forgotten a woman over the years, and regretted that he didn't leave his contact information at the beginning. When he saw the bride's face at his wedding, he thought it was the face of the heroine. It is undeniable that men's flirting skills are very good, but from him It can be seen in his eyes that he is not lying. When a man talks about his marriage, he feels that marriage is only the only way in life, and he just completed the task, but he still never forgets the heroine, so he wrote that book. , expecting her to find herself after seeing it. When asked about a woman, it seems that these years have not been so good. After experiencing several failed relationships, she gradually lost confidence in love and began to no longer believe in any love. Dan, but when he was in the car, he couldn't hide and suppress his long-standing emotions and finally broke out. The man also said that he was not as good as he looked on the surface. It made him feel guilty all the time. Yes, after true love, time doesn't seem to repair anything, it just adds more scars, so why don't we, women feel hopeless about love after experiencing emotional pain, and don't even believe in love anymore , become indifferent to feelings, and men choose marriage according to the living method of ordinary people, but they usher in endless pain, but who does not want true love? People are just afraid of losing it, so they don't want to get it. At this time, the two finally took off the coat of hypocrisy and opened up their hearts. The two came to the heroine's house. The woman sang the song she wrote to the man and reminded the man that you were going to delay the plane, and the man did not mean to leave. , just sitting on the sofa looking at the woman and laughing, at this time the sun at dusk poured into the room through the window, and slowly everything in front of him turned into a warm color. Time doesn't seem to repair anything, it just adds more scars, so why don't we, women feel hopeless about love after experiencing emotional pain, and even stop believing in love and become indifferent to feelings, while men They follow the way of life for ordinary people to choose marriage, but they usher in endless pain, but who doesn't want true love? People are just afraid of losing it, so they don't want to get it. At this time, the two finally took off the coat of hypocrisy and opened up their hearts. The two came to the heroine's house. The woman sang the song she wrote to the man and reminded the man that you were going to delay the plane, and the man did not mean to leave. , just sitting on the sofa looking at the woman and laughing, at this time the sun at dusk poured into the room through the window, and slowly everything in front of him turned into a warm color. Time doesn't seem to repair anything, it just adds more scars, so why don't we, women feel hopeless about love after experiencing emotional pain, and even stop believing in love and become indifferent to feelings, while men They follow the way of life for ordinary people to choose marriage, but they usher in endless pain, but who doesn't want true love? People are just afraid of losing it, so they don't want to get it. At this time, the two finally took off the coat of hypocrisy and opened up their hearts. The two came to the heroine's house. The woman sang the song she wrote to the man and reminded the man that you were going to delay the plane, and the man did not mean to leave. , just sitting on the sofa looking at the woman and laughing, at this time the sun at dusk poured into the room through the window, and slowly everything in front of him turned into a warm color.

Sometimes, when we miss someone, it's like we've missed a lifetime. This time the male protagonist didn't leave, and he didn't even have the slightest thought to leave. He didn't hesitate or feel overwhelmed. At the end, he looked at the female protagonist with So firm, I can't think of a line from another classic movie: "I can't imagine how painful it would be to lose you again".

The third part of the love trilogy "When Love Comes At Midnight"

Nine years after the second part, the third part of the love trilogy has been released. If the first part is the romance and sweetness after the beginning of love, and the second part is the sublimation and constancy after the confusion of love, then the third part is The test and redemption of love in life, yes, just talking about love is inevitably a bit empty. Love can be maintained not only by romance and sweet words, but love must enter life after all, and it will be broken by men and women after 9 years. Many difficulties came together and gave birth to a pair of twin daughters. They were faced with the problems that all families have. Men often get overwhelmed by the custody of their sons with their ex-wives. Women give up their careers for men. They often quarrel over trivial matters, and women often complain about men, thinking that men blame themselves for not being able to be with their sons, and men complain about women's bad temper, and finally broke out one night, and they had a big fight , the woman yelled that I don't love you anymore, slammed the door and came out to the open-air cafe in Viana, the man came to this cafe after calming down for a while, he lied that he was sitting in a time machine to save A woman, sitting in front of a woman and telling the past, trying desperately to make a woman laugh, but the woman didn't buy it, and said you shouldn't be so naive, and finally the man said something that I think is a classic, you go and find out who Can bear your stinky temper, and I take it all because I want to try my best to be by the person I love, even if the person is not perfect, but that is the real you, we may not be perfect, we all have shortcomings , we'll fight, but that's life, and if all you want is true love, this is it. In the end, the woman jokingly asked what the time machine was like? The two begin to laugh, and the film ends with the quiet of midnight.

The third part is not as much pursuit and display of love and romance as the first and second parts. It is more about the truth of life. The bits and pieces in reality form a more real love. Some people say it is perfect My love is contrary to reality, but I don't want to ask, why pursue perfect love? Love itself may not be perfect, there will also be firewood, rice, oil and salt in love, and there will be quarrels in love, but maybe this is what love is like, and the question is whether you really love that person, if there are no quarrels, maybe love really disappeared.

The love trilogy is like a love encyclopedia, where any element of love can be found, and many of us can find our own shadow. In our life, we may meet such a girl who makes you fall in love at first sight, but who can summon the courage to pursue desperately, when we toss and turn in the middle of the night and can't sleep, think of someone we once missed, Are you ashamed of your cowardice? When that precious emotion disappears, and what remains is unspeakable pain, we always deceive ourselves and say that life is like this, and time will repair everything, but is it really like this? I'm very annoyed that some people put on the face of someone who has come and tell you what to do, they are using their life of failure to tell you that this is the right thing to do. What kind of love is not love, find a similar wife and have children, live a comfortable life, maintain a marriage that is beautiful and divorced, have sex no more than ten times a year, and finally lie on the hospital bed with tears and admit that in my life I have never loved my partner. I don’t want to have this kind of life. I am an ordinary person, and I can’t do anything earth-shattering. Maybe my life will be ordinary, but one thing I have succeeded is that I can give my heart and soul. To love someone, no matter whether there is a result or not, my love is sincere and hot. My heart is peaceful, because I am never confused about love, I know very well what kind of person I like, the one who lights up your soul, will always be in your heart, in every lonely and lonely night, warm your heart soul.

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Before Sunset quotes

  • Celine: Do I look any different?

    [long pause]

    Celine: I do?

    Jesse: I'd have to see you naked.

  • Jesse: In the months leading up to my wedding, I was thinking about you all the time. I mean, even on my way there; I'm in the car, a buddy of mine is driving me downtown and I'm staring out the window, and I think I see you, not far from the church, right? Folding up an umbrella and walking into a deli on the corner of 13th and Broadway. And I thought I was going crazy, but now I think it probably was you.

    Celine: I lived on 11th and Broadway.

    Jesse: You see?