None of us can escape our own stories

Erika 2022-04-21 09:01:38

A mediocre lizard pretended to be a hero and became a local sheriff. At the climax of the story, when Rango brought everyone back to find water, he was exposed by the big boss-Ringtail?, so he was forced to leave in despair~! So I'm thinking about who I am and where I'm going. When it says "None of us can escape our own story, I am me", I am very emotional. The current me, the current story is what is really happening. , to live out the best look at the moment first, in order to have a better look! (20160205-by myself)

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Rango quotes

  • Rango: I think the metaphor broke my spleen.

  • Rango: We can control it! Like a monkey's bladder!