The warmest gift for a midsummer night

Lelia 2022-04-19 09:01:41

The film is clean, but the content is shocking, even terrifying.

After 18 years of life, after four seasons, he committed suicide and left at the age of 72. Aging has no meaning. He must die with dignity before completely aging. The pagan values ​​that the film lets the audience see at the beginning are based on the most essential human tragedy - the loss of life. The crowd watched the death method of the old man jumping off the cliff and the tragic and bloody close-up of the death state, which unabashedly presented the sad core of death, and established the sad and sad tone of the film.

However, outside the sad and heavy core, there is a layer of peace. The people there have no love or hate, only a single commonality and calmness, even one emotion is common, they look so calm, peaceful and happy, it seems that if you join, you will be happy, it is a pagan organization that is very different from modern society , also like the Garden of Eden in fairy tales. We watch normal people get invited, play with them, eat and drink some hallucinogenic food, witness pagan values ​​that go beyond normal values, be brainwashed until they agree and become them.

The simple old-fashioned pagan brainwashing and the contradictions of normal people have a great impact on the subject, but the director has made it melodious and beautiful. What the film really wants the audience to see is not the ending of the characters but the essence of their different fates. What kind of people will become them? Obviously they are witnessing something that is not in line with their own values ​​or even called terrible, but every normal person behaves differently, but the performance of members of pagan organizations is the same. Among them, those who do not agree with their ideas, resist people will be killed, and the method of killing seems to be related to the ancient Nordic culture, which I have not studied very much.

And what kind of people will be brainwashed successfully? Are you content to serve a pagan organization all your life? She is a person who is going through the pain of a massacre like the heroine. Sadness can easily destroy a person. A very sad person is easy to question normal society and easy to be controlled by alienated thoughts, such as murderers. Murderers often have their own misfortunes in their lives, and they are insignificant in society. It is often difficult for people who cannot feel loved and cannot change their destiny to be twisted in their hearts, easy to be narrow-minded, and often turn their injustices into anger. When anger accumulates, it turns into resentment, and then despair, they do things that are different from ordinary people. behavior. At the end of the film, the heroine chose to burn her boyfriend who betrayed her to death, perhaps based on this.

At the same time, paganism has given these lonely people who have been deeply hurt and unable to turn sadness into positive energy an outlet, a chance to feel loved.

Throughout the whole film, the heroine only showed a slight smile at the end of the film. We see that she is trapped in a cult, but she may be freed consciously. Life is difficult and human nature is complex. The so-called empathy can only be superficial at most, but the surface empathy is already the kindest and most kind to a person who is full of pain. With enough warmth, facing loved ones, less accusations, more tolerance and empathy, people will have the power to smile and the courage to live well.

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Extended Reading

Midsommar quotes

  • Siv: On this, the day of our deity of reciprocity, we gather to give special thanks to our treasured Sun. As an offering for our Father, we will today surrender nine *human* lives. As Hårga takes, so Hårga also gives. Thus, for every newblood sacrificed, we will dedicate one of our own. That is: four newbloods, four from Hårga, and one to be chosen by the Queen. Nine in all, to die, and be reborn, in the great Cycle.

    Stev: The four newbloods, have already been supplied. As for our end, we have two already dedicated... And two who have volunteered. Ingemar and Ulf.

    [they step forward]

    Stev: You have brought outside offerings, thus volunteering your own bodies. You will today be joined in harmony with Everything. And to Pelle, who has brought new blood, and our new May Queen, you will today be honored for your unclouded intuition. And so, for our ninth offering. It is traditional that our fair Queen shall choose, between a preselected newblood, and a specially ordained Hårgan.

  • Ulla: Christian?

    [snaps fingers twice]

    Ulla: Christian... Hi. Hello! There you are! Listen: You can't speak. You can't move.


    Ulla: All right?


    Ulla: Good.