: American Language: English Genre: Action, Plot,
Humans were created to make the world richer and more beautiful, but human beings betrayed God's original intention and lived for their own desires... Human beings began to kill each other, plunder each other, slaughter animals for food, and destroy life... All kinds of atrocities eventually lead to God gave up on mankind, intending to destroy everything and rebuild everything. But God is merciful. While destroying everything, he also asked Noah to build an ark to save innocent lives.
On the day before Judgment Day, Noah saw through the nature of human beings controlled by desires, and could never be kind, and was determined to exterminate human beings. However, in the end, he failed to attack his two granddaughters. This is where human beings are weak, and emotions are also one of their desires. Noah is also human, manipulated by desire, no different. In the end, she failed to complete the task of God and gave up on herself.... And Ira told her that this is God's mercy and the hope that God has given to mankind, hoping that mankind can survive in a good way. After that, God decided not to flood the world again, as evidenced by the rainbow....
Until today, human beings are still killing each other, plundering each other, feeding on meat, slaughtering living beings.... Nothing has changed. No one denies that killing is a brutal act, but human beings have chosen this path.... Because human beings are born with desires, human beings are dominated by desires, and nothing can change this. It was when Noah saw this that he felt sad about his powerlessness.
There is no doubt that human beings are the most powerful and intelligent species on earth, and must also be God’s most beloved species. Although God gave up human beings, he still gave hope to human beings to continue. As for how human beings decide their own future, it is still up to human beings themselves. Maybe Judgment Day will come again, because the cruelty of human beings will be punished, but human beings are still like this...
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