[Repost] Study notes for the first season

Ferne 2022-01-01 08:01:59

Complete script: http://www.westwingtranscripts.com/search.php
Original post address: http://www.friends6.com/forum/thread-27094-1-1.html
Original post author: shirleysxf
welcome Mark, worship See you, great god!

The first episode of the first season:
First briefly introduce the plot of this episode. Josh, the deputy chief of staff of the White House, angered the president for his exaggerated words on a TV show. The outside world speculated that he would be fired, but inside the White House he felt quite uneasy. The president got up early to exercise and hit a tree on his bike. , Sprained an ankle; a group of Cubans sailed to Miami on a very simple navigation tool, the White House was unable to determine the motives of these people for a while; Sam, the deputy director of the White House news, had a one-night stand with a girl, and it turned out that she was a senior call girl Because of his special status, it caused him a lot of trouble in the future; Sam tried to please the daughter of Chief of Staff Leo, but it was self-defeating.

Here are the words that appear in it
1.run the table
SAM SEABORN: I don't think we're going to run the table, if that's what you're asking.
(run the table: a billiard term meaning a The competitor continuously puts all the balls into the pocket. This means to win all the conditions)
2. Deep background
BILLY: Just tell me who to call.
SAM: Well, you could call 1-800-BITE-ME.
(If you check the english slang dictionary, you can find: bite me: a general derogatory exclamation like fxxk you, kiss my ass, screw yours... "Less come", "less wordy", or "
love who and who ") 4. secret pumpkin
SAM: Alger Hiss just walked in with my secret pumpkin.
(Alger Hiss (1904—), US State Department official, 1948 Chambers (W. Chambers), a former US police officer, was accused of being a member of the Washington D.C. spy network and provided confidential State Department documents to the Soviet Union. He was later sentenced to five years in prison for perjury. Chambers would testify at the time. The film is hidden in a hollowed-out pumpkin. This refers to the secret lover.)
5. treadmill in the gym
6.tray tables
7. cockpit cockpit
8. come off the line: off the line
9 .flummox: to confuse upset
10.hydraulics station
SAM: Water pressure in here Wallpaper at the IS RUN for Really impressive.You could Hydraulics in here Wallpaper.
LAURIE:. the I'm Wasted
. (I can not do multi-finger drank too much After drinking)
12.mild sprain
13. State Farm Insurance: US National Insurance Company
14.swerve suddenly turned to
LEO: He was swerving to avoid a tree.
15.conjure an image of imagine
JOSH: You hear fishing boats, you conjure an image of - well, of a boat, first of all. What the Cubans are on would charitably be described as rafts.
17.be pissed at sb.: angry
LEO: The President's pissed as hell at you
18.Instant Reply: Repeat the fact
LEO: And I think there shouldn't be instant replay in football.
19.klutz: Clumsy Geek: Geek
LEO: He's a klutz, Mrs. Landingham. Your President's a geek.
20.arboreal: tree of
LEO:the President, while riding a bicycle on his vacation in Jackson Hole, came to a sudden arboreal stop
22.USS Eisenhower: USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier
JOSH: CJ, if one of these guys could throw a split fingered fastball, we'd send in the USS Eisenhower.
TOBY: What to do when the Nina, the Pinta , and the Get-Me-The-Hell-Outta-Here hit Miami.
Columbus had three ships on his first voyage, the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria
25.keep sb in the loop
To keep people in the loop is a management expression meaning to keep people informed of management decisions.
LEO: Keep Josh in the loop on this throughout the day.
26.my day is a little tight...I’m very busy today
LEO: Mind-boggling to me that we ever won an election.
28.scare the hell out of: horrified
BILLY: Al Caldwell scares the hell out of the President, and Josh knows it.
29.orthopedics: Plastic Surgery
30.flip on a television: Turn on the TV
31.being indicted for tax fraud.
MARY [on video]: No . Well, I can tell you that you don't believe in any God I pray to, Mr. Lyman. Not any God I pray to.
JOSH [on video]: Lady, the God you pray to is too busy being indicted for tax fraud.
This is the reckless remark that caused Josh to almost get fired.
32.get cute with:
TOBY: I said, Don't get cute with Mary Marsh.
33.taunting: Calamitous: catastrophic
TOBY:We scheduled it, Josh, after your smug, taunting, you know, calamitous performance on Capitol Beat.
34.roll over in graves.死不瞑目
JOSH:If you listen carefully, you can hear two centuries of Presidents rolling over in their graves .
35.turnip truck
turnip vegetables "turnip", literally "I'm not just fall from the turnip truck. available the phrase means" I know very clearly "" I'm not a rookie, "" do not fooling me ".
MANDY: I may have just gotten back into the business this morning, but I didn't come by way of a turnip truck.
36.jerk around: To mislead or treat badly.
MANDY: You jerk me around on this, and I'm going to get cranky right in your face.
37.bush league: In professional baseball, a bush league is a “minor league”, not a “major league” with first-rate players. Major-league teams play in ballparks; minor league teams play, metaphorically, “out in the bushes" away from big cities. Here refers to the second-rate performance
MANDY: Now, you're misinterpreting me and you're misinterpreting the Senator. And it's bush league for the party.
Ballpark Ballpark refers to the ball game Parks, especially large baseball fields. So what is a ballpark figure? Isn’t the number of spectators today reported during baseball games, for example, 49,132? The number 49,132 is the ballpark figure, but this is only an approximate figure, so the ballpark figure means Approximate estimates.
LEOuther. Ballpark. One year from today. Where's the Dow?
LUTHER: Tremendous. Up a thousand.
JOSH:You're no friend to the sitting President.
40.lightweight lightweight player, incompetent
JOSH: I really don't care one way or the other. He's a lightweight.
41.trip over your mouth
MANDY:they' ve been waiting for you to trip over your mouth and you handed it to them.
42.effeminate: feminine
43.preemptive: preemptive
LEO: And I'm telling you, that I've met with the man twice, and I've recommended a preemptive Exocet Missile attack against his airforce.
44.Flat-out: Thorough
SAM: That's flat-out not true.
45. Crucify:
SAM: For the hundredth time, I didn't know who she was, and how long am I gonna be crucified for that?
46.pick up the scent
TOBY: They're picking up the scent.
47. reverend: priest
Al Cadwell: Why does he insist on demonizing us as a group?
49. political muscle
CALDWELL: We need John and Mary for political muscle.
50.get spruced up
JOSH: I am not getting spruced up for these people, Donna.
51.lumber: wood
SAM: The chairs that you're sitting on today were fashioned from the lumber of a pirate ship.
52.moron 痴
MALLORY: I'm sorry to be rude, but are you a moron?
SAM: In this particular area, yes.
53. put two and two together
MALLORY: The 18th President was Ulysses S. Grant, and the Roosevelt Room was named for Theodore.
SAM: Really?
MALLORY: There's like a six-foot painting on the wall of Teddy Roosevelt.
SAM: I should've put two and two together.
54.go a long way toward great help
SAM: Well, if I could make eye contact with her, make her laugh, you know, just see that she has a good time, it might go a long way toward making my life easier.
SAM: I just found out the Times is publishing a poll that says a considerable portion of Americans feel that the White House has lost energy and focus. A perception that's not likely to be altered by the video footage of the President riding his bicycle into a tree.
油箱滑调的57.Punch line: 好笑if
JOSH:My remarks were glib and insulting. I was going for the cheap laugh, and anybody willing to step up and debate ideas deserves better than a political punch line.
禁欲59.preposterous: absurd
60.fringe group: fringe Group
BARTLET: Al, how many times have I asked you to denounce the practices of a fringe group that calls itself The Lambs of God?
61.precocious: 早熟的BARTLET
: Now Annie, all of 12, has always been precocious, but she's got a good head on her shoulders and I like it when she uses it.
62.take a swing at
To take a swing at someone is to attempt to hit someone with one's fist. Use Boxing
JOSH: I thought you were going to take a swing at her there.
63.theologian: theologian
BARTLET: Seems these theologians down in South America were very excited because this little girl from Chile had sliced ​​open a tomato, and the inside flesh of this tomato had actually formed a perfect Rosary.
64.asylum: shelter BARTLET
:137 Cubans have been taken into custody in Miami and are seeking asylum.

There are some that I didn’t understand by myself, I don’t know which friend can help me out.

1. LAURIE: I'm wasted.
SAM: And probably free of cataracts.
LAURIE: I get that. That's funny.
What does cataracts mean, Sam is obviously joking.
wasted: It's high. cataract: cataract. Some doctors will prescribe marijuana to patients to relieve cataracts.

2.Laurie: I'm totally baked. But um - no, it's not like I'm a drug person. I just love pot.
baked: again, the pumping is high. Laurie tried to explain that "pick a can" is just a hobby, not a long-term hobby.

TOBY: You think the United States is under attack from 1200 Cubans in rowboats?
SAM: I'm not saying I don't like our chances.
What does the latter sentence mean?
Toby used a rhetorical question to say "this thing is unlikely", and Sam doubled negatively to say "I know it is impossible."

4. CJ told reporters "I'll get you wheels down time when I've got it."
What does get your wheels down mean?
wheels down: The plane lands, or the action is over. CJ appeased the reporter and said that once the matter has a spectrum, it will notify everyone in time and leave some time for everyone to react and prepare.

Finally a few interesting dialogues:
LEO: How many Cubans, exactly, have crammed themselves into these fishing boats?
JOSH: It's important to understand, Leo, that by and large, these aren't fishing boats. You hear fishing boats, you conjure an image of - well, of a boat, first of all. What the Cubans are on would charitably be described as rafts. Okay? They're making the hop from Havana to Miami in fruit baskets, basically. Let's just be clear on that. LEO: We are.
JOSH: Donna's desk, if it could float, would look good to them right now.
LEO: I get it. How many are there?
JOSH: We don't know.
LEO: What time, exactly, did they leave?
JOSH: We don't know.
LEO: Do we know when they get here?
LEO: True or False: If I were to stand on high ground in Key West with a good pair of binoculars, I would be as informed as I am right now.
JOSH : That's true.

CJ: Good morning. Dr. Randall Haymen, HAYMEN, chief of orthopedics at St. John's Hospital has diagnosed the President with a mild sprain in his left ankle sustained while cycling into a large cyprus tree.
The Press Corps laughs.
CJ: Details can be found in the full report that Linda and Susanne are distributing. Along with pool photographs of the President resisting help from a Secret Service agent, then falling down again.

The second episode of the first season:
---- ----------

Let me briefly introduce the plot of the episode: Mandy had a big fight with his only patron and boyfriend Lloyd. The latter ignored her suggestion. Mandy terminated the contract with him in anger, and work came to a halt; the president admired a temporary The substitute doctor wanted to keep him, but he had planned to go to a Jordanian medical school to give lectures and promised that the president would start working as soon as he returned; Leo decided to hire Mandy, and Josh was very dissatisfied, thinking that the ex-girlfriend must not come to the White House. Will listen to his instructions; Sam will tell Josh and Toby about the fact that he accidentally dated the same call girl. Both felt that he was wrong and would cause trouble to the White House; the vice president was publishing his own statement on a bill. In his opinion, his words were pretentious, somewhat hostile to the president, and he was trained by Leo; at the end of this episode, Leo reported to the president that the plane carrying the personal doctor was shot down in Syria by a missile. All the doctors and jobs on the plane were killed. The president was killed for a while. Filled with righteous indignation...

The title of this episode is taken from a Latin philosophical saying, which means "happened since then, so caused by it". It is a logical error to easily determine what happened before as the cause.

Here are the words that appear in the play:
1. photo-op: photo opportunity
TOBY: How does someone decline an invitation for a photo-op with the President?
2.Live with Regis and Kathie Lee: A famous talk show
MRS. LANDINGHAM: The President has nothing but free time, Toby. Right now he's in the residence eating Cheerios and enjoying Regis and Kathie Lee. Should I get him for you?
3. sacarsm: satire, sarcasm
TOBY: Sarcasm's a disturbing thing coming from a woman of your age, Mrs. Landingham.
4. Atta
“Atta” is a slang way of saying “That's a”, it’s an informal way of saying, it’s all very colloquial Expression. Use these words to praise small animals, children, good work, good work, etc.)
5. press release
CJ: They're issuing a press release.
6.whomp: Fight
CJ: The point is we got whomped in Texas. Frustrated in the Texas campaign
7. Knockout: slang, charming
LEO: Oh, she's a knockout. (referring to the newly born daughter of the private doctor)
8. lighten the load to reduce stress
LEO: He likes you, Morris. He feels better after he's talked to you. I think there have been days when you've lightened the load a little.
9.put spin on: Understand and explain
DAISY: What happened? This is a total disaster!
MANDY: Look, if that's the spin you're gonna put on it...
10.condo: separate apartment for sale
MANDY: You're not the only one with expenses, Daisy. I've got credit cards, and I've got condo payments.
11. double-team: basketball term, refers to two people holding on to
JOSH: We need to double-team him.
12. gang up on:
JOSH against JOSH: We need to gang up on.
13. roll in the aisles to make someone laugh
CJ: I'll bet that used to have them rolling in the aisles at the Whiffinpoof Dinners
14. strained: pretentious, contrived
MIKE: The language seemed strained, doesn't it?
15. get juice: it’s a big gossip, master the new news
SAM: A vague quote from Hoynes President) will disappear by the end of the next news cycle. A fistfight between Leo and the Vice President's got juice.
16. hit it off: comradeship
SAM: Last week, I was out for a late drink, and I met this woman named Laurie, and Laurie and I hit it off, and we spent the evening together back at her place, and the next day I discovered she was a call girl.
17. play with fire: play with fire, adventure
JOSH: Whatever. You're playing with fire here. Just talk to Toby before you do anything.
18. folksy: BARTLET
: Jokes like that are part of my folksy charm, Morris. It's the very heart of my popularity.
19. Cut back on:擊 The
private doctor told the president to "Cut back on red meat".
20. booze 酒
21.tough scrapes
BARTLET: You're talking to a former governor. I was commander-in-chief of the New Hampshire National Guard.
MORRIS: You guys got into a lot of tough scrapes, did you?
22. military coup:
MORRIS: You do need a flu shot.
BARTLET: How do I know this isn't the start of a military coup?
23. cold call: cold call to potential customers
MANDY: I'm not cold-calling businesses like an encyclopedia salesman.
24. red flag
SAM: I did not know she was a call girl.
TOBY: There wasn't a red flag when she charged you money in exchange for sex?
SAM: She didn't charge me, Toby, come on... I didn't find out about it, till the next day.
25. ambush ambush
JOSH: Wait a second. This is an ambush. I'm getting mugged and you're the gang leader.
26. truncate書节
LEO: the I do not Understand, the What kind of miscommunication?
CJ: His-of Statement GOT truncated, the Leave the I'd IT alone.
27. The heart Blow OFF vent anger, anger at
LEO: Did you Blow OFF CJ Cregg the this Morning?
28. whipping boy: scapegoat
HOYNES: How long do you expect me to stick around here and be his whipping boy?
29. barge in interrupt, interfere
SAM: I hope you don't mind my barging in like this. It's just that I' ve known this girl my whole life.
30. Jurisdiction
LAURIE: By the way, the Attorney General has no jurisdiction here.

Season 1 Episode 3:

Let me briefly introduce the plot of this episode: Immediately after the previous episode of the American plane being shot down by Syria, the president was extremely angry. LEO believed that he was too much mixed with personal emotions because his private doctor was also on the plane, reminding him to control Emotional, the president once ordered tough measures, and finally accepted the general retaliatory attack plan under the persuasion of everyone; CJ learned about SAM's relationship with call girls and accused him of disregarding his identity and being easily exploited by political opponents; a black man The young man CHARLIE applied for the post of White House messenger, but was recommended to JOSH to accept the assessment for the post of personal assistant to the president. CHARLIE was very reluctant at first, but was moved by the president in the end. From then on, he started working in the White House; MANDY began to prepare to work in the White House.

Here are the words that appear in the play:

1. make a substantive contribution:
DONNA: I'm saying you say that now, but every time I want to make a substantive contribution...
JOSH: You make plenty of substantive contributions.
2. raise:
DONNA: I need a raise.
3.cobble: clumsy pieced together
4. shard: Fragment. It can refer to the fragments of pottery, glass and metal, and can also refer to small pieces of memory or information
DONNA: [sighs] The best I can cobble together from the small shards of information I've been able to overhear in the restroom and the Danish cart...
5. kiss goodbye: not only means to kiss goodbye, but also can be extended to give up losing
DONNA: How did I miss that?
JOSH: I don't know, but you can kiss that raise goodbye.
6.be prone to do: easy, inclined to
7. elitist: Elite
8. tee off: willing to serve for the start, here is to blame and embarrass
TOBY: The longest dinner of my life. The President was up from the table every five minutes teeing off on Cashman and Berryhill. He's barking at the Secretary of State, he's scaring the hell out of Fitzwallace, which I didn't think was possible. He's snapping at the First Lady. He's talking about blowing up half of North Africa. Get angry)
9. drag one's feet:
BARTLET: Cashman and Berryhill are dragging their feet. Cashman and Berryhill are trying to make me look like a clown.
10.Felony: felony
TOBY: Have the Justice Department bring him in for questioning pending felony charges.
11. suss out: Guessed it, guessed it, the investigation found
SAM: You wanted to see me. And I think I know what it's about.
CJ: Really? You sussed it out, huh?
12.Solicit: To approach or accost (a person) with an offer of sexual services. Solicit:
I went back to see her, I didn't go back to solicit her
. consort with people who don’t know well
14. Tawdry: tacky, low-level
SAM: I'm not sleeping with her, this isn't tawdry.
15. High profile: Bright posture, conspicuous identity
CJ: What this is about Sam is you're a high profile, very visible, much noticed member...
16. Retaliatory:
SAM: About the retaliatory strike, do you think we're going to target--?
17. Barracks: Barracks
BARTLET: They hit a barracks, so we hit two transmitters?
18. ammo dump:
BARTLET: I have turned my attention to Pericles One, it's two ammo dumps, an abandoned railroad bridge and a Syrian intelligence agency.
19. Vet: veterinary diagnosis and treatment; review, thorough inspection or measurement
JOSH: I'm supposed to vet you.
CHARLIE: I beg your pardon?
JOSH: I'm supposed to vet you, vet you; investigate to discover... if there are problems.
20. in plain sight: The average person looks
JOSH: Moreover there will be times when you'll have to make yourself invisible in plain sight, as well as an undeniable force in front of those who want more time than we're willing to give. Sometimes the people I'm talking about will be kings and prime ministers. (Josh is explaining to Charlie the nature of the job of personal assistant to the president)
21. keep an eye out: alert, pay attention, take care
JOSH: Yes, that's because we asked Miss DiLaguardia to keep an eye out. She's recommending you for a different job.
22.excel: better than others, more than
23. Presentable: Decent
JOSH: Personal aide to the President, traditionally a young guy, 20 to 25 years old, excels academically, strong in personal responsibility and discretion, presentable appearance.
24.cripple: Weakening
FITZWALLACE: In addition to the civilian casualties, which could register in the thousands, the strike would temporally cripple the region's ability to receive medical supplies and bottled water.
25. dole out: release, apply
FITZWALLACE: Without the support of our allies, without a Western Coalition, without Great Britain and Japan and without Congress, you'll have doled out a five thousand dollar punishment for a fifty buck crime sir. The severe attack by the United States will only cause bad international impact, so we should proceed with caution)
26. Underway: Underway, ready
OFFICER: We're underway.
27. overthrow the government?? (overthrow the government)
JOSH: Have you ever tried to overthrow the government?
28. Get an eye for:
SAM: Debbie's got an eye for personnel.
29. dig one's feet(or heels, toes): take a firm stand; stubbornly perceive
SAM: I don't mind being held to a higher standard, I mind being held to a lower one.
JOSH: I gotta say Sam, digging your heels in...
SAM: I was just talking.
JOSH: I understand...
SAM: Digging my heels in? Another word for that would be principle?
JOSH: I'm just saying!
30.zero in: concentrate your attention;
31. high sign: Password
LEO: In the meantime, Toby, Sam, the President will go on network at nine, so start zeroing in. Hey guys, no phone calls in or out. CJ, nothing to the press until you get the high sign from me.
32. get psyched: get mentally prepared
MANDY: I start work next week, I came to get psyched.
33. I had a hunch: I have a hunch, I can feel
34. Ensemble: Women's suit
MANDY: You couldn't stop staring at me.
JOSH: Well, you were wearing quite the ensemble that night Madeline.
35. Not a chance: Impossible. Somewhat similar to what we said "no way"
36. as a courtesy to you: as a courtesy to you
DANNY: I obviously don't have enough for a story, but as a courtesy to you CJ I just wanted to let you know I'm gonna be asking around.
37.Much ado about nothing:
CJ: Danny, it's gonna be much ado about nothing.
38.Put a tail on: Follow
DANNY: They're gonna put a tail on Seaborn, if they haven't already. Remember, I found out about this somehow and I wasn't there.
39.head start: priority
CJ: Hang on, I'm gonna give you a ten minute head start on something.
40. pillage: pillage
41. national address: speak to the nation
42. Optometrist: Optometrist
43. molestation: harassment;
44. cloak: cover;
45. retribution: retribution, punishment;
BARTLET: Did you know that two thousand years ago a Roman citizen could walk across the face of the known world free of the fear of molestation? He could walk across the earth unharmed, cloaked only in the words “I am a Roman citizen”. So great was the retribution of Rome, universally understood as certain, should any harm befall even one of its citizens.
46.clenched fist: BARTLET
: Where is the retribution for the families and where is the warning to the rest of the world that Americans shall walk this earth unharmed, lest the clenched fist of the most mighty military force in the history of mankind comes crashing down on your house!? (The President believes that American citizens are currently under serious threats to their lives and feel heartache for this)
47. Body count: The number of annihilated enemies
48. deterent: Deterrence
49. capital punishment: death penalty;
50. drug kingpin: big drug kingpin
LEO: Then you are just as dumb as these guys who think that capital punishment is going to be a deterrent for drug kingpins.
51.Pommel: Beat BARTLET:
I could pommel your ass with a baseball bat.
52. Civility: polite and dignified
JOSH: I have to tell you, he's ordinarily an extremely kind man placing a very high premium on civility.的,)
53. fill sb. in on.: provide someone with information about...;
54. take the liberty: took advantage of the privilege;
BARTLET: Listen, Leo McGarry filled me in on the situation with your mother, I'm so very sorry. I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of calling Tom Connolly, the FBI Director.
55. whack: whack
BARTLET: We have not had a whole lot of success banning that weapon and those bullets off the streets, but we're planning on taking a big whack at it when Congress gets back from recess. So, what do you say, you wanna come help us out? (These two passages are that the president noticed Charlie, inquired about his mother's death in the line of duty, promised him to fix firearms, and hoped that he would accept the White House job)

There are some things I didn't understand myself:
1. FITZWALLACE:. Mr President, the proportional response does not empty the options box for the future, the way an all out assault
in which "does not empty the options box" seems to mean roughly the lines of the future, but I can not Sure.
2. CJ: Danny, I haven't called a full lid, they'll obviously be a briefing if the President has engaged the use of military force.
What does "called a full lid" mean, a bit like "something is not done "
2. JOSH described CHARLIE as a "gamer" and felt that he had not misunderstood the wrong person. What does gamer mean?
DONNA: He looked pretty freaked.
JOSH: He's a gamer. I can pick him.
3.LEO: And you think ratching up the body count's gonna act as a deterrent?
What does the first half of the sentence mean?

The fourth episode of the first season:

First briefly introduce the plot of this episode: everyone thought that the 802 gun ban bill would be passed smoothly soon, who knows if news comes. Five people turned from approval to veto. JOSH pulled back four of them both hard and soft. LEO was responsible for the fifth. He was forced to turn to the vice president. When the final bill was passed, the vice president took full advantage. Everyone felt that Dissatisfied; LEO forgot the wedding anniversary, and prepared gifts and dinner the next day as a recovery, but he was too focused on work, and his wife could not bear to choose to separate; TOBY was a stock idiot, but accidentally bought a friend’s stock, and the stock price soared , Was under investigation when the financial income and expenditure reports of the staff of the White House were released, and was suspected of using their privileges to manipulate the stock market; the president was incoherent and became a laughing stock because of back pain and indiscriminately taking painkillers.

Here are the words that appear in this episode:
1. in full force: use your best
CJ: [drops back] Hey, your little fan club was out in full force tonight.
JOSH: Well, they like me in my tux.
2.jumped the fence: inverted
JOSH: We lost five.
CJ: What do you mean?
JOSH: 802. Five votes jumped the fence.
3. Nose count: vote count
JOSH: Leo just got off the phone with the whip. Last nose count, we're five votes down.
4. step on one's toes: offend
MANDY: I made the decision.
SAM: Right. And I don't mean to step on your toes, but you might want to rethink marrying the lines “Kids are dead. Kids are dead!” and “ Happy Days Are Here Again."
5. Extemporaneous: improvisation
TOBY: Thanks for asking. [pause] Couldn't help but notice you got a little extemporaneous there in the D section. (Improvisation)
BARTLET: Oh, you noticed that, did you?
6.Outdistance: Override BARTLET:
See, I think what Charlie's trying to say is that in this case the singer outdistanced the song.
7.a pain in the ass: annoying ghost
BARTLET: You're what my mother calls a pain in the ass.
TOBY: Well, that's what my mother calls it too, sir.
8. Goofy:
BARTLET: Those damn things make me goofy.
9. Adamant: firm
CHARLIE: Mrs. Bartlet seemed quite adamant.
10.novice: Novice
TOBY: And I'm saying I really couldn't say. I have no background or education in the stock market. I'm a speechwriter.
LEELA: You're the communications director, Toby. You can't tell me you have no...
TOBY: I can tell you, Leela. Ask the Treasury Secretary. Ask the Chairman of the Federal Reserve. I'm a total novice at this.
11. curtain call: curtain call
12. victory lap: The winner of the game goes round the field.
JOSH: We need to take a curtain call and a victory lap.
13. Scrimshaw: Shell carving
14. Dandy: Playboy, handsome
DONNA: I'd imagine with that smoking jacket and the cigarette holder, you were quite the dandy.
15. tripod: three-legged table;
16. sterling silver: sterling silver
LEO: It's the silver bucket that rests on a tripod. In fact, the whole meal should be under sterling silver.
17.Choker: Necklace to tie the neck
LEO: Harry Winston's sending down the choker.
18. Dangle: the swing, the unstable
LEO: His-by You want to Dangle in Front of the Job HIM?
19. Creak: squeak.
JOSH: I wanna let him hear the branch creak. This is to make him feel threatened
. screw around: Fooling around, fooling around
JOSH: If it does work, I think we get the other four votes no problem when word gets out we're not screwing around.
twenty one. squeak by: To manage barely to pass, win, or survive:
KATZENMOYER: Averaging sixty-five hundred. That's money I can just squeak by with.
22. forgive my bluntness: Don't blame me for speaking straight
JOSH: Forgive my bluntness, and I say this with all due respect, Congressman, but vote yes, or you're not even going to be on the ballot two years from now.
deceiving , intimidating KATZENMOYER: You're bluffing.
24. Incumbent: Responsible
KATZENMOYER: It's an incumbent Democrat. You'll go to the press and endorse a challenger?
25. drape: hanging lazily or holding
JOSH: The President is going to drape his arm around the shoulder of some assistant DA we like.
26.admonition: Warning
27. cravat: scarf, bow tie
CJ: 145 dollar Armani cravat, which I'm pretty sure is a necktie. It was a gift from his brother-in-law. He gave it away to the Salvation Army. Information I'm sure the President would prefer his brother- in-law did not have.
28.sun porch: glass corridor
29. a colossal waste of
JOSH: Actually, it only served as a colossal waste of time and energy. Keep up the good work.
30.frat Brotherhood
JOSH: I told the House minority whip he was crazy. No way is Chris Wick jumping the fence. Do you have any idea how stupid this makes me look?
WICK: Uh, look. About that, dude.
JOSH: Shove it, dude. We're not in a frat house anymore.
31.You don't have a clue: You don't have a clue
32. ring a bell: What do you think of
JOSH: Anything ring a bell?
33. grenade launcher: grenade launcher
34. on the leash is constrained and left alone. Leash originally refers to the leash that tied the dog's neck
35. ego: Selfish
WICK: I've been here over a year. Huh. Where's the courtship? This isn't ego. A relationship with the White House is currency around here and I need some.
36.caucus: party caucus meeting
37. To be out of line: It means saying something inappropriate, or doing something inappropriate, especially for elders
LEO: We have to do this inch by inch. You know how this works.
RICHARDSON: No, I know how you guys work.
LEO: That is out of line, Congressman. Guns are number one on my list of priorities and I've never moved the President off of that.
38.an unconscionable waste: unreasonable waste
RICHARDSON: I think it's an unconscionable waste of the taxpayer's money to have it printed, signed and photocopied, to say nothing of enforced.
39. in the bag:
hold the winning ticket HOYNES: It's in the bag.
40. clean as a whistle: It’s as clean as a whistle. It’s not easy to see the meaning of this sentence literally. The source of this idiom is a bit vague. There is a saying that clean as a whistle is a clerical error of clear, which means clear and clear, to this day as clean as a whistle Mainly make a very clean or innocent explanation.
JOSH: Yes. A smoking jacket and a cigarette holder. Both declared items. I am clean as a whistle.
41. Roll up one's sleeves: Roll up one's sleeves:
BARTLET: I like to... roll up my sleeves and you know... [pause]...get involved.
42.shoot through the roof: 飞升
TOBY: Sir. Sir... The situation basically is this. I arranged for a friend to testify to Commerce on Internet stocks while simultaneously, but unrelated to that, bought a technology issue which, partly due to my friend's testimony, shot through the roof.
43.Irish setter: Irish Longhaired Hound
44. Manhandle:
TILLINGHOUSE: These are grown men, with pride and dignity. They can't be manhandled.
45. Snub: Snub
REPORTER 3: Mark Richardson, leader of the Congressional black caucus, a man, I should add, who's seldom at a loss for words, had no comment tonight. None. You have to ask yourself, is this an intentional snub to His old friend Jed Bartlet?

There are some that I didn’t understand by myself:
1. LEO: Well how did the wheels come off this thing? It should be that LEO was surprised and annoyed when he learned that he had lost five votes, and blamed how this happened. But how do you say "wheels come off" specifically?
2. BARTLET: Right in front of everybody. I looked to the side at one point, you know. I half expected to see you coming at me with a salad fork. What does "half expect" mean?
3. TOBY: Leela, I've got forty-eight hours to a crucial floor vote. What does "floor vote" specifically refer to?
4. JOSH: If it doesn't work, I back off. If it doesn't work, we give Katzenmoyer a metro link and we let O'Cannon order off the menu. Did not understand "metro link" and "order off the menu "

The fifth episode of the first season: the crackpots and these women
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First briefly introduce the plot of this episode: LEO regularly organizes a so-called "big block of cheese day", citing that a former president once hung a large block of cheese in the White House to enjoy the public. That is, LEO requires every staff member to listen to the voices of some NGOs and other groups that are usually despised by the White House, and care about the careers and interests of these people. SAM was assigned to receive a representative from a UFO research group, who wanted the president to invest in UFO research; CJ was assigned to receive representatives from several wildlife protection groups, who told the story of a wolf on a long-distance migration, and hoped that the government would invest in it. Millions of people built a "wolf onlyway"; the National Security Agency gave JOSH a mysterious card, which indicated the escape plan in the event of a nuclear attack. JOSH found that neither his colleagues nor his subordinates had this card, which brought back childhood memories. , His sister did not escape the fire to take care of himself, but she escaped. He couldn't stand this state of unique life protection. He struggled all day and finally returned the card to LEO; TOBY believes that Hollywood works Extremely violent, there is no need to please them, and offended the president for this. Toby also learned from MANDY that he was not the first candidate for the president, and was quite disappointed. In the end, he settled with the president at the dinner party; the president’s little Daughter ZOEY is here, and the president personally cooks and serves as a "chili" banquet for the staff.
1. Winded
CHARLIE: Mr. President you look a little winded.
2.slink: Slip away
TOBY: Mr. President, there's no shame in calling it quits. All you have to do is say, "Toby, you're the superior athlete" and slink on off the court.
3. Eulogy: eulogy
TOBY: Oh, this is perfect, you know that? This is a perfect metaphor. After you're gone, and the poets write, “The Legend of Josiah Bartlet” let them write you as a tragic figure, sir. Let the poets write that he had the tools of greatness, but the voices of his better angels was shouted down by his obsessive need to win.
BARTLET: You want to play or write my eulogy?
4.make a substitution
JOSH: Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Who's this guy?
BARTLET: I'm making a substitution.
4. ringer: An imposter athlete, an athlete who enters the game by deception; it can also refer to someone who looks exactly like someone.
TOBY: Who is this guy?
BARTLET: Mr. Grant's a new member of my team.
TOBY: A ringer, perhaps?
5 . brazenly:
TOBY: You know the thing about you, Mr. President? It isn't so much that you cheat. It's how brazenly bad you are at it.
6.mixed doubles:
TOBY: Up on Florida, playing mixed doubles with me and CJ You tried to tell us that your partner worked at the American Consulate in Vienna.
7.be that as it may:
BARTLET: Be that as it may, Toby Ziegler, Josh Lyman, Charlie Young. I would like to introduce Mr. Rodney Grant. Mr. Grant is Associate Director of the President's Council on Physical Fitness. Game point. Your ball. Let's go!
8. revolving door: cross-shaped revolving door
JOSH: Right. [stops by a side table to get coffee] Can we clear up a few things about my level of interest in the revolving door of local gomers that you see, in the free time you create by not working very hard at your job?
9. make a mental list of: memorize one by one10
. snicker
: Snicker LEO: I am making a mental list of those who are snickering, and even as I speak I'm preparing appropriate retribution.
11. jaded:
12. Tired . beneath: Too low-level and detrimental to identity, such as "it was beneath me to beg"
LEO: I know the more jaded among you, see this as something rather beneath you. But I assure you that listening to the voices of passionate Americans is beneath no one, and surely not the peoples' servants.
13. crackpot: lunatic
JOSH: [walks in with CJ] Sorry, we're late. Is it “Total Crackpot Day” again?
LEO: Yes, it is.
14.solitary: The only one
. aberrant: 异的
BARTLET: No, not at all. The US economy remains fundamentally strong as the steady decline in unemployment reflects, which I think is cause for satisfaction, not gloom. The solitary aberrant spike in the PPI is not cause for overreaction.
16. follow up: questioning, continued action
TOBY: Mr President is ....
Bartlet:!.? Ah Mr. Ziegler from Coney Island at The A killjoy by You have have the Follow up
this exercise is carried out aides in answering reporters' questions for the president, per person Both act as a reporter to ask the president questions.
17. Weak-willed BARTLET
: Because I'm weak-willed and stupid.
18. camouflage: Camouflage
SAM: So, you are from the United States Space Command?
BOB: Not a lot of people know about us.
SAM: This is my first time.
BOB: We're a little nerdy, I'll admit.
SAM: You camouflage it well with your clothing.
19. extraterrestrial: Extraterrestrial, cosmic
BOB: I would like you to show the President some data we've collected on some possible extraterrestrial contact.
20. shore up: Support
CJ: You don't have to worry about me on Hollywood fund-raisers. You have to worry about Toby.
MANDY: I know. That's why I'm shoring up support.
21.say nothing of: let alone
LEO: I'm the only one in the room who isn't an economist, but it seems to me that the annual budget for the new fiscal year is found either in balance, in deficit, or in surplus. I don't know how I can sell congress, to say nothing of people who graduated eighth grade on the idea that there's anything in between.
22.outlay: expense
BARTLET: Leo's not talking about the portion being accounted for as off budget and particularly not the long-term capital outlays.
23. startlingly
WOMAN: [to the President] You knew those numbers in your head?
LEO: The President's startlingly freakish that way.
24.beside the point
TOBY: Because 24 hours earlier the President's gonna give a speech to the entertainment industry on violence in film and television.
SAM: A speech I don't think we should be giving.
TOBY: That's beside the point. (off-topic)
MANDY: What's the point?
TOBY: Larry Posner's movies are incredibly violent.
25.be indicative of: representative, foretelling;
26. admonish: Warning
TOBY: No, actually, what I mean to say is Larry Posner's movies are indicative of a Hollywood that is excessibly violent, arrogantly violent, and is promoting violence and the disrespect to human life. Either way, I don't see how we can admonish Hollywood on a Tuesday and cash their check on a Wednesday. How can we do that?
27.hypocritical: hypocritical
BARTLET: Why can't we do both?
TOBY: [sighs] That's not hypocritical, sir?
28.gratuitous: not necessary
BARTLET: Because Sam is right. It's not that Larry Posner's movies have gratuitous sex and gratuitous violence. It's that they suck. They're terrible. But people go to see them because they have gratuitous violence sex and gratuitous violence.
29. eerily: weird place
TOBY: If I were an actor, a writer, or a director, or a producer in Hollywood and someone would start coming at me with a list of things that were American and un-American, I'd start to think that this was sounding eerily familiar.
30.Doughnut: Donuts
31. oujia board: Lingying board: a trademark for wooden boards and support boards with letters and other symbols written on it. People think that when they touch it with their fingers, it will move in a certain way and stay in place. Spelling out psychic or telepathic information on the board
JOSH: Are we spending any time working on UFOs?
SAM: That's what I said.
JOSH: Because coming on the heels of Mrs. Bartlet's Ouija board...
32. denude: make naked, deprive
MAN 2: For four years, scientists have tracked Pluie as she made her way from Banff National Park in Alberta up and down the Rockies. In that time, she's made three round trips between Canada and Wyoming covering 40,000 square miles.
MAN 1: We think you'll admit it was a pretty impressive performance for Pluie especially when you consider the impediments of modern life she had to conquer: highways, housing, forest denuded of trees.
33.trek: trek
34. pack: horde
MAN 1: Why does Pluie make the trek? Because wolves have to breed with many packs in order to keep from becoming extinct. (trek: 長數行; pack: horde)
CJ: Really?
MAN 1: If they breed among themselves, they'll eventually produce offspring that's genetically weaker, thus endangering their long-term survival.
CJ: That helps explain Buckingham Palace. [laughs]
35. overpass: American middle finger overpass
CJ: [surprised] The wolves-only roadway?
MAN: Eighteen hundred miles from Yellowstone to the Yukon Territory complete with highway overpasses and no cattle grazing.
36.S&L Bailout: An emergency assistance proposal for deposit and lending institutions
37. grizzly bear
38.nudnik: boring person
TOBY: And you called me paranoid?
CJ: Yes.
TOBY: And a nudnik. You called me a paranoid nudnik.
39.Triscuit: Three-layer sandwich biscuits, produced by Nabisco Biscuit Company, which produces "Oreo" biscuits.
JOSH: You look good!
ZOEY: And, you look like death in a triscuit.
JOSH: Oh, thanks very much. I'm seeing a new barber.
CHARLIE: You're forbidden from adding additional cumin to the chili.

There are some that I didn't understand by myself:
1. JOSH: Are we spending any time working on UFOs?
SAM: That's what I said.
JOSH: Because coming on the heels of Mrs. Bartlet's Ouija board...
Does "coming on the heels" mean next? What does JOSH's joke mean?
2. LEO [cont.]: Going punch for punch with Toby in a world that tells women to sit down and shut up. Mandy's already won her battle with the President. The game's over, but she's not done. She wants Toby.
Among them, "Going What does punch for punch" mean?

The sixth episode of the first season: Mr. Willis of Ohio

This episode mainly talks about these things: DONNA learned that the government’s budget was surplus for the first time, the Republicans advocated returning the money to taxpayers, while the Democrats allocated it to various projects. DONNA followed JOSH all day and said "I want "my money back"; CJ found that he had nothing to do with the census and asked SAM as a teacher; in order to pass the budget, the prohibition on sampling censuses must be lifted. The census is in conformity with the US Constitution, while sampling surveys are unconstitutional. In order to persuade three voters, TOBY moved out the original text of the constitution and argued with them. One of the three people was temporarily replacing his wife who had just passed away to vote. As a black, he was deeply discriminatory against colored races in the original text of the constitution. Feeling unfair, agreed to use sample surveys to fight for the benefits that black voters deserved. TOBY knew he was just using his sense of justice to achieve the success of the debate. While guilty, he also deeply respected him. The president felt that CHARLIE's life was too monotonous. , Asked JOSH to take him out to the bar. ZOEY and LEO’s daughter MALLORY also followed. SAM and CJ were walking along. ZOEY was entangled by a few boys. JOSH called in agents in time to avoid a fight. The president was furious and blamed his daughter for not having a fight. Linking her own security with the security of the country, warned her that if she is kidnapped by terrorists, it will put the government in a dilemma.

1. flush: Five flush cards, a hand of cards of the same suit but not arranged in numerical order, in the playing cards higher than five straight cards (straight) and lower than full house cards (full house).
2.Straight: Five straight cards, consisting of five consecutive cards
3. inane: hollow
TOBY: Mr. President, check or bet sir. Those are your choices.
BARTLET: There is one fruit...
JOSH: Or you should feel free to give us a quiz on inane trivia.
BARTLET: There is one fruit whose seeds are on the outside. Name it please.
4. punctuation marks
BARTLET: There are fourteen punctuation marks in Standard English grammar. Can anyone name them please?
5.Confluence: Confluence
6. Wink Martindale is a host of interactive TV programs. He has been in the broadcasting industry for 30 years. He has hosted programs such as "Gambit", "High Rollers" and "Tic-Tac-Dough"
BARTLET: All right. What body of water in South America is formed by the confluence...?
TOBY: Excuse me Wink Martindale? Do you really think this is the time?
7.Saber rattling: Saber (English spelling sabre) is a long sword worn by soldiers. Sometimes they just shake their swords to intimidate each other, and don't really take any action. Now, when people or the government just intimidate others without taking further action, it is rattling their sabers or saber rattling.
SAM:[into phone] ...And the President's committed to vetoing any Commerce Bill that prohibits sampling data as a legitimate component of the 2000 Census, and I'm not saber rattling Jill, I'm just giving you a preview of what you're gonna get later with Toby. Yeah. I'll see you then.
8.nuances. nuances.
SAM: You don't understand the census?
CJ: I don't understand certain nuances.
SAM: Like what?
CJ: Like, the census.
9. Open Shake out, which is equivalent to turn out to be
DONNA: There's a 30 billion dollar budget surplus.
JOSH: It'll actually shake out to about 32 billion.
10.nifty's playful
JOSH: A billion dollars here, a billion dollars there. Sooner or later it starts to add up to real money.
DONNA: That's a nifty saying Josh.
11. Appropriations Bill Government Budget
12. tile: ceramic tile;
13. grout: Cement paste
TOBY: 550,000 dollars for New York State to restore the home of Susan B. Anthony.
JOSH: While we're at it, the tile in my shower could use re-grouting. The
state budget has a surplus for the first time, everyone will Funds are allocated to each project
14. swing votes
MANDY: We have a meeting with Gladman and Skinner, and they represent two of the three swing votes on the Commerce Committee.
LEO: Swing votes in terms of the census?
MANDY: Yes. And if they agree to drop the sampling prohibition, the Appropriations Bill could pass without a problem.
15. do the trick: Success
GLADMAN: Mandy, if I'd known you were going to be here I would have brought my sword and shield.
MANDY: Champagne and flowers would've done the trick.
16. Manure: Fertilizer
TOBY: This represents the latest draft of the House Appropriations Bill. It is 7,000 pages long, and weighs over 55 pounds. It includes 1.2 million dollars for a lettuce geneticist in Salinas, California and 1.7 million dollars for manure handling in Starkville , Mississippi.
17. despots
GLADMAN: I thought we were here to talk about the census?
JOSH: We are. The White House just wanted to take this opportunity to point out that you're criminals and despots.
18.non-refundable non-refundable
TOBY: I would like to emphasize the long floor fight of it all, and remind you that I have absolutely no conscience when it comes to exploiting the fact that you have non-refundable airline tickets for the weekend. With that in mind...
19. Crack wise
SAM: Let me try to conjure an image of you as a stupid person.
CJ: You're cracking wise. I'm coming to you exposed and vulnerable.
CJ: I'm a person saying there's something I do not know, will you teach me. It's hard to admit you don't know something. That makes me submissive.
SAM: The Constitution mandates that every ten years we count everybody.
22. leer: send autumn waves;
23. coed: Girls in co-educational schools
MRS. LANDINGHAM: Josh, aren't you a little old to be leering at college coeds?
JOSH: I'm a Fulbright scholar Mrs. Landingham. I don't leer. Also, there'll be plenty of grad students there.
twenty four. Booty call: When someone calls or pages you for sex. Or the call made by the winner. What should I mean here?
MALLORY: Bring Sam Seaborn.
JOSH: Sam's got enough going on in his life right now without you making a booty call.
MALLORY: I'm not making a booty call. We had an interesting conversation that got interrupted, and I'd like to finish it with him.
25. sweep sb off sb's feet make someone fascinated
JOSH: If you want to come... I guess that'd be okay.
CJ: Why, Josh, you've swept me off my feet .
26. Unearth unearthed
TOBY: My staff managed to unearth a copy (of the Constitution).
27. It wasn't expediency was not out of self-interest
TOBY: Well, I know it wasn't expediency sir. I was wondering what changed your mind? WILLIS: You did. I thought you made a very strong argument.
28.take a back seat to
回居…的次席TOBY: Well thank you. [laughs] I'm smiling because, well, around here the merits of a particular argument generally take a back seat to political tactics.
WILLIS: I can imagine.
29. roll call
Willis: I've got a roll call. (Roll call)
TOBY: Nothing to it. They call your name, you vote yea.
30. prom:
舞会BARTLET: Marriage needs attention Leo. It can't run on autopilot. Come on. It's not your prom date we're talking about here. We're talking about your family!
31. Panic button: During World War II, the pilot of an American bomber pressed the panic button to notify the crew to land in an emergency situation where the aircraft was damaged. Later, there was a hit (or push) the panic button in the spoken language, which meant panic. It said that a person was confused and at a loss when encountering an emergency or extraordinary situation, just like a pilot pressing the panic button indiscriminately. In spoken language, people don’t panic: Don’t go hitting the panic button. Hit (push) the panic button is also called press the panic button, but press does not seem to panic as much as hit. This refers to the real "emergency button" specially equipped by the president for his daughter. Once there is an emergency, ZOEY will have special agents rush to rescue in time when ZOEY presses it.
32. pester:
邊邊JOSH: I wouldn't say that there was urgency in my voice. I was simply asking if he was having a good time, and suggesting that if he relaxed...
CJ: Well, maybe if you stopped pestering him like you were his great Aunt Ida...
At the request of the president , JOSH took CHARLIE to the bar, always worried that he was not having a good time, and kept asking him if he was happy.
33. fairy boys gay
JOSH: [coming up from behind Charlie] How's everybody doin?
GUY 1: Oh good, more fairy boys. (Gay boy)
JOSH: Excuse me?
GUY 1: I said, more fairy boys.
JOSH: Oh, this is too good to be true.
34.whisk: get away;
35. petrify: stunned; BARTLET:
You go out to a bar or a party in some club, and you get up to go to the restroom, somebody comes up from behind, puts their hand across your mouth, and whisks you out the back door . You're so petrified, you don't even notice the bodies of two secret service agents lying on the ground with bullet holes in their heads.
BARTLET: You're tied to a chair in a cargo shack, somewhere in the middle of Uganda.
37.Parable has a metaphor
DONNA: Yes. As it turns out you actually gave me more money than I needed to buy what you asked for. However, knowing you as I do, I'm afraid I can't trust you to spend the change wisely. I' ve decided to invest it for you.
JOSH: That was nice. That was a little parable.
DONNA: I want my money back.

The seventh episode of the first season: the state dinner
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Let me briefly introduce the plot of this episode. The White House was busy at the beginning of this episode: a hurricane named "sarah" was coming fiercely, truck drivers went on strike against the dual-track employment system, believing that the treatment of long-term full-time and short-term part-time jobs is different. Under Idaho, the FBI is encircling one. In the residential houses, everyone in the house has weapons and is taking hostages. The President of Indonesia is visiting. The White House is preparing for the state banquet that evening. TOBY and SAM are responsible for writing the president's speech. MANDY believes that the hostage crisis should be resolved peacefully first, and advocates sending negotiators, while JOSH believes that a quick resolution should be made without hesitating the use of force. The president adopted Mandy's suggestion, but in the end the negotiator was injured, and both the president and Mandy were very guilty. TOBY believes that the United States should represent the most democratic stance to save the education of the third world, so in his speech he spoke fiercely, criticizing Indonesia's dictatorship. The hurricane suddenly changed its direction. A group of fleets that had left the station just in case encountered a hurricane that turned head-on. The situation was very critical. The president connected with the soldiers on the ship to express condolences. Negotiations on the truck strike have reached a deadlock, and the president has come forward with strong oppression in order to break through. The first lady came back from abroad, and she comforted her husband in the face of many unsatisfactory incidents. TOBY and JOSH negotiated with an Indonesian official and ordered Indonesia to release a French political prisoner. The official spoke fluent English to refute TOBY's disrespect in his wine speech, and severely rejected the two requests.

1. beaded: Beaded with beads;
2.bodice: Women's corset
CJ: The first lady will be wearing a Badgely Mischka silk Shantung gown with a beaded bodice.
3.pleat: Discount
CJ: I'm also told to inform you she will be carrying a Christina Bomba silk pleated organdy drawstring evening bag.
4.Press credential: Press credential
CJ: Man alive, do I love it when In Style magazine is issued press credentials. Mirabella needed to know what kind of wine is being served with the fish course.
JOSH: Sarah is picking up speed and power and has now been classified as a class four system. You might want to talk about preparations and contingencies.
CJ: Sure. What are we talking about?
JOSH: Hurricane Sarah.
6 . landfall: Landfall
CJ: Where is it heading?
JOSH: Georgia and parts of the Carolinas.
CJ: When?
JOSH: It will hit landfall by tonight.
7.Teamsters truck driver
8. ball game
TOBY: The FBI decided it's a hostage situation. So, we have ourselves a whole new ball game.
9.crippling: critical
CJ: So, let me see if I have this.[looks at Josh] A hurricane's picked up speed and power and is heading for Georgia. [looks at Sam] Management and labor are coming here to work out a settlement to avoid a crippling strike that will begin at midnight tonight.
10.Factoid: news that is believed to be true only because of its appearance in publications;
11. out of proportion:
DONNA: I've been doing some reading on my own.
JOSH: I wish you wouldn't do that.
JOSH: Because you tend to call some bizarre factoid from a less than reputable source and then you blow it all out of proportion.
DONNA: I just thought you might like to know that in certain parts of Indonesia, they summarily execute people they suspect of being sorcerers.
JOSH: They... summarily execute people they suspect of being sorcerers?
DONNA: They behead them.
14. Scythe
DONNA: You know with... what's that thing that Death carries?
JOSH: A scythe.
15. two tiered hiring: two tiered hiring; where tier refers to tier, rank
TOBY: What's the issue?
SAM: Two tiered hiring. (two tiered hiring: tier, rank)
LEO: A company divides its workforce into two bodies. Long term, full time employees, who enjoy top market wages and benefits, and part time, or newer full time employees who are paid a lower waged scale and usually get no benefits.
16. de facto: Actual
CJ: But, they're part time employees.
MANDY: But, a lot of them aren't. A lot of the workers that management designated as part time are de facto full time employees while working the same amount of hours under a different designation at lower wages with no health or pension.
17 . Turnpike
LITTLE:...For us to accept wage costs that are significantly greater than our competitors, would render us unable to compete...
RUSSO: You know, you're full of crap, Seymour.
LEO: This is the White House, Bobby, it's not the Jersey turnpike. Watch your mouth.
18. rig: Manipulate
BARTLET: I'm sitting out there trying to figure out how this guy campaign for something and win, then I remembered--we usually rig the elections.
LEO: I just wanted to let you know that we're going to clear out a battle carrier group from the Norfolk Naval Yard.
BARTLET: Because of the hurricane?
LEO: Yes. It's standard procedure. They want to get the ships out of the way.
BARTLET: All right, fine.
LEO: And this is just in case someone asks you why we deployed an entire group in the North Atlantic.
20.enshrine: Remember
SAM: [reads again] "It's time for your government to live up to the promises enshrined in the hearts and minds of your people as well as the laws of your land?"
21. candidly: frankly
SAM: Something like... It has often been said, a true friend tells another friend the truth and on some issues, we must speak candidly, or we could not, in all honesty, hold the great honor of being known the world over as Indonesia's friend.?
22. chandelier
CJ: The collection is kept in the Gold Room along with the ten-arm glass cut chandelier which was made in England in 1785.
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Extended Reading
  • Mona 2022-03-26 09:01:07

    If you are too patriotic, don't watch it lest you fall in love with the US government

  • Liana 2022-04-20 09:01:54

    HIMYM is always the best

The West Wing quotes

  • [still new to the White House, Josh can't find his desk]

    Josh Lyman: I'll just walk around some more and see if I can get into a pick-up meeting.

  • Representative Matthew Santos: I don't care if it's three Bosnians, an Armenian, and a bus full of party clowns!