An eye for an eye, only the blind are left in the world

Jean 2022-04-21 09:01:40

Good base, good psycho, Ireland and writers and government police inexplicably laying guns I didn't understand and then turned in the middle

The magic is that murder is no longer a crime in it, because it is for the sake of heaven and justice, and it is implied that it is not the murderer who goes to hell, not the rapist, but the people they kill. The plot is exquisite and interesting depth

Woody is so cute and handsome crime film representative

The brain hole in the cemetery is flying! ! At the end, I realized that those scenes are all three people yy. The whole film is writing the script hahahaha I thought it was a popcorn comedy when I saw the title, but it was actually an anti-violence theme. I watched the plot for the first time and watched the soul bravo for the second time! ! !

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Extended Reading

Seven Psychopaths quotes

  • Billy: This is kind of like that window of time when you're waiting in the waiting room of the VD clinic, isn't it? For the door to open and the doctor to come out and say, "Billy, you're good to go." Or, "Billy, you've got VD." Or chlamydia or whatever.

  • Billy: Where's your guns?

    Charlie: You said don't bring none, so I didn't bring none.

    Billy: You didn't bring a gun to the final shoot-out?