Your truth and my truth

Austin 2022-12-08 02:42:12

The "Gospel of John" says: I was born to bear witness to the truth.

This tone will never be seen again today. Of course, in fact, the philosophers back then did not give too much concession, and they never lacked and never lacked the courage to bear witness to the truth. Aristotle directly declared that the ideal person in his heart should be: "He must also be distinct in love and hatred, because he hides his feelings—that is, how caring about the truth is not as good as caring for others—but he is a coward. Part of it." Another famous saying from him is more familiar to us: He I love my teacher, and I love the truth more.

However, perhaps many people are more willing to agree with Pilate's statement. In the Bible, Jesus said: "Anyone who comes from the truth listen to my voice." Pilate asked back: "What is the truth?" Skepticism no longer exists as a rigorous school, but people tend to it. There are still many people, but what is more powerful than this rhetorical question: What is the truth?

Yeah, what is the truth? The Bible says that whoever confesses that he is innocent will raise a stone. But in the movie, they still lifted up their stones without hesitation and smashed them at the sinners in their hearts. When they all regard the Bible as the supremacy, they can still use it as the authority to do it, and all they can do is to explain it differently. However, if the opponent is holding up the Koran, and your truth and mine collide more nakedly, then what is truth?

We are often afraid of those who claim to have the absolute truth. Those people have too much fanaticism and intolerance. This era does not need fanaticism. Some things must be wrong: violence, massacre, persecution...

Truth must be unique. So in English it says a lie, but it says the Truth. For

example, the truth of Hypatia is knowledge and truth, while the truth of Christians is the kingdom of heaven and the cross. When the two supreme truths that cannot be retreated collide, then the weak can only be physically succumbed. In the history of thought, there has almost never been a doctrine that yields and concedes defeat. After the people who always support them die, they are gradually forgotten by people. It is almost never possible to convince an opponent.

For another example, as anti-idolatry Christians, facing the idolatry Egyptian gods, they should naturally laugh at it. Tolerance is a sin; and as Egyptian pagan worshipers, their insults are of course even more unacceptable. So, our God asks us to kill you, is that perfectly justified?

Another example is that Christians themselves are arguing. I don’t know how many people died for the Trinity problem. In the movie, Cyril, the bishop of Alexandria who persecuted Hypatia, had a quarrel with Nestorius, another bishop of Constantinople, who was declared a heresy. Later, the issues they argued over may seem to us almost boring. For example, are the Son and the Father homogeneous or qualitative? Is the light around Jesus created or uncreated? Does the Holy Spirit also come from the Son? Most people may be uninterested in these issues, but these were major issues of life and death back then.

However, sometimes I even think that, compared with today, political correctness has become the supreme truth that cannot be touched in the era of once so aggressive.

Indeed, there is no room for any regress on the issue of truth...especially saving things that are related to family life...If the true God exists, perhaps he would not agree with today's tolerance. Because religious tolerance may only be a political issue, not a theological issue. At least, tolerance is not the ultimate answer to truth, but only a compromise answer.

But, has everyone really never succumbed? When Davus strangled Hypatia, maybe he was trying to make up for his conscience for his fault? However, he knows that Hypatia is innocent, so where is his conscience at this time? Why not listen to the call of conscience and declare Hypatia innocent? What is he afraid of? Is it the scolding of the Christian brothers? When faced with the persecution of the empire and the butcher knife, the martyrs had full courage, because they lost their lives, won praises and even canonized. However, when faced with their own personal identification, can they still have full courage?

If everyone really listens to their truth, will it really cause blood to flow into a river?

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Agora quotes

  • Hypatia: [Looks up at night sky] If I could just unravel this just a little bit more, and just get a little closer to the answer, then... Then I would go to my grave a happy woman.

  • Heladius Dignitary: The majority of us here... have accepted Christ. Why not the rest of you? It's only a matter of time and you know it.

    Hypatia: Really? It is just a matter of time?... As far as I am aware, your God has not yet proved himself to be more just or more merciful than his predecessors. Is it really just a matter of time before I accept your faith?

    Heladius Dignitary: Why should this assembly accept the council of someone who admittedly believes in absolutely nothing?

    Hypatia: I believe in philosophy.