Big Monster Jason

Cullen 2022-08-19 05:25:51

I recently watched "Black Friday" and finished 7 titles in two days. I will continue to try to finish it tomorrow.

Sum up these two days and watch the "Black Friday" series.

Little Jason, unfortunately lost his childhood to Crystal Lake. Who knew that there was a mother who loved her son with a mental retardation so much. Her love was so perverted that her mother killed N camp workers. Originally, Jason’s mother was also a very good killer. I didn’t expect that when she wanted to kill the last person, she would show up as the protagonist and have a wonderful ending. However, all the big villains would be guilty. Many, in the end, a little girl had her head cut off. Unfortunately, it happened that my precious son saw that he was dying, which caused a serious blow to the fragile hearts of Jason's children, and finally created a generation of legends.

The child Jason is extraordinary as soon as he takes the head of his old mother to avenge his old mother. The technique is clean and neat, and the psychological and tactical play is better than his old mother. Then he went home and became his rich landlord, guarding his three-acre land and wandering around Crystal Lake. Kill batch after batch of innocent stuff.

Then he always made the same mistake as his dead ghost old lady, always felt that there were too few opportunities to show his face. When the last 1 or 2 people were killed in the accurate statistics department, there were a few more mirrors in the last half an hour. Even if there is a chance, even the ice hockey mask has to be taken off to show everyone their savory beauty, so that people don't forget that face. Let the last person see all their trophies, see their scared expressions, satisfy their vanity, and then follow them leisurely, and then get killed by others. In fact, Jason's profession is an assassin. He wants to be assassinated. It's really not as a gangster who rushes all over the street. His nickname is just to die, and he can only be a behind-the-scenes hero.

In fact, Jason’s children are still worth learning. Look at Jason. As a mentally handicapped child, he did not go to school. He has a strong physique in the wilderness. He has learned the art of war by his grandson and is able to connect in life. After using it, I also understand the structure and use skills of all items (house structure, car structure, household appliances, electric saws, spear guns, and even items that have never been seen before). The most amazing thing is that I have mastered it through countless practices With the skill of projectiles, the professional skills of killing have made a qualitative leap. In a word: Jason is not terrible, I am afraid that Jason is literate!

In general, Jason is definitely a complete eugenic, a good boy with comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical, beauty, and labor.

Look at De: Jason’s hands are not stained with children’s blood, which fully shows that he Don't bully the weak, (do not count women, my dear mother was chopped off by a little lady, this hatred must be reported, which also shows Jason's distinct personality of love and hatred). I always see a bunch of naked adults dangling in front of my eyes, and I didn't vent my animality. It shows that Jason is definitely a gentleman.

Look at the wisdom: Jason used his psychological tactics to the fullest, hitting the west, Mingxiu plank road secretly crossing Chencang, need to outsmart and outsmart, need to attack all to attack, know when to disconnect the wire, when to disconnect the phone line. From time to time, I do some small innovations and play a few new tricks.

Look at the body: Who dares to say that Jason's health is not good? Whoever says it is estimated that Jason will go to his house with a big hatchet at night. Look at the number of scars on the head. What kind of head is this? Two hands can squeeze out the eyeballs of a person. What kind of arm strength is this? , The Great Wall will never fall even after being shot. The most awesome thing is that the wildfires can't be burned and the spring breeze blows and regenerates. How many years have been soaked in the water and buried in the soil for many years, and given a chance, we can get up and continue to kill.

Look at the beauty: Jason, this is violent beauty, damn it, everything I don't like will have to die.

Look at Law: Jason has always done it by himself, building his own house, making clothes and food for himself, and being able to make himself so strong is absolutely in place in terms of nutrition.

Let us learn from Jason!

Some people say that the story is unreasonable. There are countless opportunities for Jason and Jason to be knocked out. Why do they miss so many opportunities? Just imagine that both Jason and Jason have countless opportunities to treat the last survivor like others. The same KO silently, if this continues, how do you watch the movie. It is estimated that there will be more scolding mothers.

A movie is a story. The original intention is to relax yourself. A horror movie is to relax after a high level of mental stress. This is enough. Don't think about finding any deep meaning from it. Looking for the central idea of ​​the article, you need to pay attention to the Chinese exam when you go to school.

The Black Friday series is originally an old film, and the merchants continue to shoot in order to please the old audience. Just like some time-honored brands, they may not be outstanding in themselves, but some like it very much. Don't compare him with blockbuster movies. When this movie came out in the 1980s, many people who watched it now weren't born. If you compare it from a movie perspective, you can save it.

personal opinion.

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Friday the 13th quotes

  • Trent: [to Clay] I would probably leave soon before I get pissed off and, you know...

    Clay Miller: Yeah?

    Trent: Yeah.

    [looks from Clay to door, seemingly tough]

    Clay Miller: [unfazed] What happens then?

  • Lawrence: I got business I gotta do this weekend.

    Chelsea: What business?

    Lawrence: Music. I'm trying to start a label.

    Chelsea: Oh, yeah? Like what kind? Like rap?

    Lawrence: Why you gotta go racial? Look, don't put me in a box, all right? What, because I'm black I can't listen to Green Day?

    Chelsea: You're right, that was dumb. So, what kind of music?

    Lawrence: Rap.