May every voyage our captain be "Captain Sully"

Kole 2022-04-23 07:01:39

Spoilers involved. I told my friends that the adaptation of "Captain China" was a bit too much, and the passage through thunderstorm clouds was very unnecessary, so they recommended me the movie "Captain Sully". The whole play of "Captain Sully" first gave the result in a way of retrospect. Because the bird strike caused all the damage to the aircraft engine, Captain Sully successfully landed the plane on the water. The joy of the rest of his life did not last long. Sally was told that the engine on the verified side was still working, and after a computer simulation, the original plane could fly back to the airport. Immediately afterwards, the accident was filmed from the perspective of a bystander. That is to say, it was first shot from the side of the tower personnel who talked to Captain Sally at that time and the scenes seen by the major rescuers after the accident. At this point the mystery has not been solved, and it is uncertain whether the plane's engine has completely failed and whether Captain Sully has given up on a better option. Before the public trial, Captain Sally suddenly figured out the key and proposed to use people to simulate the situation at that time. In the public trial, we saw simulation personnel who had no sense of urgency and faced emergencies without a sense of crisis. At that moment, I understood that the so-called computer simulation can safely drive the plane back to the airport because it has no "human nature".

Finally, the conversation between the two captains in the cockpit that day was released. Within 208 seconds of the start of the flight, Captain Sally judged calmly that his skilled driving skills, and the trust and assistance of the co-pilot were the reason for the safe emergency landing. The key to the water surface, and the rescue of all passengers is inseparable from the rapid rescue of the rescue team. The engine that was finally salvaged also proved that all the engines on both sides of the aircraft were damaged.

The story the film is trying to tell is simple, and it also highlights how important the help of the captain and all the rescue and flight crews involved at the time was. But with a very good entry point, the interspersed shooting method not only leaves suspense but also makes people feel the suffocating feeling of the cockpit for 208 seconds. There are no exaggerated special effects, it looks very real.

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Extended Reading

Sully quotes

  • [last lines]

    Elizabeth Davis: [At the NTSB investigation proceedings] First Officer Skiles, is there anything you'd like to add? Anything... you would have done differently if you... had to do it again?

    Jeff Skiles: Yes. I would've done it in July.

  • Sheila Dail: [cabin crew chanting] Brace brace brace! Heads down! Stay down!