About My Memories of "Captain Sully"

Emil 2022-04-22 07:01:07

I saw the Chinese captain long before Captain Sally, and many people said in the barrage, "Oh, our Chinese captain is really bad." In fact, I don't think there are many comparisons. I can only say that Captain Sally's is more documentary. The layout is bigger.

Okay, let’s talk about Captain Sally next. This film is nearly two hours long, but it is enough to let us know about Captain Sally’s life (not in detail), from his youth learning to pilot a plane to when he was driving a fighter jet. Dealing with accidents, minor inconveniences at home, and various reactions to the investigation by the National Security Committee, all kinds of plots are interspersed without violation and are very appropriate.

This film is not more about emphasizing the various manifestations of human nature on the plane when the disaster strikes. What he describes more is after the disaster. The captain saved a plane, but he had to accept the investigation and suspicion of the safety committee. Trying to get him to accept that "your decision to land on the river was wrong even though no one was killed". To be honest, I really don't know if it's even a bit inhumane to be investigated after a plane accident, despite being handled well at the time.

Has the captain ever doubted himself? I think so. Faced with the pressure of the investigation, the family members distrusted and understood a little bit. Fortunately, he found a crucial "time point" - didn't the investigation committee say that he went through a simulation The plane line is safe to arrive at the airport, so have they considered human response time? How many times did you practice before you succeeded? So the climax came. During the hearing, we once again reviewed the recording of the captain's handling of emergencies. Although we have seen how the captain handled the accident before, this time again Looking back, I am deeply in awe of the captain. In a short period of time, he was so calm and saved the lives of the whole aircraft. Although there is not much performance on the flight attendant's reaction, the short pictures in the film are enough to let us see the professionalism of the flight attendant. Really respect!

"No matter what happens, don't abandon your plane."

(I feel that I often express my views and ideas in a long paragraph, and good writers often have a few sentences enough to express very concise. However, I am not a writer hahaha, let's make progress)

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Extended Reading

Sully quotes

  • [last lines]

    Elizabeth Davis: [At the NTSB investigation proceedings] First Officer Skiles, is there anything you'd like to add? Anything... you would have done differently if you... had to do it again?

    Jeff Skiles: Yes. I would've done it in July.

  • Sheila Dail: [cabin crew chanting] Brace brace brace! Heads down! Stay down!