Everyone does their best

Providenci 2022-04-21 09:01:42

The film culminates in the harsh hearing faced by Captain Sally after the accident, and reproduces the disaster from multiple angles through flashbacks with different focuses. What is moving is everyone's attitude towards life, whether it is to save a life or feel that he is about to lose his life, it makes people feel documentary and moving.

The film does not exaggerately make Captain Sally do things we can't imagine, but adds human unease, anxiety, helplessness and reluctance to him, so that people can see his firmness and indecision. solution, his self-determination and perseverance, as well as his attitude and courage to fulfill his duties.

In the face of disasters, people will turn to the people and things that they think are the most important. He knows that his life is about to be lost, but he still loves, or even loves his relatives more. Such moments are touching.

There are several places in the film where tourists are written. One is that she feels that her mother's love is never enough, but she expressed her deep love for her at the last moment; A father with eyes full of eyes; another is when facing a collision, a strange man next door said to help the mother of the baby to protect and take care of the baby. Such details abound, and Mr. Dongmu is very delicate.

The little brother at the console was unwilling to give up the plane that he was commanding and dispatching. He didn't believe that all the people on the plane would be killed, but tears had already flowed down his cheeks. When the reporter calculated the cold weather, wind speed, body surface temperature and water surface temperature when reporting, several lifeboats in the distance rushed to rescue. Although they are old, the flight attendants of the flight crew repeatedly reminded everyone in unison to make an emergency landing in the face of disasters and do what they should do. This is not sensational, not pretentious acting and filming, but it is moving, which is a real moving.

Tom Hanks' performance is calm and restrained, his unsmiling temper, frowning brows, firm footsteps and eyes make people believe in him from the bottom of their hearts, and make people feel that the control lever of the aircraft is so small, and his hands are so small. It's that big, and it's that fine.

Before the hearing, his wife called to say that she realized that her husband was among the 155 people rescued. She realized that she had almost lost him, and this family of four with two daughters had almost lost him. Perhaps for a long time, Sally told his wife how to make the plane land safely and how to ensure that there are a lot of passengers. She is also used to thinking from the perspective of a protector, but her husband is also a protected member. The one who loves the most and fears losing the most.

Sally saved so many people, and correspondingly involved so many family and social relationships. Sally also saved himself and saved his family from pain. From everyone returning to a small family, this is what the main theme should look like.

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Sully quotes

  • [last lines]

    Elizabeth Davis: [At the NTSB investigation proceedings] First Officer Skiles, is there anything you'd like to add? Anything... you would have done differently if you... had to do it again?

    Jeff Skiles: Yes. I would've done it in July.

  • Sheila Dail: [cabin crew chanting] Brace brace brace! Heads down! Stay down!