A different kind of revenge

Fabian 2022-04-23 07:01:39

The movie is adapted from a novel, the original name of the novel is "Tony & Susan", which is very interesting. Tony is the name of the hero in the novel of the male lead, and Susan is the name of the heroine of the real line. Susan's real-life ex-husband, the man who wrote the novel, is named Edward.

Both Tony and Edward are played by Jake Gyllenhaal, which means that when Susan was reading the original manuscript of the novel, she did bring in her ex-husband Edward, who can be described as "cowardly" but put on a "sensitive" coat . In the novel, the person who dared not fight with the road hooligans and hid behind the rock and dared not speak is Tony. In reality, he worked in a bookstore and couldn't write a good work. The person who was ridiculed by Susan that he would go back to school to teach is Edward. In the novel, Tony's wife and daughter were killed by Ray and his accomplices; in reality, Edward watched Susan and her lover snuggle in the car in the rain, when Susan had just had a miscarriage. Tony and Edward have too much in common. I think Edward deliberately wrote these coincidences into the novel, making Susan feel that Tony was Edward, and what happened to Tony was what happened to Edward. They both lived miserably, and in reality, Edward left Susan. In the next nineteen years, he did not remarry. Is it because of Susan? When Susan recalls, there is a paragraph when evaluating Edward's manuscripts at a young age: "You shouldn't just write stories about yourself". But now when I read "Nocturnal Animals", who is always bringing in and who interprets the story. Are these coincidences in the novel leading Susan to guilt step by step? ashamed? mercy? Regret? Undoubtedly, this is part of Edward's revenge.

Susan is mentally ill, she can't sleep, literally can't sleep, and "nocturnal animal" refers to herself. On the night after she received Edward's manuscript, she continued to read and open the world of novels. As a result, she wandered about in real work, stared at a painting of "REVENGE" in the corridor in confusion, and asked the assistant what happened to the painting, and the assistant told her that you bought it. For this episode, I think the painting Susan is looking at may not really be a work with "REVENGE" written on it, she has hallucinations at this moment. Because then she took the assistant's mobile phone, and when she was looking at the baby, a man's face suddenly appeared on the screen, and she was so frightened that she broke the phone. In a panic, Susan explained that seeing people on the phone, the assistant echoed that there were indeed people on the screen. But I don't think they're talking about the same person, the man Susan saw might be her hallucination. So is this a mapping? When she and her assistant were discussing the painting, what they saw was not the same painting. Only Susan saw "REVENGE". Because she subconsciously felt "revenge". The current husband cheated, and the despised ex completed the novel. At least Susan was very unwilling at the time. She might think that fate played a big joke on her. In the past, she couldn't agree more with her mother's values, defending Edward everywhere, saying that he had "a different kind of strength". But her mother mocked Susan for being too idealistic, and Susan, who married Edward, would not end well. This revenge comes from Susan's mother and the environment where Susan grew up. She had no worries about food and clothing since she was a child, and when she grew up and squeezed into the upper class, the idealistic Edward would naturally part ways with her.

The heroine saw the paintings hanging in her own company

When Susan read the novel, she resonated with the plot of the novel and was moved by the beautiful words, so she wrote an email to Edward, asking him to come out to meet, and said "much to say". Susan used to live a good life and had a good family and business, but now her husband is cheating and the gallery economy is in crisis. Does she want to meet Edward to find some warmth? When Susan received the email agreeing to go to the appointment, she recalled the wonderful embrace between the two, and Susan must be full of joyful expectations for this date. Dressed up carefully, but wiped off the lipstick, removed the ring, as if going back to nineteen years ago, waiting for a date with Edward. And waiting for another round of revenge, Edward didn't make the appointment until the end of the movie. It can also be said that this is an open ending, and it can be assumed that Edward had 108 stories on his way and could not arrive before the end of the movie. But in this movie, Edward completes his revenge with a never-before-seen one.

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Nocturnal Animals quotes

  • Bobby Andes: So, I'll tell what we got, we had a attempted to round up at a supermarket and mall last night just before closing. Caught one of the guys, one got killed, one got away.

    Tony Hastings: What you want me to do?

    Bobby Andes: See if you can recognize the one we caught. You can look at the dead one too, although I don't really think it's necessary, we know who he is.

    Tony Hastings: Who?

    Bobby Andes: Steve Adams.

  • Bobby Andes: It's gonna be rough on them out there, not knowing how it's gonna come. Maybe Ray get killed, for resisting arrest, or coming at home late at night, might get shot by a burglar.