We fear as fear itself

Candace 2022-04-20 09:01:32

"Life is like a white horse and dreams come back in the middle of the night. What scares us the most is actually our own weakness. We are afraid that what we have worked hard to achieve is just the life we ​​don't want. So it's better to be brave when it's too late, don't let Regret and remorse have become a nightmare that haunts me." After watching so many movies, Tom Ford's "Nocturnal Animals" was the only one I didn't understand after watching it. After nearly two hours of film, it seems that three lines will eventually become one. Line, but until the end of the movie, I did not fully understand the story of the novel world and the world outside the novel. Perhaps, the past will never pass, and the mistakes caused by cowardice will accompany you throughout your life. As Roosevelt said, it is fear itself that makes us fear.

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Nocturnal Animals quotes

  • Bobby Andes: So, I'll tell what we got, we had a attempted to round up at a supermarket and mall last night just before closing. Caught one of the guys, one got killed, one got away.

    Tony Hastings: What you want me to do?

    Bobby Andes: See if you can recognize the one we caught. You can look at the dead one too, although I don't really think it's necessary, we know who he is.

    Tony Hastings: Who?

    Bobby Andes: Steve Adams.

  • Bobby Andes: It's gonna be rough on them out there, not knowing how it's gonna come. Maybe Ray get killed, for resisting arrest, or coming at home late at night, might get shot by a burglar.