I want to see the reflection of my soul in your eyes

Roel 2022-04-20 09:01:32

Saw this movie because of the music.

I've always liked movie soundtracks. Browsing on Xiami before bed and found this album. The first few notes are very similar to the soundtrack style made by Mr. Sanbao for Hand in Hand. After listening to it, the atmosphere becomes more and more like a turbulent tide, which is very immersive. Although it is an inexplicable emotion, although I don't know what kind of story the movie tells, the music has slowly led me to a quiet and low temperature space, and persuaded me to sit down at the table by the window Start to wait, do not know what you are waiting for, but vaguely know that it is fruitless, to be able to have only the past time.

The most intuitive understanding of TF is the lipstick that has been popular all over the Internet in the past two years. The sharp packaging and the bright and moving shades of red are irresistible to most women. The TF movie feels similar to me, with a cold and delicate shell that tempts you to flip a light switch to see what color is inside.

A glamorous and rich artist's wife, a tall and handsome husband like a model, and even the assistant housekeeper beside him is a British gentleman.

The eyes of the two protagonists and the current husband are too charming. The white race has the unique biological advantage, the green, brown, blue-gray, crystal-clear light flowing beautiful eyes, and the sensitivity and passion of literary novels. When staring in a certain direction, even Lying is unbearable. It is impossible to imagine whether the resonance of the soul is maximized when the male and female protagonists look at each other. I believe that Susan did see the reflection of his own soul, in Edward's deep gaze. The conversation she had with her mother in the restaurant reminded me quickly of my first love. It was also a young and sensitive boy whose father had left the family early, and he had never been a hearty man. In order to have a relationship with him, I refuted my mother's interference countless times. I still remember that my mother said that he was not a reliable man. Later, I learned that my mother had asked him to meet in private and asked him to give up, but he did not say anything. When I heard all this, it was very sad, because of his lack of certainty and disappointment, and soon we broke up. But I clearly remember that before the age of 25, after dating a new lover, I still shed tears, occasionally, in the middle of the night.

I think that Susan's bravery when she resolutely married Edward might be her best effort to fight against her mother, origin and even herself, and when she faced Edward's soft heart and flat values ​​in her marriage, her mother's advice became this passage The lingering haze of marriage. If love is no longer firm, the power of temptation becomes stronger. Especially such a beautiful man, enough to make a shaken woman fall. I still want to sigh that marriage is too cruel. It can separate the most compatible souls. With its triviality and reality, people forget the occurrence and essence of love.

I don't think Edward chose not to show up for revenge at the end. In my imagination, he came to the city as promised. In a quiet hotel room, the silent Edward also carefully put on his white shirt pressed in front of the mirror. He had a little beard and was neatly groomed. He folded his fingers to straighten the thick strands of hair beside his temples. He also stared at himself for two minutes, then walked into the living room, picked up a dark brown suit jacket on the sofa, and took the car keys out the door. He drove to the vicinity of the exquisite Japanese restaurant, he slowed down the accelerator and slowly slid towards the door of the restaurant, for a moment he wanted to look inside, but didn't. The camera zooms out, like a pedestrian passing by unconsciously, he drives away the car.

Tonight these two pairs of eyes will no longer reflect the shadow of another soul.

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Extended Reading

Nocturnal Animals quotes

  • Bobby Andes: So, I'll tell what we got, we had a attempted to round up at a supermarket and mall last night just before closing. Caught one of the guys, one got killed, one got away.

    Tony Hastings: What you want me to do?

    Bobby Andes: See if you can recognize the one we caught. You can look at the dead one too, although I don't really think it's necessary, we know who he is.

    Tony Hastings: Who?

    Bobby Andes: Steve Adams.

  • Bobby Andes: It's gonna be rough on them out there, not knowing how it's gonna come. Maybe Ray get killed, for resisting arrest, or coming at home late at night, might get shot by a burglar.