Facing with love, Edward is not that weak, but strong.

Ashleigh 2022-04-19 09:01:40

Nocturnal animals (not about professions, only about feelings) In contemporary society, we are more or less like nocturnal animals, we lose ourselves at night and have a lot of thoughts. There are two story lines in the movie. One is the emotional line between the protagonist susan and her boyfriend Edward, and the other is the story of tony in Edward's novel. The two story lines are interspersed with each other, and the stories are compact and switch freely. As we all know, the secondary line serves the main line, and the stories of the two lines complement each other. As Edward said, writers only write their own stories - "nobody writes about anything but themselves.". Tony in Edward's story is a microcosm of himself. Susan's mother thinks Edward is weak-weak. Susan didn't think so at first, as her mother said, time will tell, and the final breakdown of their relationship may be because of Edward's weakness and the differences in their personalities. There are many amazing shots and montages in the film. For example, in the night train part, it was late at night. Tony and his wife and daughter were driving on a road with no signal. A group of gangsters stared at them. Crazy, arrogant and unreasonable, giving him hope - just passing by, and it seems that he has not let go of the Tony family's - crazy proposal, step by step to make Tony despair of his own weakness. In the film, when Tony and the police found the naked body of his wife and daughter, the film cuts back to Susan, and was moved by Susan to call her remarried daughter. The picture between her daughter and her boyfriend is just like what Tony saw. Generally, deliberate and sarcastic. The fat naked women at the beginning of the Susan art show also appear in Tony's story experience. After the two separated, the connection was looming.

*Edward's lines--"When you love someone, you work it out. you don't just throw it away."--"If you love someone, you will find a way to solve the problem, not just break it up. "--"You have to be careful with it, you might never get it angin."--"You have to cherish love, because there may never be a second time." Facing with love, Edward is not that weak, but strong.

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Nocturnal Animals quotes

  • Bobby Andes: So, I'll tell what we got, we had a attempted to round up at a supermarket and mall last night just before closing. Caught one of the guys, one got killed, one got away.

    Tony Hastings: What you want me to do?

    Bobby Andes: See if you can recognize the one we caught. You can look at the dead one too, although I don't really think it's necessary, we know who he is.

    Tony Hastings: Who?

    Bobby Andes: Steve Adams.

  • Bobby Andes: It's gonna be rough on them out there, not knowing how it's gonna come. Maybe Ray get killed, for resisting arrest, or coming at home late at night, might get shot by a burglar.