
Darion 2022-04-19 09:01:32

The plot is very exciting, the pictures are very scary, and the story is very simple. What does this movie tell us? What was my biggest feeling after watching it? Everything is changing, be it holy spirits or demons. Do you want immortality to be completely empty, or to live an ordinary life with emotions and desires. The earl in the movie, the price of gaining immortality is that he has no favors. In fact, it's not completely absent, doesn't he still have a strong will to make his descendants and himself into the real body? Van Helsing is a mystery. In a state of being disapproved by the world and his own amnesia, he is doing what he thinks is right, and he is also confused, but he has a sense of mission that prevents him from doing it. What kind of conflict is this?

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Van Helsing quotes

  • [Upon seeing a baby vampire for the first time]

    Van Helsing: So this is what you get when vampires mate.

  • Dr. Victor Frankenstein: Good God... I would kill myself before helping in such a task.

    Count Vladislaus Dracula: Feel free. I don't actually need you anymore, Victor. I just need him... he is the key.