You can choose to live with dignity---I am so sad to watch a good cartoon

Deontae 2022-04-22 07:01:06

You can choose to live with dignity.

Maybe it's been too stressful recently, and I'm tearing up watching everything. Dolly was only the size of her eyes when she was young, and her parents were worried and cared for her in every possible way. I just watched how a child with congenital defects should live her life.

In reality, there are more or less similar hearings around us. Most people set the character attributes of the weak by themselves, and live in passive acceptance of others' pity and sympathy or strange eyes all their lives. Dolly's parents slapped the label of "weak" with a backhand, subverting many people's views on education.

As long as you can live your life in your own way, you can of course choose to live with dignity.

A few days ago, I saw a news posted by a certain news. A cute uncle who was born without limbs, moved the mouse with a chopstick in his mouth and his face, and became a well-known game anchor. He used the way of this era to support himself, and he smiled confidently and firmly.

Faxiaoer's father suffered a stroke more than ten years ago and was almost paralyzed, but no one in the family helped him walk, and he entrusted him with household chores such as cooking, because in the eyes of the family, the old father was not a disabled person and had to be treated Treat him like a normal person.

Unless you don't want to, you can choose to live with dignity.

Near the end of the film, Dolly found her parents. When the scene zoomed out, countless seashells paved the road from all directions to the sewage outlet. When her old parents appeared in front of Dolly with a bunch of new shells in their arms, she again Tears.

There is nothing greater than a parent's love.

A while ago, a friend of mine was seriously ill and was admitted to the ICU. His mother came from out of town. When everyone felt that there was no hope for treatment, she still carried the backpack that her son usually carried with her. Because she was convinced that her son would wake up and that he would still need this backpack.

In my and many young people's values, loving yourself may be the most important thing, but the only thing more important than loving yourself is to love your parents, because your parents will always love you unconditionally, more than yourself. To love you beyond all imaginable levels of love.

The best manifestation of this kind of love is that no matter what shortcomings and flaws you have, in their eyes, you are worthy of being loved, and you can choose to live with dignity.

In the eyes of Dolly's parents, since Dolly can find a home by looking for shells, it means that she can live independently and solve problems in her own way, then she can enjoy life and live a good life in her own way. This love is strong enough, but not indulgent, making a curious, warm, kind and energetic Dolly.

"Mom likes purple shells". Wanting to comfort her worried mother, Dolly, who has only eyes the size of her eyes, rushed into the dangerous and unknown deep sea with determined eyes. This scene may be firmly imprinted in my mind.

Thank you Pixar for once again making me cry with a hilarious comedy animation.

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Finding Dory quotes

  • [first lines]

    Young Dory: Hi. I'm Dory. I suffer from short-term remembory loss.

  • Young Dory: [sees purple shells, determined] Mommy loves purple shells.