Dried up this bowl of multi-flavored chicken soup

Zane 2022-04-21 09:01:41

I can't remember when I watched Finding Nemo I, but I still remember that the clownfish in it was very lively and beautiful, so I didn't hesitate to watch the second part o(╯□╰)o Dolly in the second part was also a child The always cute little fish, although it has become ugly after growing into a big stingray, but it is smart and energetic!
Throughout the plot of finding Dory, thinking about the actions of the characters in it touches me, just like pouring Like chicken soup.
Dolly and Marlin reunited after being separated. They whispered "we are families". They are no longer friends and simply help each other. Marlin and his son are not just repaying Dolly for helping find Nemo, they treat each other as Family members, they sacrifice their lives to help each other, and accompany them all over the world. Just like the song "stay here forever" sings, if you want to stay here forever, then I will stay here with you; if you want to go to the world, then I will accompany and support each other along the way. The relationship between fish and fish can be so simple. If they are congenial, why can't people get along with each other?
"What will Dory do?" When Dory encounters danger and desperation many times and there is no way to go, "Dory will look around, and see what are there..." This is a positive attitude towards life. Many times we think that the environment forces us to a desperate situation, but we don’t realize that we are wearing colored glasses to see the environment. Calm your mind and observe carefully, and you can find a way out from the environment. Dolly has energy and vitality, and a large part of it is reflected here. The Malin father and son were trapped in the toy fish tank, and they were also affected by this attitude. They stopped worrying and complaining, only to find that they could use the fountain beam to escape. In the finale, Marin and his son were trapped in a truck and were about to be transported away. Dolly observed around and found a sea sloth. She thought of blocking traffic with a sea sloth, and as a result, all the fish on the truck were released.
In Dolly's search for her parents, another protagonist is Hank the Octagonal Octopus. At first, Hank was a character I didn't like because he was selfish, utilitarian, and he helped Dolly find her parents all because of the label she put on Dolly, not out of compassion, not like Marin Father and son are drawn to help each other out of friends. And he wants the label because he doesn't want to go back to the sea, he wants to stay in the fish tank. I don't like Hank, for a sea creature. A safe and stable life in a fish tank can actually replace the desire for freedom in the sea.
As the plot progresses, I understand Hank more and more. This character is not as perfect as Marin and Dolly, and ideally it is almost impossible to find in reality. I seem to be able to see the shadow of many people in Hank. In reality, people compromise with life and pursue stability and small certainty. Fortunately, calculating the gains and losses of helping others. In the final ending, Dolly persuaded Hank to follow her heart before returning to the sea. Hank passively or actively returned to the sea and lived happily with her companions. Maybe I'll never know if Hank was persuaded by Dolly, but I'm no longer prejudiced against Hank as a real character, just like I'm starting to understand an attitude of many people's lifestyle choices.
Life is trivial and boring, and gradually becomes stable and degenerate. Thank you for having these chicken soups to supplement nutrition! Love family, love friends, love freedom!

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Finding Dory quotes

  • [first lines]

    Young Dory: Hi. I'm Dory. I suffer from short-term remembory loss.

  • Young Dory: [sees purple shells, determined] Mommy loves purple shells.