The feeling of returning home

Kole 2022-04-21 09:01:41

The older I get, the more I understand that those childhood days when I can play wildly and have no heart are probably the most free and comfortable time in my life. Life is irreversible. When we start to pursue all kinds of childhood times, the ever-changing world of light and shadow provides us with countless possibilities. When cartoons also start to focus on continuation and filming of sequels, our childlike innocence hidden by the real world will also disappear. Follow the characters in the animation to grow secretly. It was a magnificent and dazzling dream, the fairy tale world as real as a dream became palpable, and we who replaced ourselves in it did not want to wake up! Thanks to this film for giving me to make up for the regret of not being able to watch "Finding Nemo" in the cinema. In Pixar's series of works, if "Toy Story" is the agility to break the shackles, and "Cars" is the fashionable and wild restlessness, then "Finding Nemo" is undoubtedly a warm feeling. I was moved by Marin and Nemo who had no obligation but still had to take risks to help Dolly find her family, even if Dolly might not accompany her after she found her family; I was moved by Dolly's parents who have been laying out those guidelines for several years. The shell road sign to go home has never lost hope; I was moved by Dolly's own persistence and courage and wisdom to not take the usual way, infecting seven claws, whales, even Marin and Nemo, and made her appear around her. More and more family members; moved that Dolly never had a moment when she didn't think Marin and Nemo were her family, even if she found her biological parents, even if she lost so many memories. Thirteen years ago, a pair of clownfish father and son in the deep-sea world brought countless azure touches to the audience. The father Marlin, who gradually became brave to find the lost son, and the son Nemo, who was clever but reckless by nature, was extremely enthusiastic but only Dolly remembered in three seconds, "Finding Nemo", a story about love and friendship, courage and growth, touched countless people. And this year, they finally came back. Dolly, who has amnesia, suffered from homesickness again. Can Marlin and Nemo help Dolly find her parents? We look forward to the creators of Pixar bringing more whimsy to this story. What kind of imagination do people who are waiting to watch the film have on the direction of the story? It's a brand new story about how Dolly overcomes all odds to get home to find her family. Suffering from short-term amnesia, Dolly recalled the connection between herself and her parents inadvertently again and again. Finally, with the help of her friends and her own efforts, she found her parents and reunited her family. In fact, Dolly's amnesia is precisely because she was accidentally rushed into the undercurrent when she was young and left her traumatized after her parents were separated. When Dolly finds her parents along a guiding line made of small shells, the camera cuts to the big perspective. It turns out that Dolly's parents have used seashells day and night to pave countless "seashell roads" in order to let Dolly find her way home, because Dolly's mother told Dolly when she was a child " If you can't find your way home, follow the shell." Dolly's parents waited and persevered to accomplish this astonishing feat, which is touching. In fact, in our lives, our parents are laying shells for us every day. They are caring for us with a little bit of love. The only difference between us and Dolly is that she is homeless, and we have a home. returnable. We are lucky, but sometimes in the blessing, it is difficult to realize Dolly's urgent desire to go home day and night, so these shells are the crystallization of parental love for her.
First of all, I paid attention to Dolly, or started from the Ellen show. Since I watched the Ellen show in 2010, I was deeply attracted by Ellen's humorous, warm and helpful, sunny smile, and watched all the episodes of the Ellen show one after another. I've read it over and over, and now I'm chasing updates every day. As a die-hard fan of Allen's show, you will know that Dolly's film was slowly formed through twists and turns under Allen's 13 years of talking. Many people should not be able to imagine that Dolly is dubbed by someone who is almost 60 years old. This is Allen's charm and talent. It can be seen that as long as you dare to do it, no one can stop you, just like Dolly sang (Keep swimming....) The 3D effect of the film is very good, and the new character Octopus is also extremely brilliant, arrogant but kind, a little contrasting Moe, he is almost omnipotent in driving a car, disguising against the sky, and has a max flirting skill. He can make a new movie. Although Marin and his son are supporting roles in this movie, they also performed well. Others Some new characters, beluga whales, sea lions, crabs, etc. are also very good. The film is mixed with a strong warmth in the joyful adventure of a chain, and the shell road that blooms like a flower at the end completely ignited my tears and became the most touching scene in the film. I've always wondered, why are everyone in a hurry to watch a movie? Are they in a hurry? To the detriment, I stood up to the last Easter egg with the different eyes of a projectionist, which was quite interesting, so I decided to go back and re-watch the first film of Finding Nemo. Australian magic English accent mine, mine, mine... can't stop laughing hahaha..
After Dolly found her parents, she could have lived a happy life as a family, but she once again risked being separated from her family and launched an operation to rescue Marin and his son. She told her parents that "Marin is my family". , This can't help but remind me of the brotherhood in "Fast and Furious", what is the difference between a close friend and a family member who are in distress? Dolly's housemate "Yun'er" and chatter "Bailey" broke through their own limits. In order to help Dolly rescue Marin together, they broke through psychological unconfidence and worry, and successfully helped Dolly complete the big rescue. There is also the octopus "Hank" who began to approach Dolly with impure purposes. He also slowly changed his point of view during the contact with Dolly and became an octopus yearning for freedom. These are the power of true feelings. Dolly has influenced everyone with her persistence and hard work, allowing everyone to change many of their flaws, and everyone has taken risks to help Dolly to fulfill her wishes. Dolly and her friends are all there Tell each other the truth "there is always true love in the world". "Finding Nemo 2" not only tells the story of Dolly's family search, but also conveys the theme of protecting animals and letting animals return to nature through the film. Animals should belong to nature, trees and jungles also belong to nature, and of course people belong to nature, but human beings always want to be the "big brother" of this world, destroying nature and trying to maximize their own interests. This approach is undoubtedly stupid. Once the resources of the earth are exhausted, then destruction will become the inevitable destination of human beings. There is an immersive first-person shot of Dolly in the movie. In the children's hall, Dolly and Hank watch the children's hands ruthlessly grab into the touch pool like diggers. The fish, the poor fish can only hide in the crevices of the stones in the pool, and the one-person perspective when Dolly grabs Hank and runs at high speed is very immersive. But at the same time, the camera immediately jumps to the distant view outside the pool, where a group of children are playing excitedly. Inside the pool are terrifying fishes hiding around, and outside the pool are children playing with laughter. This may seem like a funny set of shots, but it is actually worth thinking about: Is the "nature" of the human world really natural to animals? Humans want to have a good home for themselves? Don't animals need it? Perhaps human beings need to receive some punishments in order to understand a truth: transforming the world cannot dominate the world, only conforming to nature is the best result. Most of the endings in the Disney animation world are beautiful, not as dark and cruel as in real life. In addition to the strong homesickness in Dolly's heart, she also has a sincere heart to let the sea creatures return to the sea, and she In the end it really did, everything was planned, avoiding the real life some impossible. The final mobilization and rescue is the climax of the whole film, and it is also an important part of the sublimation film. When Hank successfully captured the truck and flew over the mountain stream, the door of the car opened in the air, and all the marine creatures in the car were bathed in the slow-motion brilliance and fell back to the sea. The picture at that moment was extremely beautiful, and the door of the truck really became open the door to freedom and home for the fish. All the efforts of Dolly and everyone were not in vain. "Technical Control" Bailey, "Hercules" Yun'er and "Bitter Face" Marin became a new reunion group, enjoying life freely under the sea. Obviously, "Finding Nemo 2" is not satisfied with keeping the theme at the level of family affection, but sublimates the theme through the last series of surprise rescues: it is the responsibility and obligation of human beings to return animals to nature. This is not only the sincerity of Dolly, but also the sincerity of human beings. Release is the greatest tribute to nature. "Finding Nemo 2: Where's Dolly Go" brought me back to my childhood. Returning to my original heart is the most precious thing. Walking along the shells of memories, I can always find the happiest childhood.
I once heard such a sentence, the most precious thing in people is memory, because memory is the origin of all emotions. If you have no memory, how can you love your family, how can you love your friends, how can you love life. However, Dolly, who has always suffered from short-term memory impairment, has been a patient with conservative memory loss since childhood. But in the film, it is such a Dolly who is full of love more than anyone else. She was polite to every passerby who greeted her, even if they didn't help her; from the moment she bumped into Marin, she took the initiative to help Marin find Nemo, even if it caused a lot of trouble; she spontaneously As a teaching assistant for the children, she took care of the children like a nagging mother, even if it was a little annoying; the first time she met a seven-clawed octopus, she unsuspectingly believed in each other, depended on each other, even when she was young Children play in the pool to protect each other. Love that transcends memory is a very great personality that ordinary people do not possess. Those who help others help more. So many people are willing to help Dolly, not only because of pity and sympathy for her, but because she is a kind, straightforward, helpful person, and it is the beautiful personality behind her lack of physical function that brings everyone together. Her frankly ill words that appear repeatedly in the film make us mistakenly think that she is a weak and should be protected. When we see that many fish ignore her, we are still entangled in the indifference of the world; however, in fact , Because of the lack of memory, she was the one who broke the frame, the one who dared to think and act, and the one who protected the others around her. At this time, if you think about the indifference that passed by, you will feel that these indifferences have been revenge, that is, you have lost the opportunity to meet such a good person in your life. There is no real villain in the film, there are only emotional troughs that approach but stay away again and again, until the lowest one, when all hope seems to be dashed, all the hard work has paid off. Although Dolly's reunion with her parents is not the end of the film, I believe that at that moment, no audience will remain silent. An emotional trough is followed by an emotional climax. The dramatic tension of the film brings the audience's emotional ups and downs in silence. Also starting with the internal dialogue of a family, "Finding Nemo 2", like its predecessors, runs through and contains the theme of family affection from beginning to end. Dolly left her family twice, once because she wanted to find shells for her mother but encountered an undercurrent, and once because she wanted to find her parents but was taken away by humans. Both are passive mixed with active, active with passive. Fortunately, she has love beyond memory, so that she can finally reap the happiness she deserves.
In the endless deep sea, a lonely little blue fish kept repeating the words and phrases in his memory, for fear that he would forget his way home if he missed it. But it still forgot, so it continued to talk to itself on the spot, not knowing why it was here, even forgetting its own wishes, just swimming in a daze, as if nothing had happened before. But the audience will not forget, they have been accumulating these emotions for Dolly. These diffuse pity swayed around Dolly like seaweed, a flawed little fish, tightly affecting the hearts of the audience. This moving comes from worrying about Dolly's fate, sympathy for her separation from her parents, and empathy for Dolly's situation. In the adult world, everyone probably has Dolly-like moments, alone in the world, not knowing what a certain choice will make him miss. It is precisely because the protagonist is unaware that this sadness is even more difficult to let go. The saddest thing about Dolly in the whole story is not being in danger, not getting what she wants, but the moment when she forgets what she was desperately trying to remember and grins like nothing happened. In real life, there are also many children with various problems similar to Dolly. How did those days of hope and despair coexist day by day, like Dolly's mother, while gently encouraging Dolly, while Weeping anxiously for its future out of sight? What if we had such a child, or if we were such a child ourselves? Fortunately, the sadness in the movie turns into great warmth at the end - Dolly finds her parents. The seashells on the seabed lead Dolly to the direction of home, and at the end of the shells, its parents have been waiting for her. Despite the obstacles of thousands of mountains and rivers, love is an eternal beacon, guiding every lost child. Parents love themselves deeply is the desire of everyone. I have seen many stories of people crying late at night, wondering if they were not loved enough by their parents, never valued, or lost their parents forever. Even if they are strong enough now, they will still become vulnerable because of these. Compared with them, Dolly is happy. It has a pair of gentle and firm parents who helped Dolly find her own trajectory and make her believe that she has always been and will always be loved. From finding love to getting love, from anxiety over amnesia to accepting a flaw and living with it, this is how Dolly grew up. In this film, that growth is brilliantly displayed -- it replaces the missing pieces of Dolly's memory with the viewer's experience. Even though Dolly has completely forgotten about the underwater adventure, the audience has helped her keep those memories. In the process of watching the movie, they experienced all kinds of joys and sorrows as the protagonist, and at the end fully released. The story ends in a conversation between the clownfish Marlin and Dolly. The two fish looked at the deep sea side by side, not feeling relieved. Will the future be better? Don't know, because Dolly will still continue to suffer from amnesia and Marin will continue to be busy with her son Nemo. It's more like our real life - problem after problem and never really getting rid of stress. But after experiencing their respective stories, they found themselves again, and they are no longer afraid of anything. As the sequel to "Finding Nemo", "Finding Dolly" maintains the same high level of storytelling as the first film, and has made great progress in special effects. There is also a relationship of inheritance and advancement in the spiritual core of the two films. If Nemo's story more than ten years ago was a fairy tale adventure with family and growth mixed with growth, Dolly's story is more like an adult's desire to talk after traveling through mountains and rivers. In fact, "Finding Dory" is both a family story and a journey of self-discovery. Hometown, parents, home, these themes with strong retrospective color make the film have the ultimate caring meaning of "who am I, where do I come from, and where do I go". It is the instinct of everyone to seek the root consciousness and pursue the sense of value. Even Dolly, who has only a short memory, will embark on this journey because of a strong inner drive. Its choice is to swim and swim non-stop, and the extraordinary experiences along the way and its amnesia coexist, and achieve the perfection in its regrettable life. So what about us, will we find our own journey home?
So, are you home yet?

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Finding Dory quotes

  • [first lines]

    Young Dory: Hi. I'm Dory. I suffer from short-term remembory loss.

  • Young Dory: [sees purple shells, determined] Mommy loves purple shells.