where dolly go

Nikki 2022-04-21 09:01:41

I don't know why, I can shed tears watching any movie in the cinema. It's really embarrassing for people with shallow eyes. Tucao about the naming method of XX General Mobilization, I don't even want to watch this series of cartoons.
Disney and Pixar are really a guarantee of cartoons. First of all, the most basic stories are well told. Dolly, who suffers from amnesia, finds her parents with the help of a group of good friends.
The scene that made me cry in the movie theater was when Dolly found a road paved with shells that led her home. She followed the road to find her home, and she found that the road from home was densely covered with shells. , In the days when she disappeared, her parents were transporting shells to pave the way, hoping her daughter could find her way home one day.
Maybe it's because I'm getting older, and I'm almost at the age of starting a family and becoming a parent by myself, and I can especially be touched by these affection points. It seems that only parents in this world can tolerate your shortcomings unconditionally. Even if you suffer from amnesia, they can always encourage you and consider finding a way back home for you. So it doesn't matter where Dolly goes, her parents have been waiting for her at home anyway.

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Finding Dory quotes

  • [first lines]

    Young Dory: Hi. I'm Dory. I suffer from short-term remembory loss.

  • Young Dory: [sees purple shells, determined] Mommy loves purple shells.