No spoilers pure slot

Dora 2022-04-20 09:01:31

8 points, G grade. Happy Father's Day, the movie's release date is right before Father's Day, whether it's a coincidence or an intentional move by Pixar. The first one was a CD that Barbie bought when I was a child. It should have been watched more than seven or eight times. It is probably the most impressive Pixar animation. The second one is super emotional. (The clownfish Baba has a forehead pattern), Dolly who has temporary amnesia. Although it is still wonderful, it is not as good as the first one. The various big truths forcibly added, the plot is a little weak, and the idea of ​​marine protectionism runs through the whole movie. I like the small details. The story is full and the characters are vividly portrayed. It is a good animated film. Stop complaining, if you don’t know how to read, please take it to the Chinese dubbed version. Don’t translate while watching.

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Extended Reading

Finding Dory quotes

  • [first lines]

    Young Dory: Hi. I'm Dory. I suffer from short-term remembory loss.

  • Young Dory: [sees purple shells, determined] Mommy loves purple shells.