There are no walls in the ocean!

Mina 2022-04-19 09:01:39

The latest work status is: I am not at ease. Colleagues at work that I have been in contact with recently, since the project has just started, they are doing worse now. Everyone is in a state of "reluctance" to follow up on things. If you don't follow up on things, things really stop there, no When it is advanced, you have to go to the scene by yourself to see what the other party has done, and then it is really completed; otherwise, it will just stop in the state where you have notified it, but no one will deal with it. This kind of feeling is very scary. It’s like asking a child to do something. You don’t know where he will get stuck in the middle because of inexperience, and then stagnate, but because you have a lot of things, you feel that the explanation is clear and it’s over. Looking back, after being scolded, I panicked and realized that what was explained in the result was not completed.

Turns out they were kids.

It turns out that they want people to watch and do things.

So I started to do everything by myself. I went to the scene to follow up and deal with everything directly. I even ran over on weekends to understand the ins and outs of things. However, it was of no use. When I went, the person who was mainly in charge of technology was not there, and he didn't follow up on the matter when he went there. He didn't follow up until he came. Later, when I asked him, I found out that he was resting that day. I didn't say at the time, "I also rested that day, but I passed." Only then did I realize that it was useless that I cared, I was worried, and I sacrificed my rest time to run over there. Others have specific rest and working days. I have a special rest day and I haven't dealt with it. What is the sacrificed rest time?

It turns out that worrying about it is useless sometimes. It’s how things are going to be. I can only do my best to complete the work without sacrificing myself.

But once I went to other projects to do activities for work reasons, only to find that this is not the case. It turns out that after you have given the order, there is a need to communicate clearly. After the communication is in place, those staff will implement it. There is no need to urge or check in advance. After you arrive, everything is ready and you will come. I only had one feeling at the time: reassurance and steadfastness . This feeling of being trustworthy and being able to explain things to the other party is great, don't worry if they don't do the right thing, and they will be urged, scolded, and bombarded by phone calls again. It turns out that others can be trusted.

So at that time I thought of a sentence from Finding Dory There are no walls in the ocean! One of the animals said to the whales who have been kept in the aquarium for a long time. Yes, there are limitations in the aquarium, so you can let yourself hit the wall everywhere, jump out, and go to the ocean, there will be another world without walls that you have never seen before.

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Extended Reading

Finding Dory quotes

  • [first lines]

    Young Dory: Hi. I'm Dory. I suffer from short-term remembory loss.

  • Young Dory: [sees purple shells, determined] Mommy loves purple shells.