Dark Shadows micro-film review non-spit - -

Leonel 2022-04-21 09:01:37

Watching Dark Shadows late at night, the first thing I feel is the strong British atmosphere coming from the title, as well as the gloomy and eerie style unique to Tim Burton's films, which laid the mysterious dark tone of the whole film. Leaving aside the male protagonist Barnabas, the several beautiful women in the film have different personalities, which also adds a touch of light to this slightly darker-looking film. The witch Angelique is the one who I think is the most brilliant to go the queen route. There is an invisible force in every gesture. He loves and hates the male protagonist Barnabas. He successively killed his parents, his sweetheart, destroyed his family business, and turned him into a vampire. The iron coffin is nearly two hundred years old. "If I can't get you, I will do anything to destroy you" seems to be a portrayal of her love for Barnabas all her life. Facts don't lie. No matter what she did, she wanted Barnabas to come back to her obediently, but doing so undoubtedly deepened his deep hatred for her, so she could only be destroyed again. At the end of the plot development, there is a very touching scene. Barnabas said "You never wanted my love, you wanted to possess me." Angelique said "No, I love you, Barnabas." When the tears flowed along the broken like ceramics Her cheeks flowed as she struggled to get her beating heart out of her body," Take it. "Barnabas didn't pick it up, the heart broke immediately, and her hand finally dropped. It was a little sad to see this. Maybe Angelique's tragedy confirmed a law, "True love is a glass heart, Once broken, it stings itself and cuts others. "Some people may say that Angelique's love is too selfish and possessive, that we ordinary people can't afford it, and Barnabas can't afford it either, so he found his "true love", Josette The witch couldn't stand her lover being taken away, so she cast a spell to make Josette jump off a cliff and commit suicide. Who knew that Josette's soul would stay there and guide the girl Victoria who had the same appearance as her to come to Barnabas. At the end, Victoria The jump from the cliff is subtly linked to Josette's cliff jump at the beginning of the movie. Josette made Victoria himself, turned into a vampire and stayed with Barnabas. This kind of love can be said to be life and death. We sometimes You will have a similar state of mind for your lover, but remember the premise is that the person you love must also be the one who loves you, otherwise this accompanying will only bring endless resentment and entanglement. From this, it can be seen that love is really a This is a precious thing. Although the whole film has a lot of grooves, I think I still look at it from the perspective of a love story. As Uncle Pu said in the middle, Love means never having to say "you are sorry". I hope everyone can find true love that doesn't need to be sorry.

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Dark Shadows quotes

  • Barnabas Collins: Yes, I killed Dr Hoffman, and those workmen, as well as some very nice unshaven people. For every life I take, a part of my soul dies! But I kill, only because I am COMPELLED to.

  • Barnabas Collins: [enters Dr Hoffman's laboratory] We must intensify our efforts! I have an urgent need to be human again!

    [stops short as he sees Julia injecting herself with blood]

    Dr. Julia Hoffman: I can explain...

    Barnabas Collins: My God! You're not using your blood to make me human. You're using my blood to make yourself immortal!

    Dr. Julia Hoffman: Barnabas, you have a gift. You better get a hold over yourself...

    Barnabas Collins: The Collins family took you in and bestowed their sacred trust upon you, and you brazenly betray that trust?

    Dr. Julia Hoffman: I'm sorry. I just didn't want to grow old. I want to be beautiful, and I want to live forever like you.

    Barnabas Collins: I am afraid that is out of the question!