Unidentified plot, series of flaws

Colten 2022-11-30 03:56:57

I was attracted by the film mainly for two reasons. One was Liam Neeson. When I watched "Schindler's List", I was thinking that it would be a pity not to make an action movie for such a person; the other is that the film was shot in Germany. There is a perceptual understanding in my head. If an action movie or a spy movie is shot in the United States, it is entry-level. If it is shot in Europe, it is an enhanced version. If it is shot anywhere in the world, it is 007. So I had high expectations for the film before watching the film, not to mention that it was shot in Germany. When I saw the Brandenburg Gate, I was even more excited than seeing Tiananmen Square. In fact, I am a fan of the Cold War.

However, this film has nothing to do with the Cold War, and has nothing to do with the food crisis. It's a pity that the scenery of Berlin is so beautiful. Would it be a good idea to put such a story in the United States? But just because of the German stunt, it attracted audiences like me. Just like Roman Holiday can take place in many cities, but it is because of Rome that the story becomes so romantic. The same is true for this film. Because of Berlin, I already feel that this is a commercial film with rich content. Even if there is no story, it is always good to see the Berlin street scene.

The director probably had the same idea. He put the film in Germany because he wanted to tell us a brain-burning story. Who would have thought that he would confuse himself before confounding the audience. The audience is already familiar with this kind of plot, the confusion caused by amnesia, the assassination of the shocking conspiracy, and the director's intention is obvious, that is, to tell the story that the audience is familiar with. However, as long as the story is told roundly, with some novel car chase fights interspersed in the middle, the film is considered a success. It's a pity that the film didn't reach this point.

A good spy film or action film must first have a good story. The tension of the plot is better than the tension of the action. The plot is not enough to make up the action, and the audience will buy it if it plays well. The director of this film seems to be a fan who has watched a lot of classic action films. What he wants to do is to rub the plots of those films into his own films. Unfortunately, he lacks the talent of Quentin, and each plot setting is obviously plagiarized and rigid. , like a student who is eager to hand in his thesis, picking up famous sentences everywhere in an attempt to get away with it.

Naturally, the plot of the film cannot be studied in depth, and the author does not even have the desire to analyze these plots. The film is full of structural flaws and inappropriate imitations of classic films. For example, the suitcase that I carried with me was just forgotten at the airport, the refrigerator in the car in front was just collapsed on the road, the water in the head hit the car window, the wife turned around and got into someone else's bed, the amnesia and confusion were exposed, and the old friend for many years actually let him My own injury... There are still many, many plots and details that cannot be justified, which should be seen by the aunt-level audience, so I won't spoil it here. When I watched the film, I tried my best to imagine and find rationalization suggestions for the many flaws in the film. In the end, I found that the film was so scarred that it was impossible to survive.

The fight scenes in this film still have a sense of deja vu. The car chase scene looks like this film and that film, and the fight is like fog, rain, and wind. The only thing to watch in the film is the unnecessary explosion scene at the end. Why? It is unnecessary to say that it is not necessary, because whether it is bombed or not has no effect on the plot. The bomb is bombed or not, the person has already run away, and it is not far or near.

The creative process of the director is like this, first come up with the results of the film and the general plot: a killer wants to kill, after losing his memory, he regards himself as a biologist, and after recovering his memory, he must fight for the happiness of mankind. Then I filled in the details of this story outline: how to make him lose his memory, how to make up his wife when he ran away with someone, and how to make up the numbers at the end of the book... As a result, the script is in this tragic state, I want it on the screen Write seven miserable characters.

Hollywood really has a lot of money, and it dares to invest in such a bloody plot. It is recommended that students who want to learn screenwriting can watch it. This film is a good negative teaching material.

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Unknown quotes

  • [last lines]

    Gina: [opening her new passport] Claudia Marie Taylor. I like it.

    Dr. Martin Harris: It suits you.

    Gina: Who are you?

    Dr. Martin Harris: Henry. Henry Taylor.

    Gina: Ahh. Nice to meet you, Mr. Taylor.

    Dr. Martin Harris: Nice to meet you...

  • Dr. Martin Harris: It's quaint.