It's getting dark in the sky, please close your eyes

Austin 2022-04-22 07:01:06

2 bandits 2 police, 150 civilians.
On the first night, 1 police officer hangs up, and then another 1 police officer wants to organize civilians to find the killer. At the beginning, a killer was detected and put it on the pk platform (it was tied, but unfortunately he lost his mobile phone), one of the killers gained the trust of the police because he could write software, the killer was too interested, and all the evidence was to frame the police , so that the civilians have also shaken their trust in the police, and almost dismissed the police as bandits. At a critical juncture, the police are open and honest, explaining the situation, regaining the trust of the civilian population, and issuing vests to the experienced nypd (New York Police), giving a good man card. The furious killer saw that the situation was over, but he had an advantage in numbers (2vs1) and jumped to the police openly. The vest policeman successfully blocked the knife for the police and bought time for the Gongjue 2 gangsters. In the end, the civilian police won.

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Non-Stop quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Fighter Pilot: Agent Marks, our fighter squad has you in our sights. Do you hear me?

    Bill Marks: We're running out of time! Do you hear me?

  • [from trailer]

    Bill Marks: I'm not hijacking this plane. I'm trying to save it!