90 minutes without urine spots

Austin 2022-04-19 09:01:39

Good-looking, nervous, exciting. 90 minutes without any urine spots.

The suspense at the beginning was very well laid out, and it quickly grabbed the audience's heart and couldn't wait to know the follow-up development. As someone dies, the suspense becomes a homework problem, and the next day will be bad if it is not solved. Under the director's subtle control, the audience gradually breathes and shares the same fate with the protagonist, and is as anxious as he is to find out who and why.

It's a bit of a pity that after knowing who it is, this why is a little weak, not worthy of the overly gripping suspense laid out before. There are still some details that have not been explained, and some clues have not been followed, but these are all thought of after the fact, and you can't find these in the process of watching the movie.

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Non-Stop quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Fighter Pilot: Agent Marks, our fighter squad has you in our sights. Do you hear me?

    Bill Marks: We're running out of time! Do you hear me?

  • [from trailer]

    Bill Marks: I'm not hijacking this plane. I'm trying to save it!