Rhythm is the king of horror movies

Jamir 2022-12-11 07:13:54

It should be said that with the gradual improvement of the film classification system and decades of horror effects and the continuous adaptation of the audience’s psychological tolerance, today’s horror films are just right to grasp the plot and bloody scenes, which can make the audience psychological Uneasy without being overwhelmed, visually shocked but not so disgusting to the audience, like Hitchcock's method of scaring the audience with sound effects and stunning turn around has long been outdated and eliminated. It can be said that the Hollywood horror movie model has reached a stage of perfection and maturity that can be accepted by most normal audiences. Of course, individual psychologically vulnerable or extreme audiences whose psychology is abnormal is another matter.

Nowadays, there are endless horror films with various genres, storylines, and horror effects, such as "Sixth Sense", "Saw Horror 1" and "Reaper Is Coming 1". The storylines and horror methods are unbelievable and amazing. It’s difficult for the screenwriter to show up, and the various killing techniques and plasma effects are similar and familiar. If the current evaluation of a horror movie is based on whether the storyline is novel and bizarre, and whether the plasma effects and killing methods are unconventional, it is undoubtedly too critical.

The same piece of music is played by different musicians, and the effect is completely different. The same is true for the film. Especially for horror movies with lackluster storylines and performance techniques, the control of rhythm is king. In this respect, the 2009 version of Black Friday is undoubtedly a success.

I watched the Black Friday series on HBO. Maybe I didn’t understand the causes and consequences of the plot at the time. In addition, several TV episodes were broadcast together. Anyway, jason broke me directly. I didn’t want to understand why a brainless plasma The subject Hollywood can shoot more than 10 episodes, and it has repeatedly won box office championships. A brainless pervert who didn't say a word and couldn't see the appearance took a machete to kill from left to right, from the lakeside of the suburbs to the luxurious city, from the underworld to the spaceship, the opponents range from toy boys to beautiful girls. Power warrior, hell Fred to the space robot, Jason is intact no matter how he faces swords, fires, guns and iron chains sinking into the lake, and he is like a Saiyan who becomes stronger once he dies, and he has become an immortal. Body, science and technology continue to develop, but Jason still holds a black iron machete, killing all the way. Anyway, it's invincible mode, what's the point of this. Watching this series directly involved my resistance to similar brainless plasma series such as Halloween, Texas Chainsaw, and Fred series, just like many people hate Saint Seiya, no matter the good or bad, if it is strong enough to become With Xiaoqiang who can't die, the fun is gone.

Having said that, the 2009 version of Jason's storyline finally returned to the ordinary world. Although it is still cold and invincible, except for the killing of the first 5 people as the opening pavement and a one-off, every subsequent killing is still considered to be relaxed. deep. In the end, Jason was not invincible. He was defeated by the bravery and wisdom of two ordinary brothers and sisters. He died tragically with chains around his neck and his body sank to the bottom of the lake. (As for the last shot that broke through the water, it is meaningless, it can be ignored).


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Friday the 13th quotes

  • Trent: [to Clay] I would probably leave soon before I get pissed off and, you know...

    Clay Miller: Yeah?

    Trent: Yeah.

    [looks from Clay to door, seemingly tough]

    Clay Miller: [unfazed] What happens then?

  • Lawrence: I got business I gotta do this weekend.

    Chelsea: What business?

    Lawrence: Music. I'm trying to start a label.

    Chelsea: Oh, yeah? Like what kind? Like rap?

    Lawrence: Why you gotta go racial? Look, don't put me in a box, all right? What, because I'm black I can't listen to Green Day?

    Chelsea: You're right, that was dumb. So, what kind of music?

    Lawrence: Rap.