I just want to live miserably

Hope 2022-04-24 07:01:04

002|"Manchester by the Sea"

On the tombstone of the Chandler family, there are father, mother and brother, all three are missing, and the empty space is Li's.

At that time, he attempted suicide at the police station, and maybe later he didn't know why he was still alive.

This is the end of the movie. The whole film is a feeling of mourning, and there are never too many emotional ups and downs. It's just that scene, when Li Mengeng's two daughters said to him, "Dad, can't you see that we are on fire?", it made me cry a little bit.

Perhaps because of the fragmented progress of the plot of "Manchester by the Sea", people's attention to the main line is constantly being distracted, and the audience's experience of the protagonist's experience and feelings is constantly interrupted, and there is no outlet for emotions.

But this feeling of mourning is not only experienced when watching a movie. When you walk out of the movie theater, both the psychological feeling and the expression on your face are the same as Cassie, mourning.

"Manchester by the Sea" feels a bit like "Patterson" and "Transcendence".

This kind of mourning, the feeling of being detached from the plot, or the whole world, is the same as the feeling of human beings in real life when they are heartbroken.

who I am? where am i? What is this for? Is it over?

When people are in a state of sadness and despair, they look at everything around them as if they are watching a movie. Life is like the projection of others on us. Even if we treat well-intentioned persuasion, we don't eat hard and soft, and we don't get into oil and salt. This movie has been showing this emotion.

Throughout the film, different people have a strong desire to survive after experiencing different pains.

Randy lost three children, burned down her home, and divorced her husband, but ten years later, she has remarried and is about to have a baby.

Patrick has lost his father, but he understands and will take the initiative to distract himself, and has a firm belief in the bond between himself and his father, the Claudia Marie.

Patarik's biological mother is an alcoholic and mentally ill, but she has found a devout Christian boyfriend, and although she still appears neurotic, life is getting back on track.

Except for Lee.

He has no desire or need to start a new life, he just wants to close himself in a one-meter-thick hood. A certain resident recognized Li as Stan Chandler's son. He seemed to know what happened to Li, and wanted to comfort Li with the mysterious disappearance and death of his father.

Just like the words of the obstetrician comforting Jack in "This Is Us", he said, "I think one day, you will take the sour lemon that life forces you to and make lemonade from it."

Misfortune is the norm in life, and Li must have had a deep understanding of this.

In "The Rabbit Hole," Becca is killed when his four-year-old son walks alone onto the road for not closing the gate. Becca's mother, who also lost a son, told Becca that it won't go away, but at some point in the future it will become bearable, like walking around with a brick every day. Sometimes the brick is even forgotten, but its weight is always there.

Remember what Zhang Xuan said.

She said, you understand that there are some things in your heart that you want to liberate or forgive yourself, but in fact, you can't tell others about those things... So some things will be kept in the end and go with you A long, long way of life.

Until then, let us live mournfully, so what.

The above, first published on the public account (Ji-Danny), welcome to pay attention.

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Extended Reading

Manchester by the Sea quotes

  • Suzy Chandler: Daddy?

    Lee Chandler: Yes, honey.

    Suzy Chandler: Can't you see we're burning?

    Lee Chandler: No, honey. You're not burning.

  • [Lee and Patrick are walking on the street, having a heated argument which includes profanity. We see a pedestrian who overhears their conversation]

    Manchester Pedestrian: Great parenting.

    Lee Chandler: Fuck you! Mind your fucking business, fucking asshole!