In my space, a friend once said that he saw an old movie with tears

Diego 2022-04-20 09:01:25

In one of my favorite singer Su Huilun'sThe lyrics of this song mention "Love has no holidays", which actually refers to the movie. The story is based on the exchange of two lovelorn women, one flew to an unknown country in the UK and the other flew to LA in the United States. The two parties exchanged their houses, cars, pets, everything to spend the two-week Christmas vacation .This
is an old film that is not very well-known. The heroines are all big stars. The plot introduced on the Internet is as follows:

Amanda (Cameron Diaz) living in Los Angeles discovers her cohabiting boyfriend Ethan (Edward D. Burns) is unfaithful, and she is so angry that she drives her boyfriend away with two punches, and her heart is broken; on the other side of the Atlantic in London, the beautiful and kind Alice (Kate Winslet) encounters "the groom is going to marry, The bride is not me" suffering. Two women who have never met, but both have sad things, decide to change the environment to clear the haze. So, Amanda and Alice, who met on an e-House website, decided to change their living environment during the Christmas vacation on impulse: Alice moved into Amanda's mansion in sunny Los Angeles, and Amanda moved into Baixue Alice's cottage in the snowy English countryside.

Although some discomfort was inevitable, the novelty brought by the new environment really lifted the spirits of the two. Soon, Amanda meets Alice's charming brother Graham (Jude Law), and the two have strong chemistry; Alice gets along well with neighbor Arthur, a playwright in Hollywood's prime Arthur's introduction, Alice met the young and promising composer Miles (Jack Black). Feelings may be

what Man of the movie, the beginning of the movie has always been one of my favorites. Maybe because of the music, maybe because of that monologue. Worth sharing:

IRIS: I have found almost everything, ever written about love to be true. Shakespeare said, journeys end in lovers meeting. Oh, what an extraordinary thought! Personally, I have not experienced anything remotely close to that, but I m ​​more than willing to believe Shakespeare had

I suppose I think about love more than anyone really should. I m constantly amazed by its sheer power to alter and define our lives. It was Shakespeare who also said, Love is blind.

Now that is something I know to be true. For some, quite inexplicably, love fades. For others, love is simply lost. But then, of course, love can also be found, even if just for the night. And then there is another kind of love, the cruelest kind , the one that almost kills its victims. It s called unrequited love.

Of that, I am an expert! Most love stories are about people who fall in love with each other, but what about the rest of us? What about our stories, those of us who fall in love alone? We are the victims of the one-sided affair. We are the cursed of the loved ones. We are the unloved ones, the walking wounded, the handicapped without the advantage of a great parking space

Yes, you are looking at one such individual!

I love this monologue ,Especially with the music, Iris said softly: For some, quite inexplicably, love fades. For others, love is simply lost.

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Extended Reading

The Holiday quotes

  • Iris: [Iris answers telephone] Hello?

    Graham: So are you ever coming home?

    Iris: Oh, my God, hi.

    Graham: How's it going?

    Iris: Great. I met a really nice guy.

    Graham: See? And you said you'd never. What's he like?

    Iris: He's really cute. I feel great when I'm with him, which is an entirely new experience. And he's about ninety years old.

    Graham: Come on.

    Iris: He's my next-door neighbor. Or Amanda's next-door neighbor. By the way you should pop over and meet her.

    Graham: Yeah, I have, actually.

    Iris: [Call waiting beeps] Oh, bugger. Call waiting. Can you hold for a sec? Hold on. I really wanna talk to you.

    Graham: Sure.

    Iris: [Iris switches to other call] Hello?

    Amanda: Iris, hi, it's Amanda.

    Iris: How are you? How's it going?

    Amanda: Everything's great. How are you?

    Iris: Oh, I'm loving it. Listen, can you hold for a sec? My brother's on the other line.

    Amanda: Graham?

    Iris: Yes. He said you met.

    Amanda: Yes, we did meet. How is he?

    Iris: Fine, I think. Can you just hold on for a sec?

    Amanda: Sure.

    Iris: [Iris switches calls] Okay. Hi, sorry. That was Amanda.

    Graham: How'd she sound? How's she doing?

    Iris: She just asked me how you are.

  • Miles: [playing the keyboard and improv-singing with Iris] Oh my God, we both said 'fruitily'!