I copied the poems in it a long time ago

Geraldine 2022-01-01 08:01:42

Lied Vom Kindsein
– Peter Handke

Als das Kind Kind war,
ging es mit hängenden Armen,
wollte der Bach sei ein Fluß,
der Fluß sei ein Strom,
und diese Pfütze das Meer.

When the child is still a child,
always waving when walking Arms
think that the ditches are small streams, the trickles are big rivers, and the puddles are the sea.

Als das Kind Kind war,
wußte es nicht, daß es Kind war,
alles war ihm beseelt,
und alle Seelen waren eins.

When a child was a child,
he didn’t think he was a child.
Everything to him is full of life,
everything Life is the same

Als das Kind Kind war,
hatte es von nichts eine Meinung,
hatte keine Gewohnheit,
saß oft im Schneidersitz,
lief aus dem Stand,
hatte einen Wirbel im Haar
und machte kein Gesicht beim fotografieren.

When the child was a child,
he knew nothing about for all things,
there is no habit,
often legged sitting
excitedly leave
hair a mess,
when the camera will not posturing

Als das Kind Kind war,
war es die Zeit der folgenden Fragen:
Warum bin ich ich und warum nicht du?
Warum bin ich hier und warum nicht dort?
Wann begann die Zeit und wo endet der Raum?
Ist das Leben unter der Sonne nicht bloß ein Traum?
Ist was ich sehe und höre und rieche
nicht bloß der Schein einer Welt vor der Welt?
Gibt es tatsächlich das Böse und Leute,
die wirklich die Bösen sind?
Wie kann es sein, daß ich, der
ichur bin , nicht war,
und daß einmal ich, der ich bin,
nicht mehr der ich bin, sein werde?

When a child is still a child, there
are often such questions,
why am I called me instead of you?
Why am I here and not there?
When does time begin
and where does space end?
Isn't living under the sun just a dream?
What I see, hear, and smell,
isn't it just a reflection of the real world?
Is there really evil, or full of malicious people?
How can
I be able to do that, I have become me before I was born,
not after I die,
how can I be the only me
instead of many me?

Als das Kind Kind war,
würgte es am Spinat, an den Erbsen, am Milchreis,
und am gedünsteten Blumenkohl.
und ißt jetzt das alles und nicht nur zur Not.

When I was still a child,
spinach, peas, milk rice and rotten The cauliflower made him sick,
but now he is no longer forced to eat these things

Als das Kind Kind war,
erwachte es einmal in einem fremden Bett
und jetzt immer wieder,
erschienen IHM viele Menschen schön
und jetzt Nur noch IM Glücksfall,
stellte es SiCH Klar ein Paradies VOR
und kann es jetzt höchstens Ahnen,
konnte es SiCH Nichts nicht denken
und schaudert Heute Davor.

When the child was a child,
there may be one in a strange ( People wake up in bed,
but now it often happens.
He knows very well what the Garden of Eden is like.
He at least now knows that
there is nothing he can't think of, and he
will tremble with it.

Als das Kind Kind war,
spielte es mit Begeisterung
und jetzt, so ganz bei der Sache wie damals, nur noch,
wenn diese Sache seine Arbeit ist.

When the child was a child, he
was full of enthusiasm for any activity,
and now, completely Be attracted to something as before,
only when it’s his job.

Als das Kind Kind war,
genügten ihm als Nahrung Apfel, Brot,
und so ist es immer noch.

When he was a child,
his food sources were apples and bread, and
it is still the case today.

ALS das the Kind the Kind the WAR,
fielen IHM Die Beeren wie Nur Beeren in Die Hand
und jetzt immer noch,
MachTen IHM Die frischen Walnüsse eine Raue Zunge
und jetzt immer noch,
Hatte es auf jedem Berg
Die Sehnsucht nach DEM immer höheren Berg,
und in jeden Stadt
die Sehnsucht nach der noch größeren Stadt,
und das ist immer noch so,
griff im Wipfel eines Baums nach dem Kirschen in einem Hochgefühl
wie auch heute noch,
eine Scheu vor jedem Fremden
und hat sie
immerten noch, den sie immerten noch ,
und wartet so immer noch.

When the child was still a child,
The berries to him are the same as the berries sold in the shop, and
they still do.
He hastily chewed the walnuts, and
it is still the case.
When (he) was at the top of the mountain, he
always looked forward to higher peaks.
In every city, he hoped that
a bigger city
would be bigger, which is still the case now.
(He) happily went to pick the cherries from the treetops,
which is still the case.
Imprisoned and shy in front of strangers
is still the same now.
Waiting for the first snow in winter,
I still look forward to it now.

Als das Kind Kind war,
warf es einen Stock als Lanze gegen den Baum,
und sie zittert da heute noch.

When the child was a child, he
threw the branch against the big tree like throwing a spear,
which has excited him so far.

View more about Wings of Desire reviews

Extended Reading
  • Roy 2022-03-28 09:01:04

    Wenders and Angel also have some similarities. The themes of searching and wandering are all about existential anxiety about post-war cultural colonization. They are built on the cultural landscape of the homeland that has been declining. The difference is that there are more Wenders. There is a layer of ascetic melancholy, so Anzhe resorts to symbols and symbols, while Wenders is more inclined to metaphor and subconsciousness, and both naturally prefer more real, intuitive, and ambiguous long shots.

  • Newell 2022-03-28 09:01:04

    Why am I me? instead of you? Why am I here and not there? Where does time begin? Where does the space end? Isn't life under the sun a dream? What I saw, heard, felt. . . Isn't it the coat of this world?

Wings of Desire quotes

  • Marion: It must finally become serious. I've often been alone, but I've never lived alone. When I was with someone I was often happy. But the same time, it all seemed a coincidence. These people were my parents. But it could have been others. Why was this brown-eyed boy my brother and not the green-eyed boy on the opposite platform? The taxi driver's daughter was my friend. But I might as well have put my arm round a horse's neck. I was with a man in love and I might as well have left him there and gone off with the stranger I met in the street. Look at me, or don't. Give me your hand, or don't. No. Don't give me the hand, and look away. I think tonight is the new moon. No night more peaceful. No bloodshed in all the city. I've never played with anyone and yet I've never opened my eyes and thought: Now it's serious. At last it's becoming serious. So I've grown older. Was I the only one who wasn't serious? Is it our times that are not serious? I was never lonely neither when I was alone, nor with others. But I would have liked to be alone at last. Loneliness means I'm finally whole. Now I can say it as tonight, I'm at last alone. I must put an end to coincidence. The new moon of decision. I don't know if there's destiny but there's a decision. Decide! We are now the times. Not only the whole town - the whole world is taking part in our decision. We two are now more than us two. We incarnate something. We're representing the people now. And the whole place is full of those who are dreaming the same dream. We are deciding everyone's game. I am ready. Now it's your turn. You hold the game in your hand. Now or never. You need me. You will need me. There's no greater story than ours, that of man and woman. It will be a story of giants... invisible... transposable... a story of new ancestors. Look. My eyes. They are the picture of necessity, of the future of everyone in the place. Last night I dreamt of a stranger... of my man. Only with him could I be alone, open up to him, wholly open, wholly for him. Welcome him wholly into me. Surround him with the labyrinth of shared happiness. I know... it's you.

  • Peter Falk: [inner voice] Yellow star means death. Why did they pick yellow? Sunflowers. Van Gogh killed himself. This drawing stinks. So what? No one sees it. Someday you'll make a good drawing. I hope. I hope. I hope.