Missing Baby: A Moral Dilemma

Herbert 2022-04-22 07:01:04

The plot of "Missing Baby" is not complicated. When the drug addict's daughter, Amanda, suddenly disappears, the child's aunt hires private investigator Patrick (Casey Affleck) to find the child. Patrick twisted the cocoon layer by layer along the only clues, but accidentally discovered another bizarre story, and at the same time he stood at a moral crossroads.

The core value of Missing Baby is that it raises a moral dilemma. When Patrick found out that the drug addict's daughter was not really missing at all, it was a carefully set up by Amanda's uncle, the well-meaning policeman and others to take the little girl away from this depraved mother so that she could live a better life When it comes to life, how should he choose whether to let Amanda stay with the police and start a new life, or take her back to her mother?

That's a bad mother. She was unemployed, took drugs, fooled around every day, and never cared about her daughter. Following her, as the old police officer played by Morgan Freeman said, Amanda is likely to become a sister in the future, become a mother early, as degenerate as her mother, or even worse; while living with the old police officer , Amanda will be well educated and have a bright future.

If you were Patrick, what choices would you make? Or in other words, when you have the power to influence others, how do you exercise that power?

Patrick made his choice. Despite his hesitation, he was determined to send Amanda back to her unqualified mother.

Patrick said if he didn't, one day, Amanda confronted "you broke your promise...they stole me, it's not my home, you know, you know better than me, and you don't do anything" , he will not be able to face it, and he will not be able to forgive himself.

Patrick paid a huge price for it, his girlfriend and partner left him and condemned him. In that scene, his girlfriend is emotional, as if the little girl is on her way to the light and Patrick is the devil in the way.

I'm so speechless about this scene. I don't care about the police's illegal taking of Amanda, and I was moved to tears by the "family happiness" between the little girl and the old police family, and in turn accused the boyfriend who upheld the law and justice "too cruel", this girlfriend The level of stupidity is hopeless.

Although Amanda's mother is very unbearable, she also has the right to be a mother. The police have no right to take Amanda away from her mother in this way; more importantly, no one has the right to judge other people's lives, no right Help others make choices in the name of "goodwill". Everyone is an individual with free will. When Amanda was young, it was her guardian mother who could influence her life; when she grew up, it was only herself who could decide her destiny. .

Interestingly, people like Patrick's girlfriend do exist widely. In China, netizens taunted them as "Virgin Mary's little freshness". Such a person looks like he is holding the truth all day long, full of emotions and self-movement, without logic and sense of rules, and always likes to cry out every time something happens, as if he is a hero who saves the world, and the solution is usually generosity of others.

"I'm here", "I'm still a child", "It's not easy", "I'm getting older", "For your own good", "A slap doesn't make a sound", and "Wu Jing should donate 100 million box office to show his patriotism" ", "Why do you still have a dazzling child when the motherland is in a military parade"... How is it, familiar?

No one is in charge. Even if a person has the ability to influence the lives of others, he cannot and cannot live for others, not to mention that this kind of "goodwill" is sometimes far from reasonable and righteous. The principles of justice are truly worthy of our upholding, because while they do not guarantee the happiness of individuals, they guarantee the liberty of all people more generally. Otherwise, this time they have deprived a drug addict of the right to be a mother. What if they use extraordinary means to identify you as a drug addict next time?

Part 2

"Missing Baby" is directed by Ben Affleck, starring his brother Casey Affleck, and co-produced by Matt Damon.

Let's talk about Ben Affleck. Over the years, he and Matt Damon have flourished in Hollywood and are very popular with the audience. But speaking of it, he was always suppressed by the halo of good friends earlier. He has been criticized for being paralyzed. Although he has appeared in many important movies such as "Gone Girl" and "Good Will Hunting", there are still many criticisms even when he plays Batman.

But that's what I like about him. Looking at his blank face, I always felt an inexplicable intimacy.

In addition to acting, Ben Affleck's talents in directing and screenwriting are actually more prominent. 2007's "Missing Baby" was his directorial debut. In 2013, he was a director and producer, and won the 70th Golden Globe Award for Best Director and the 85th Academy Award for Best Picture for "Escape from Tehran".

Casey Affleck is Ben Affleck's younger brother. They look very similar (so I like Cassie a lot too). Influenced by his brother, Casey also loves acting very much, but he has also lived under his brother's reputation for a long time. Although he has played many roles, he always falls short.

This "Missing Baby" complements Cassie's tone. After the film's release, Casey's performance was unanimously recognized by professionals and audiences alike. Of course, these are all previous words. Now Cassie has won an Oscar for best actor with "Manchester by the Sea", and his acting career has finally shined.

I really like all three of them, which is unusual for me. After Big Ben and the Casey brothers have made some achievements at the Oscars, I hope Matt Damon can also usher in his honor soon.

This article was first published on the WeChat public account: Burning Expedition (TBC1096). Welcome to pay attention.

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Gone Baby Gone quotes

  • Patrick Kenzie: Go on. Move your bike!

    Kid on Bike: Go fuck your mother!

    Patrick Kenzie: What the...

    Kid on Bike: Beat it, sucker!

  • Helene McCready: [crying] I know I fucked up. I just want my daughter back. I swear to God, I won't use no drugs no more. I won't even go out; I'll be fucking straight. Cross my heart.

    Patrick Kenzie: [comforting her] It's all right. We're gonna find her, Helene.

    Helene McCready: You have to. You promise?

    Patrick Kenzie: Yeah. I'm gonna try. I will.

    Helene McCready: Promise. You have to promise me.

    Patrick Kenzie: I promise.