love, please do it the right way

Stephania 2022-04-20 09:01:13

"Is this Mirabell?"
"It's Annabelle."
Those are the last two lines of the movie "The Missing Baby," a slow-paced, flawless dozing film about a missing child.
After the little girl disappeared, her mother was very anxious and cried in front of reporters. The police surrounded her family for investigation, but after a few days, there was still no progress. Impatient, the uncle of the missing little girl found the protagonist of the film, the private detective. Using his friends in the underworld, the private detective learned that the little girl's disappearance may have been caused by the drug dealer's mother hiding the drug dealer's money, causing the drug dealer to kidnap the little girl for the purpose of recovering the drug money. Everything seemed to be going well, and it made sense logically. But in the transaction of paying the money in one hand and returning the person in the other hand, everyone saw the little girl fall into the deep lake under the cliff. Everyone was heartbroken, but the little girl's body was never recovered.
Because of this failed experience, private investigators have since paid special attention to news reports about the disappearance of children, and have once again intervened in the disappearance of a 7-year-old boy. Although the rescue of the little girl's disappearance fails, a friendship is formed between the private investigator and an old police officer; they join forces again, but it still ends in failure. The private detective shot the murderer of the kidnapped little boy; for his own behavior, the private detective blamed himself a little, after all, he killed someone. The old policeman comforted him and told him some past experiences, but inadvertently exposed a fact: he knew the uncle who rescued the "failed" little girl for a long time.
Since the old policeman and the little girl's uncle have known each other for a long time, why did he deliberately hide it from himself?
Under the combined effect of the thirst for the truth and the shadow left by the failure to rescue the little girl, the private detective began to re-investigate the disappearance of the little girl. He discovered the shocking fact that the little girl was not kidnapped by drug dealers, but the little girl's uncle and the old policeman who actually kidnapped her. It turned out that when the little girl's mother went out to take drugs and have fun, but left the little girl at home alone, the little girl's uncle accompanied her and accompanies her to sleep. Unexpectedly, the little girl's uncle overheard that the little girl's mother was discussing with another drug addict how to take the drug money that he had intercepted for himself. Therefore, the little girl's uncle discussed with the old police, and the uncle took the little girl away and faked the scene of the kidnapping, so that the responsibility for the kidnapping of the little girl could be pushed to the drug dealer whose money was detained, and the little girl's mother could be used The girl's eagerness revealed the hiding place of the intercepted drug money.
It's really a conscientious uncle and a police officer who should be punished for perverting the law. For the sake of money, even a little girl will not be spared.
To cover up the truth, the old policeman took his own life in a near-suicide manner. It's just that the last sentence he said was, "I like children." Angry and confused private detectives are investigated when a police officer is shot dead. After recounting how he was involved in the disappearance of the little girl step by step, he found out again.
It turned out that the police captain was also involved. You must know that this police captain is famous, known as the guardian of justice, and more importantly, his daughter was kidnapped and killed.
Out of rage, the private detective visits the police captain who was forced to retire early because of the disappearance of the little girl. In a magical scene, the missing and presumed dead little girl runs out of the house and rushes into the arms of the police captain; the little girl seems to be doing just fine.
The little girl has never been kidnapped, just so that the little girl can grow up healthy and stay away from the mother who is a drug addict and promiscuous. The illusion of a little girl falling off a cliff and falling into the lake when dealing with drug dealers; even, the old policeman did not hesitate to rob on purpose in order to prevent the private detective from continuing to investigate. During the "robbery", the old policeman was shot back and killed. I would rather die than tell the truth, even if it is misunderstood.
"We just want to give a little girl a normal life", this is the reason given by the police captain. But the private investigator disagreed with this statement, insisting that the little girl has her own mother and should have her own life. In the face of the police captain, "You will think differently in 30 years", "You still don't know what the world is like", "You should know whether it is better for her to be here or to go back to her mother", and of course There are pleas; in the face of his girlfriend's persuasion, he even threatened to break up; the private detective still called the police.
The police captain was taken away in handcuffs, and the little girl returned to her mother's side.
After that, a private detective went to visit the little girl and found that her mother was dressing up and preparing for a date with a man; the little girl was alone and bored watching TV on the sofa. When the little girl's mother went out on a date, the friend who promised to take care of her daughter temporarily hadn't come to her house; the private detective sat on the sofa, stared blankly at the little girl, and asked about the toys in the little girl's hand, so he The dialogue with the little girl is the last two lines of the film recorded in the opening of this article. After the error on the toy's name is corrected, with the stunned expression of the private detective, the movie ends.
The captain of the police loves children because he has personal experience and pain; the old policeman also loves children, he once violated principles for a child and deliberately framed an incompetent father; the uncle of the little girl also loves children, Because his niece was stranded in the car by one person and was almost roasted to death by the scorching sun; the little girl's mother also loves children, she once vowed to stay away from drugs, love children and not let them out of her sight; private detectives also love children, Otherwise, he will not visit again.
In order to give the little girl a normal life, the police captain, the old policeman, and her uncle joined forces to "commit the crime", just to stay away from her bad mother and the bad life that will inevitably happen under the normal trajectory; in order to give the little girl a normal life, private The detective insisted that the little girl return to her mother's side, because this is the normal life.
At the end of the film, the rich expression of the private detective, I wonder if it means that he has doubts in his heart for the behavior of letting the little girl return to her mother.
I'm in a tangle! Should such an ignorant little girl really stay by the police captain's side in order to live a normal life? But she has her own mother. Before the law deprives her biological mother of custody, who has the right to let the little girl leave her mother, even in the name of making her life better? It's good to go back to my mother, but her mother is too bad, she is a drug addict (the private detective's girlfriend once warned that her temperament is hard to change), and she has not fulfilled her promise to "keep the children out of sight", still As usual, he is self-conscious and cheerful; in the face of such a mother, isn't it a very laudable thing to use illegal means to achieve the purpose of allowing the little girl to lead a normal life? Even if it is not praised, at least its kindness should not be questioned, right? And the private detective, he could have followed the police captain's request and his girlfriend's request, not to call the police and let the little girl stay by the police captain's side forever; Back at his mother's side, he insisted on continuing to find out the truth of the disappearance because he liked children, but did he also destroy the completely different life that the little girl could have lived while fulfilling his promise? Is the commitment important, or is the little girl's future life more important?
This is a movie about loving children. Back to the skinny reality, in 2011, there was a tragedy in which a child stabbed his mother 9 times at Shanghai Pudong Airport. According to reports, the cause was that the mother said that she could not continue to bear the child's study abroad expenses. Before that, the mother had a monthly income of 7,000 yuan but had to pay more than 300,000 yuan per year for her children to study abroad. In order to satisfy the child, the mother does not hesitate to borrow heavily, but also to meet the child's learning and living expenses far beyond the normal standard. This may be an extreme case, but it is not uncommon for children to rush between remedial classes during the weekend break.
I don't have a child yet, so I don't know how to love a child; if I have a child, I must understand it, right? At least the director of the film isn't so sure about that. We all know to love, but what is the right way to love?
Finally, share a line from the movie: When I was a child, I asked the pastor how to ensure that he went to heaven without being swallowed up by all kinds of evil forces in the world; the pastor told me that this is how God said to his children, "You are A lamb among wolves must be as shrewd as a viper and as innocent as a dove."

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Gone Baby Gone quotes

  • Patrick Kenzie: Go on. Move your bike!

    Kid on Bike: Go fuck your mother!

    Patrick Kenzie: What the...

    Kid on Bike: Beat it, sucker!

  • Helene McCready: [crying] I know I fucked up. I just want my daughter back. I swear to God, I won't use no drugs no more. I won't even go out; I'll be fucking straight. Cross my heart.

    Patrick Kenzie: [comforting her] It's all right. We're gonna find her, Helene.

    Helene McCready: You have to. You promise?

    Patrick Kenzie: Yeah. I'm gonna try. I will.

    Helene McCready: Promise. You have to promise me.

    Patrick Kenzie: I promise.