Children do not belong to their parents, they belong to those who truly love them

Grayson 2022-04-20 09:01:13

I saw a TV report before that a little girl was kidnapped by human traffickers and sold to a family - a couple who had no children and would never have children, so they loved this "bought" little girl like a treasure , bought her a cabinet of toys, and she was like a single girl who was raising her own food. In China, child abduction is very widespread and it is very hard to crack down on. The couple begged hard not to give up the custody of the child, and actively negotiated and communicated with her biological mother, hoping to adopt her. It turned out that the girl's biological mother was very young and had no fixed job, and the child did not know her father. Mom was obviously at a playful age, very immature, but her mother was crying and crying and insisting on taking the child back. Even at that time, the government was more in favor of adopting this method, but she was a real mother. The girl has "returned", just like the young detective in the film announced, she has returned to "where she belongs", and this matter has come to an end. After two or three years, the media may not be relieved (mainland media back then Really so dedicated!) I did a follow-up report, thinking that things were a little big at the time, the mother saw the reporter coming, and quickly took the little girl to eat KFC, making a look of pampering her, and When the reporter asked the girl how her own mother treated her, the little girl didn't open her mouth at all. Later, she whispered, "Mum hits." The reporter also noticed some scars on her face. Did the girl live with her own mother? It's a good life, we don't know, and on the other side, the couple who originally planned to adopt the girl still have her room at home, and the doll is still where she can get it. I saw this show on TV Fashion Although I was young, this true story has been kept in my mind. Until I watched the film today, the facts and the film echoed each other. The facts were pondered in the film, and the film was confirmed in the facts. It gave me such a strong feeling.

The detective Er Lengzi in the film seems to be young and upright, but in fact, he did not put himself in the position of the little girl. He regarded her as a thing, a thing, and returned her to where she should be. Somewhere, when the young detective made this decision, he only thought about his own strict view of right and wrong, but he did not consider the life of this poor girl at all. It seemed that there was no fault in doing so. The child should have followed his parents. This worldly definition, and now think about how many children's lives may have been ruined.

How many people who yearn for children, who have the conditions to love them and protect them, can't be parents? How many reckless and selfish young people are unwilling to become parents?

Amanda is in the old policeman's house, she will have all the favorable conditions to grow up, picnic, movie, university, travel... It's a pity that God made a joke for her, the bright future that seemed to be short-lived was blown up by the detective's 911. , The little princess is going to go back to be a Cinderella after a long time. It may be a bit snobbish to say that, but the emotional factor is clearly emphasized in the film. The old couple loves the little girl very much, the little girl is also very happy here, and the child is the least materialistic. The only reason that can make her happy is that she enjoys the feeling of being loved and favored.

Maybe when God always sends the children of heaven to a bad family to grow up, the angels on the side can't see it and treat the ones who should be loved. Children are put in the hands of people who will love them, but God's sharp eyes found all of this, so the "mistake" was corrected with the hands of a detective.

This problem also has two sides, just like the dialogue between a young detective and an old policeman. When the girl grew up with her own mother, her future was bleak. Would she ask the detective why she didn't let me stay with someone who was better and loved me more? Or raised by an old policeman and his wife, will he question the detective in the future, why not let me be with my own mother? Both of these assumptions are quite reasonable, but the former is possible, the latter... not very realistic, at least not realistic for Americans, and Chinese people are more likely... In short, people go to high places Flowing down, blood relationship is really not everything.

About behind the scenes: the small book acts and the excellent leads, it is really good, although the technology is obviously not so skilled, so that the first half of the paragraph is long and loose, but the script is really first-class, and it survived a long period of time. After the boredom is ushered in the admiration of the depth of the movie and the deep thinking of the society, four-star recommendation!

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Gone Baby Gone quotes

  • Patrick Kenzie: Go on. Move your bike!

    Kid on Bike: Go fuck your mother!

    Patrick Kenzie: What the...

    Kid on Bike: Beat it, sucker!

  • Helene McCready: [crying] I know I fucked up. I just want my daughter back. I swear to God, I won't use no drugs no more. I won't even go out; I'll be fucking straight. Cross my heart.

    Patrick Kenzie: [comforting her] It's all right. We're gonna find her, Helene.

    Helene McCready: You have to. You promise?

    Patrick Kenzie: Yeah. I'm gonna try. I will.

    Helene McCready: Promise. You have to promise me.

    Patrick Kenzie: I promise.