Gone Baby Gone

Garrick 2022-04-20 09:01:13

At one time, I thought the story was a little procrastinated, and the honesty of Batman's death shown by the male pig at the end also made people feel a bit abrupt, but the story is still very good, the suspense is also set well, at least I really don't Guess what, that alone is great.
The younger brother is acting and the older brother is directing. It seems to work well together, but my brother's directing ability still needs to be improved, and he has been directing. . . I don't know when it will be affirmed, at least it will take time for me to watch it. In fact, this film should not be given five stars. At least the performance of the director and actors is not enough to give me five stars, but the film itself is still very impressive. .
In the end, I inadvertently talked to the little girl, and the little girl replied in a soft voice, she was shocked, I don't know what the boy thought, if I were he would definitely feel like he was struck by lightning! ! ! Thinking that it is good for the child, the TV station is chasing and blocking, the police are doing their duty, and the mother begging again and again, it seems that everything is from the position of the little girl, but in the end, it turns out that even the name of the little girl's favorite doll is wrong, so there are others What is true, what is reliable, what is really on the child's side? just use it? Just because of reputation, right? Is it just a momentary flood of maternal love?
Not everyone can be a Batman, first of all you have to have muscles and a lot of money, and then you have to have martial arts skills, you have to withstand the blow of being caught by yourself and escape from prison, and stand up again and again. Catch them, put them in jail, can you?

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Gone Baby Gone quotes

  • Patrick Kenzie: Go on. Move your bike!

    Kid on Bike: Go fuck your mother!

    Patrick Kenzie: What the...

    Kid on Bike: Beat it, sucker!

  • Helene McCready: [crying] I know I fucked up. I just want my daughter back. I swear to God, I won't use no drugs no more. I won't even go out; I'll be fucking straight. Cross my heart.

    Patrick Kenzie: [comforting her] It's all right. We're gonna find her, Helene.

    Helene McCready: You have to. You promise?

    Patrick Kenzie: Yeah. I'm gonna try. I will.

    Helene McCready: Promise. You have to promise me.

    Patrick Kenzie: I promise.