There is nothing that controls people more than faith, and that is love.

Eliza 2022-04-22 07:01:03

In the past few days, the Dragon Boat Festival is on holiday, and I did nothing else. I found four films of The Silence of the Lambs in the bedroom. After reading it, it stands to reason that the four films should be, The Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, Red Dragon, young Hannibal. As for me, because I was passed over by Hannibal, I watched Hannibal first, so the order I watched was Hannibal, the young Hannibal, the Silence of the Lambs, and the Red Dragon. Obviously, I was confused when I watched Hannibal at first, then I watched the young Hannibal understand his difficulties, then I saw "Bison Bill" and then "Tooth Fairy", and now I just finished watching Red Dragon, I want to talk about my heart feeling.

I have always believed that bad people cannot become bad for no reason, nor can a murderer kill for no reason, with the exception of certain cases. Like Mr.D and Hannibal, they all started killing people because of some childhood experiences. He was abused by his family since he was a child. Although he grew up, he still had an indelible shadow in his heart. Just like at the end of the film, Will used the excuse of scolding his son for peeing his pants to stimulate him, which shows how painful the shadow of childhood made him in his heart.

Okay, now let's talk about faith and love as I understand them. The Tooth Fairy began to have problems in his heart because he was abused in his childhood, and then he believed in the Red Dragon, and began a series of crazy evil deeds of murder and slaughter. But he has his own beliefs, his own way of doing things, meticulousness, and his own set of killing logic and order. In this film, he killed two families. When he was preparing for the third family of Sha, and when he was watching the video tape to step on the spot, Broken by a woman, because the woman is blind, he takes her home and falls in love with the woman.

For the first time, when he woke up, he found that the red dragon was also eyeing this woman. The red dragon wanted to eat this woman, but he resisted. In fact, there was no red dragon at all, it was just the spiritual support he was looking for. He chose a woman between his faith and the woman he loved.

The second time he found out that a woman was in conflict with his beliefs, it was because he was almost discovered by Will, and hurried to the woman's house, only to find that the woman was kissing her friend goodbye. This was a normal etiquette in their country. He was already provoked, killed the man, and then tied the woman back to his house, he betrayed his beliefs, even though he misunderstood that the woman was having an affair with another man, he still couldn't bear to kill him, so ah, look After the end, I was deeply moved. Can love really conquer people's beliefs?

The Tooth Fairy never showed any compassion when he murdered his whole family, even his children, but he was defeated by the love that briefly fascinated him. He ate Blake's paintings, set fire to the house, and even "suicide" , Arrogant people are arrogant, he compares with Hannibal, his proud back is full of Gragon, these are all defeated by the love she gave him, people's hearts are very fragile, especially those who have been injured.

This is just my personal opinion, if you read my review, thank you for watching.

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Extended Reading

Red Dragon quotes

  • Will Graham: Jack, there's only one safe way to carry on a conversation that's one-way blind.

    Jack Crawford: Publication.

  • Will Graham: [accosted by Freddie Lounds] You write lying shit, Lounds, and the "Tattler" is an ass wipe!