Uncle Control's Welfare

Chaz 2022-04-22 07:01:03

In fact, I saw Red Dragon once many years ago, but when I was young and ignorant, I may just skip it once and it will be gone (in fact, it is just gone now).
Recently, I have been looking for some of Uncle Nuo's movies, and I want to watch it again. Then just yesterday, I finished the book and showed him immediately. Although I have seen it before, I have basically forgotten the plot. I only remember that there are Uncle Fei, Uncle Nuo, and Uncle Fei's whole fruit. .
Now that you've been chatting, let's chat again, watching Uncle Nuo and Uncle Fei in the movie, and then look at Uncle Nuo and Uncle Fei now, it's also been more than ten years, why is the difference between the two men's old age? So obviously, Uncle Nuo is still in a state of being cute when he smiles innocently, while Uncle Fei. . . Sincerely time does not spare Uncle Fei. . .
To be honest, the whole film should be the communication between Hannibal and Will. D is just a pawn of H. In order to find out D, W told H to let D kill him. After setting up a game, it was almost a success, but as W said, everyone has shortcomings. In the end, W took advantage of D's weaknesses and saved the lives of his entire family.
The only feeling after watching it is that there should be a sequel here!

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Red Dragon quotes

  • Will Graham: Jack, there's only one safe way to carry on a conversation that's one-way blind.

    Jack Crawford: Publication.

  • Will Graham: [accosted by Freddie Lounds] You write lying shit, Lounds, and the "Tattler" is an ass wipe!