The Way of Cultivation and Change of Human and Dragon

Lew 2022-04-20 09:01:12

The Way of Cultivation and Change of Human and Dragon

In order to get rid of the shadow of growth and the pain of suffering itself, D decided to change from a human to a dragon. Alienating his personality into a godhead, and achieving this transformation through slaughter and sacrifice, this is his way of cultivation and change.

Violence gave him strength, killing gave him strength, deprivation of life gave him strength, and mastery of life and death gave him strength. As Will said, "Because it makes him God."

The great red dragon is the supreme power of mighty power. A god or a demon, the strong name is called "extraordinary". No matter how you call it, the giant dragon is a top-level power that looks down on people, and it is not at the same level as people. Humans are insignificant in front of dragons, they can only crawl and show their awe, as D said to the reporters to be killed, they are ants in the cesspool.

Hannibal is a godhead in perfection, standing high above and looking down on humans. He is almost flawless, free of human flaws, and takes the life of the rude and disrespectful with artistic grace.

D is an admirer and pilgrim of Hannibal, collecting many of his newspaper clippings, and as a force above ordinary people, Hannibal is deeply attracted to him.

D has been deeply hurt by women since he was a child, so women and strength are the two focuses of his psychology. When he saw Blake's painting, he was deeply attracted because Blake's "The Great Red Dragon and the Woman in the Sunshine" deeply highlighted the mighty power of the dragon and the submission of women.

Hannibal is the forerunner of his transcendental way of becoming a god, and the red dragon painting is his spiritual totem, the mentor and instrument of his practice.

kill, sacrifice, turn into dragons

How to become transcendent, how to transform, how to be reborn? By killing women, women are sacrificed as sacrifices to dragons. Every time a sacrifice is made, the red dragon will come closer, and D will spiritually transform into a red dragon until he becomes a complete body, and there is no trace of human nature left, but the same complete demon/divine nature as Hannibal. /beast.

Because human beings are only ants in his eyes, they are sacrifices, not of the same kind, so there is no mercy in killing them. The disparity in the power of violence exacerbates this mentality, just as a child can easily crush an ant.

The two women that D killed first were the offerings he offered to the Red Dragon, as well as offerings to his past. Through the baptism of blood, nurture your own godhead.

human form, changing, reborn.

The process of killing and offering sacrifices is full of religious rituals. The main sacrifice he chose was a woman, and the secondary sacrifice was his entire family—from pets to children to men, no dogs or cats were left. The killing sequence is also full of ritual, step by step, first kill cats, dogs, pets, then men, then children, and finally the main sacrifice. After the killing, everything is recorded on the scene with a camera. From arranging dolls to look at the sacrifice, to killing other family members and dragging them to the room to watch the sacrifice, to putting glass lenses in their eyes after killing the sacrifice, all of them have primitive witchcraft The feeling of art, let a group of "audience" witness his sacrifice process, to witness his way to become a dragon and consecrate a god.


In the process of transformation from human to dragon, human and dragon coexist in his body and slowly transform. However, when they met the blind girl, the two personalities began to clash violently.

When he was about to transform successfully, he met love. A blind woman who is extremely weak compared to him, a woman who can't hurt him, but loves him and gives him warmth. This kind of unequal love between the strong and the weak makes him feel the love of human beings that he has never felt before. Love nurtures the other side and pulls him back from the path of demonization. In Long's view, love also makes him contradictory and fragile, causing the conflict between his two personalities to separate. In the end, this conflict could not be reconciled, and he gave up everything in Hualong's criminal journey.

I don't know what the state of D will be in the end. is it human? Is it a dragon? After that explosion, there is no more psychological description of D. Explosion and suspended animation are, after all, a kind of reborn.

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Red Dragon quotes

  • Will Graham: Jack, there's only one safe way to carry on a conversation that's one-way blind.

    Jack Crawford: Publication.

  • Will Graham: [accosted by Freddie Lounds] You write lying shit, Lounds, and the "Tattler" is an ass wipe!