Red Dragon ps: Hannibal

Alysson 2022-04-20 09:01:12

As the third film in the "Hannibal" film series, this film can also be called "Hannibal Prequel". The beginning of the film tells about the accidental arrest of "Hannibal", and then entered the real climax of the film. The appearance of another perverted killer "Red Dragon" left the investigators clueless and caught the protagonist of "Hannibal". The police officer went to "Hannibal" for advice in order to catch the murderer, which itself is a satire of reality. The ingeniousness of the film is to use the psychological analysis of the characters to ponder the murderer. Even though the film has already revealed the identity of the murderer to the audience, the tense plot and atmosphere still make the audience happy to immerse in the film. Of course, the performance of the two perverted killers in the film is also very brilliant. "Red Dragon" can be a shy and conceited boy, or a brutal and shrewd devil, but for "Hannibal", it is still so calm, so calm makes people feel scared …

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Red Dragon quotes

  • Will Graham: Jack, there's only one safe way to carry on a conversation that's one-way blind.

    Jack Crawford: Publication.

  • Will Graham: [accosted by Freddie Lounds] You write lying shit, Lounds, and the "Tattler" is an ass wipe!