Turn to a movie review with a better analysis

Kole 2022-04-19 09:01:21

I will analyze the pervert killer - Tooth Fairy - Dole from a psychological point of view.

First look at the way he kills:
he kills the Jacobies at one full moon and the Leeds at the next full moon. The mirrors in the two households were smashed, and he did not kill the hostess immediately, he touched her with toner powder, and finally killed her. The family that was killed was put together, what he wanted them to watch.

There is no doubt that Du's perverted killings were the result of childhood abuse. It can also be seen from this point that the author who wrote this story is mainly based on Freud's psychoanalytic theory.

From the information provided in the film, we can see what kind of abuse Doerr has been subjected to. He lived in an environment with domestic violence. During his childhood, he lived with his mother-in-law for more time. Her mother-in-law always scolded him and punished him, so that his face was disfigured, and spiritually, he The biggest damage was that his mother-in-law threatened to cut off his stuff, which made him develop a castration complex, believing that he was incompetent and that his stuff was useless.

So why did he kill? In other words, what were the consequences of his childhood experiences? The first is that he works out, which he wants to find confidence in. In addition, it is not surprising if he excels in all aspects. The fundamental reason is still to find self-confidence. He wants to make himself strong. What he wants is the recognition and respect of others for him. The reason he killed the reporter was because of that, so he said that what the reporter owed him was reverence. However, this is not his motive for killing the family of two. There is another reason for him to kill the family of two. This reason is that he has paranoia.

Paranoia is the transformation of desired things into psychological reality. His paranoia was based on William Blake's poems and paintings. Here is a brief description of the poet and painter. This is an unwilling poet and painter. His poems and paintings were only accepted by the public after his death, while they were not recognized and affirmed during his lifetime. He has been acting weird since he was a child, often fantasizing, claiming that he saw some anomalies that others could not see, and he incorporated these anomalies into his poems and paintings, which made his poems and paintings particularly unique. His poems and paintings are full of religious and mysticism. After we know a little about Blake, we can know why Doerr is fascinated by Blake's painting "Red Dragon", because Blake's painting has the meaning of rebirth, and the dragon is a symbol of power. Blake and Doerr have many similarities, so-called stinks. In addition, it can be speculated that Blake was also abused - the abuse from society, and he was not recognized and accepted, which is almost the same as Doerr. Therefore, Blake tried his best to make up for this lack in his heart. Poetry and painting, although not recognized by the society (at that time), he could at least find an inner balance, and at the same time, it is not surprising why his paintings are full of fantasy. To put it bluntly, he also has paranoia. Doerr is just following in Black's footsteps. The difference is that Doerr's paranoia is more serious than Blake's, and he brings this delusion into real life. Blake has already sublimated in his own work, but the sublimation that Doerr wants is the actual operation, that is, killing, which he calls transformation.

I think, after parsing here, I won't mention other details. He didn't kill the blind sister because she respected and accepted him.

So, my title is "I Killed, But I'm Not at Fault", what's his fault? Everything is caused by domestic violence. I'm watching Frankenstein and this story explores the same topic, Frankenstein is called a monster, but he's ugly because people give him, it's not that he wants to be like this, he started out as Kind-hearted, always wanted to do good, but the cruel reality forced him to be a monster. There have been several appalling killings in society that have resulted in people being scolded, shot, and appeased. It's really sad. People seem reluctant to reflect on what made this man a monster? But just thinking about putting it to death and then hurrying, when people learn to think deeply, people will not hate this person more, but pity him more.

One more thing, "The Silence of the Lambs", "Hannibal" and this "Red Dragon", the most successful filming is "The Silence of the Lambs", which seems to be needless to say, "Hannibal" is a failure , is a bit kitsch, the story is too loose, but the film "Red Dragon" is OK, a compromise, but it is still far-fetched to tie Doerr's case to Hannibal.

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Red Dragon quotes

  • Will Graham: Jack, there's only one safe way to carry on a conversation that's one-way blind.

    Jack Crawford: Publication.

  • Will Graham: [accosted by Freddie Lounds] You write lying shit, Lounds, and the "Tattler" is an ass wipe!