The Devil's Binding - "Red Dragon"

Dominique 2022-04-19 09:01:21

A little bit of personal opinion. In the quartet, compared to hannibal rising and hannibal, I think it looks much better, the storyline, the soundtrack, the shooting technique, the good film,
Anthony is really a lot older, and it seems a little uncomfortable, after all, it is the last film that came out. The desperate struggle at the beginning of the storyline is a bit weird, it feels a bit like the process in hannibal about Mr.
The red dragon, which seems to be a traditional auspicious symbol in the East, is actually not the case. In the West, the word DRAGON itself is a symbol of evil and has some kind of dark power. Of course, Du Yixin's desire to become a red dragon originated from his grandmother's childhood. The trauma of the body and mind under the abuse, and this evil force is terrifying, so it is the reason why he wants to change. As for murder, some of the comments said that it was delusional disorder, and I didn't know much about psychoanalysis. I could only know from the film that this might be a way for Du Zi to get out of the way. However, I still can't understand, his choice? Why those families? From the video, I still can't see any clues. If it is said that the tragedy in childhood caused inferiority and fear of sex, then that means the women of those families constituted the stimulation to Du? Or are they somehow similar to her grandma? Can be understood as a kind of revenge? The explanation that tends to the former is still derived from the curse of the childhood grandmother, the desire and timidity of sexuality. But when he was struggling for the blind girl, it was clearly a force controlled by the ruler - the red dragon. He wants to become a powerful and formidable red dragon to get rid of the past of being insulted and abused, but he is reminded by the remaining humanity, he wants to break free from the shackles of the devil in his heart and gain freedom.

"I just found the "Revelation" 12:3 verse that appeared in the title: A vision appeared in heaven: a great red dragon with seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns on its heads And there appeared another wonder in heaven ; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. 』 Look at one more verse. Revelation 12:9 The great dragon is the old serpent, whose name is the Devil; and Satan, who deceives the whole world; and he was cast down to the ground, and his angels were cast down with him. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Murderer's murderous attack on Tooth The way is related to grandma's childhood abuse experience. From a photo of grandma at the beginning of the film, it can be seen that the whole perverted behavior of murder is the result of childhood misfortune. However, the path of "pilgrimage" was chosen by Du himself.
In the speech assisted by Will and the local police, he said that Du would not stop and said "because he thinks he is god", when he was in the process of "pilgrimage", he was lured by dragon to constantly "transform" to complete his plan, he thinks he's god. Thinking that this is a transformation, but in the middle of the devil's tricks. The opposite of devil is Christ. Another way of self-salvation is to rely on God's healing, not the conditions laid out by the devil

As hannibal said, "he's a shy boy" was humiliated and traumatized in childhood. Unlike many perverted killers, what he wants to gain is recognition, praise, awe, not fear, and all of this can be achieved in Get it from the Red Dragon. And the misunderstanding of Bright's "Red Dragon" prompted him to transform like a "pilgrim" - gathering the power of ugly evil.

Humans are inherently good. If we look at Du’s own words, maybe we can explain it from this perspective. In order not to let himself be controlled by the red dragon again and hurt the blind girl, he devoured the painting, similar to the act of destroying the devil he relied on, and did not harm the book. The staff of the museum can see that the conscience remains, and it is so easy to get rid of being manipulated by the devil. The break in behavior may not be effective, so when he learned that the blind girl met with his colleague, he felt that he was hurt. The pain of starting to get love but losing it again pushed Du to the side of the devil.

In addition, regarding the relationship between will Hannibal in the play, the conversation in prison continues the style of the Silence of the Lambs. The dialogue between the two is the soul of the whole world, and it is important to analyze the relationship between Du and the two. It's just that it's really lacking a lot compared to the first one. And hannibal's lines have always been intriguing and unfathomable. In Red Dragon, however, hannibal's role seems a bit unfocused. I have to say, I admire hannibal very much, his achievements in the professional field, his sharp analysis, calling to get wil's phone address, and his understanding of the spiritual connotation of books. It's a pity, just like Will's answer when he was asked if he was smarter than himself and caught him. His flaw - he's crazy. Another madman under the tragedy of childhood. The part about the transmission in the play is particularly wonderful, especially the process of deciphering. Although it is not a heart-wrenching life-and-death struggle, it is really wonderful.

Overall, a good movie

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Red Dragon quotes

  • Will Graham: Jack, there's only one safe way to carry on a conversation that's one-way blind.

    Jack Crawford: Publication.

  • Will Graham: [accosted by Freddie Lounds] You write lying shit, Lounds, and the "Tattler" is an ass wipe!