No children, only different stages of real life

Garret 2022-01-01 08:02:10

When I started watching it as a horror movie, I felt it was "Pan Shen's Labyrinth."

I personally don't like Pan Shen's Labyrinth, not as a movie, but as an atmosphere.

——When the impetuosity is enough, movies are expected to be entertainment rather than deeper feelings.

Like the Pan Shen Maze, Guitongyuan stands in the position of children, seemingly warm, but telling a deep story:

right and wrong; desire, and ideal; what is the most important, where is the boundary; eternal blood , Death, and hope.

There are no existing ones, but different stages.

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The Devil's Backbone quotes

  • Casares: Stay by my side as my light grows dim /as my blood slows down and my nerves shatter with stabbing pain / as my heart grows weak / and the wheels of my being turn slowly / Stay by my side /as my fragile body is racked by pain /which verges on truth / and manic time continues scattering dust / and furious life bursts out in flames. Stay by my side / as I fade / so you can point to the end of my struggle /and the twilight of eternal days / at the low, dark edge of life.

  • Casares: [to Carlos] The devil's backbone. Children who should never have been born.