fantasy journey

Armani 2022-04-19 09:01:23

Every fantasy film is a journey of discovery. England is a place where people have lived for generations, traditional, old-fashioned and well-behaved. The occasional indulgent expedition that young people look forward to is stopped by conscientious wall watchers.
When we were young, we were always eager to try, but never succeeded. The elders said, we are all for your own good. We have eaten more salt than you have eaten. You can't be wrong by listening to us. Only in this way will we live better. We all come here... . But who knows that I don't want to live a good life, I just want to live a different life.
Dunstan Thorn broke years of taboo, climbed over that wall, and changed the fate of the entire Kingdom of Stormhold ever since.
From the beginning of the film's relaxed style, I know that this film is not so much a magic as a fairy tale. It is relaxed and witty. All factors point to the happy ending that everyone expects. When people die, they just go to another world. The king was dying, the living prince and the dead prince stood by the bed together, the king said that only the next king could recast the ruby, but no one could touch it because it was waiting for a man to appear.
If you love someone, lock him up and let him travel with you. Time is the only thing that cannot be shaken by a relationship, whether it is born or dies. Damn love conspiracy theory.
When Yvaine spoke to the little mouse on the carriage, his heart would really throb.
If you wanted it, I'd wish for nothing in exchange. No gifts, no goods, no demonstrations of devotion. Nothing but knowing you love me, too. Just your heart in exchange for mine.
Love is impermanent and gratuitous, its preciousness lies in the fact that even if you give me no return at all, you are still happy, because loving you is happiness in itself of.
When Yvaine walks towards the wall in despair, even if you know she won't cross it, you still feel a little worried. Because I can't bear the slightest damage to a star-like crystal heart, even if it's just the possibility of being hurt.
The ending of fairy tales is like this, the good people win, you just need to hug, and the bad people will be wiped out automatically. Happy life of prince and princess. And the last sentence of the narration is always, happily ever after.
Charlie Cox, a British youngster, started to look silly, but he didn't expect to have long hair to be really heroic. From the slightly stupid shopboy to the later king of Stormhold, experience is really the only way to grow up. Is it a good man who wants to be in the Quartet, or travel in the Quartet to become a good man. The first time I saw Claire Danes, I didn't think she was very beautiful, but maybe it was the shawl blonde hair that added a little aristocratic temperament to her this time. How many people can not help but feel that time flies. Until I saw Michelle Pfeiffer, who had been out of action for four years, time always seemed to stop for some people. Michelle Pfeiffer made three films after her comeback. In my opinion, two of them played the villain, but because of the type of film, they were all kind of slightly cute villains, and this beautiful bad woman has an alternative. attractive, so you have to look at it. Robert De Niro's role is not much this time, but he is still brilliant and indispensable for the growth of the male and female protagonists.
The lighthearted sense of humor in the film is crucial. Stormhold, who is separated from England by a wall, is stained with a rigid and rigid British gentleman's atmosphere. The two armies face each other and still salute each other after returning. This is reminiscent of Carlos' free-kick in Japan in a Pepsi ad a few years ago.

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Stardust quotes

  • [Tristan and Victoria are sipping champagne under the stars]

    Victoria: Do you know, Humphrey's going all the way to Ipswich to buy me a ring.

    Tristan: Ipswich? Victoria I'm talking about London or Paris or... A ring? Why is he... What kind of a ring?

    Victoria: The word is he's planning to propose to me on my birthday.

    Tristan: [crestfallen] He's going to... And you're gonna say yes?

    Victoria: [laughs] Well I can't exactly say no after he's gone all the way to Ipswich.

    Tristan: "All the way to Ipswich"? Victoria, for your hand in marriage, I'd cross oceans or continents.

    Victoria: Really?

    Tristan: Yes.

    [Victoria giggles]

    Tristan: Victoria, for your hand in marriage, I would go to the gold fields of San Francisco and bring you back your weight in gold. I'd go to Africa and bring you back a diamond as big as your fist. Or I'd go to the Arctic and I'd slaughter a polar bear and bring you back its head.

    [Victoria has been moving closer, about to kiss him, but suddenly she recoils]

    Victoria: [disgusted] A polar bear's head? Ugh! You're funny, Tristan.

    [they look up into the sky]

    Victoria: Oh, Tristan! A shooting star. Beautiful.

    Tristan: More beautiful than a fancy ring from Ipswich? Victoria, for your hand in marriage, I'd cross the wall and bring you back that fallen star.

    Victoria: You can't cross the wall. Nobody crosses the wall. Now you're just being silly.

    Tristan: I'm not being silly. I'd do it. For you, I'd do anything.

    Victoria: [thinking] Hmmm. My very own star. It seems we have ourselves an agreement. You have exactly one week or I'm marrying Humphrey.

  • [Secundus has just been murdered and has become a ghost, joining his other dead brothers]

    Secundus: [trying to laugh off his brothers' frosty stares] Oh, please, you're not annoyed at that whole murder thing, are you? I mean, that was ten years ago.

    Quartus: Great deal of good it did you, killing me, Secundus. Because now, of course, you're King of all Stormhold. Oh sorry, wait, no you're not - you're dead!