Stressed Eminem

Percival 2022-04-20 09:01:22

It's too hard to make a movie while busy releasing an album, and deal with the relationship with Kim on the other.

However, the god eminem show and the movie with the same name, 8mile, were born. The single lost yourself also won an Oscar, and the movie was well received. It was a winner in life. The fly in the ointment is that the family is almost broken. Kim attempted suicide during the concert, Hailie looked for someone to take care of him, was busy with his career, and couldn't take care of his wife and daughter, just like this movie, a life of shit, a successful career, and the fate of the last time may be a consolation in Eminem's heart. . . . .

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8 Mile quotes

  • DJ Iz: That's why brothers need to sign themselves a deal. I'm telling you record labels supply niggas with the kind of benefits they need.

    Sol: Dawg, we sign us a deal you can take the motherfucking benefits. We're talking Bentley's and Benjamins, not Blue Cross and Blue Shield.

    Future: Look to tell you all niggas the truth, I don't give a fuck about none of that. I just wanna hit 31 and a 3rd on the box you know what I'm saying? One of them strong songs on JLB.

    DJ Iz: No, what we need to do is save that shit up and put it into some savings bonds every week, stack it and build our own studio.

    Future: Savings Bonds?

    Sol: [to DJ] Let me ask you a question, Dawg. How the fuck are we brothers? We need fine bitches and fat rides, not no goddamn savings bonds.

    Jimmy Smith Jr: Man, that's all we ever do is talk shit!

    Jimmy Smith Jr: [imitating Sol] "We need to get fine bitches and fat rides".

    Jimmy Smith Jr: [imitating DJ] "No, what we need to do is put our money in savings bonds".

    Jimmy Smith Jr: [imitating Future] "No, what we need to do is put our songs on JLB".

    Jimmy Smith Jr: Man, shut the fuck up. All of us never do shit about nothin' and we're still broke as fuck and living at home with our moms.

  • Alex: [after having sex] You were so good outside.

    B. Rabbit: In line at a lunch truck?