
Thora 2022-01-03 08:01:50

The truth is that the four stars are almost the same, but there are two surprises. The first is the heroine. He didn't expect it to be this little girl, a demon girl one size smaller. The second is that the director is Drew Barrymore, who unexpectedly made this film quite HIGH, it's okay.

Typical old-fashioned themes, inspirational? It should be. The key is smooth. Although there are a few periods of lethargy in the middle, and the film seems to be ten minutes long, it is generally quite comfortable. The final finals is actually not very HIGH. After all, this thing does not use too many substitutes. Roller skating is so dangerous, but I really want to laugh when I see such a child running around among a bunch of mothers.

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Whip It quotes

  • Bliss Cavendar: I'm gonna puke!

  • Bliss Cavendar: We deserve better villains.