The perfect combination of short ugly poor and tall rich handsome! Dear, do you see the importance of success?

Rocio 2022-04-21 09:01:24

So I want to say that if you put on a mask, you may be a hero, you are tall, rich and handsome, and some beautiful women will take the initiative to send you a shot. Once you take off the mask and return to the original ordinary person, you are short, ugly and poor!
Since ancient times, beautiful women have loved heroes, that is, they know that the hero is the original short, ugly and poor, and the plot is inevitably a bit cliché, but we have seen the importance of becoming a talent, dear, as long as you are self-motivated, short, ugly and poor can also be reborn. Gao Fushuai, dear, I see there is no wood! ! !

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Green Lantern quotes

  • Thomas Kalmaku: Let me get this straight. This thing that's out there, attacking planets, is connected to Hector?

    Hal Jordan: Some how it infected him after it killed Abin Sur.

    Carol Ferris: Well, you're just gonna have to stop it.

    Hal Jordan: Oh, just gonna have to stop it! Well, I tried that and I failed and the Senator died. I told you the ring made a mistake.

    Carol Ferris: Wait, go back. How did the ring make a mistake?

    Hal Jordan: The one thing that a Green Lantern is supposed to be is fearless. Fearless, is the job description. That isn't me.

    Carol Ferris: So you're just gonna walk away again? Explain this to me, Hal. Please explain to me, just once, why?

    Hal Jordan: Because I'm afraid!

  • Hector Hammond: [referring to an unconscious Carol as he levitates her with a syringe floating by her throat] She's beautiful, isn't she? I loved her from the moment I first saw her. But she could never see me, cause you were always in the way. But not anymore.

    [Hector uses his power to bring the syringe closer Carol's throat]

    Hal Jordan: No! No! Don't! Don't do this, Hector! Please. Please. I know how you feel.

    Hector Hammond: Come on! Look at yourself!

    Hal Jordan: No, I know what it's like. To not live up to expectations. To feel like nothing that you do will ever be good enough

    [he takes off his ring and the Green Lantern costume is gone, he's back in his own clothes]

    Hal Jordan: I know what it's like to be afraid. Let me help you.

    Hector Hammond: Hal, you've changed. How wonderful that all it took for you to grow up was the end of the world.