A thought of life and death, how to choose

Jaylan 2022-04-24 07:01:03

I recently watched "The Lonely Survivor" from "The Lonely Survivor" and "Three Dozens of Bone Spirits", and I
was attracted by SEAL's documentary and the protagonist Michel's inner monologue at the beginning. "We all have a restless storm in our hearts, as many teammates say. A fire, a river, a road, an unyielding desire to push ourselves to the limit." So we saw a lot of recruiting propaganda in the opening credits. In the film's bridge section, the soldiers were soaked in water for a long time and shivered from freezing, crawling and rolling in mud puddles, skydiving, all kinds of extreme physical fitness and then sitting on the ground so tired that they finally gave someone a cry. lens to symbolize inner struggle and weakness. But the scene that matched Michel's inner monologue was that he was lying on the rescue plane alone, covered in blood, while those comrades who shared the joy and sorrow were missing one by one. With the blood and warmth of the past contrasting the desolation of the future, the image of the lonely survivor comes to the fore.
This four-person team was sent to eastern Afghanistan to kill the Taliban leader Shah, but unexpectedly encountered local sheep herding people (which may be mixed with Taliban spies) during the jungle reconnaissance process. There was a dispute over whether to "kill" or "release", and the communication with the superior was lost again. Finally, the top commander on the scene directly announced that he would give up the mission and let the local people leave. Only then did we realize that the pre-action scene about learning the code of conduct for engagement was not inserted in vain. In the end, as everyone expected, the action failed, teammates were brutally killed, the comrades who came to the rescue in the air transport plane were shot down, and only the protagonist was rescued. It is worth noting that the only person who survived was the one who insisted on releasing the sheep-herding people. The heavy weight of this midnight dream and the inner loneliness is self-evident.
The plot may fall into a cliché, but the decision about Yi Nian's life and death is what I am very concerned about. This decision has nothing to do with right or wrong, but it can provoke right and wrong. When making a decision, we weigh the pros and cons, but we cannot predict how things will develop, let alone see the outcome. Obviously, this is not a happy ending, but a bleak ending of "generals die in a hundred battles, and strong men return for ten years". The commander who made the decision can no longer be challenged because he was killed by the Taliban; the one who strongly approved of the decision became the only survivor, I don't know if it was "fortunate" or not for him "Unlucky". But I think the "lone survivor" must be a curse. Those who survive must live in the shadow of death and bear the regret and doubt alone.
Let's go back to that decision first, as I said before, "It's not right or wrong, but it can provoke right and wrong." Why did he herd the people, because he knew the rules of engagement, he was afraid of being exposed by the media, and he was afraid of being tried and imprisoned when he returned. If he could have imagined that this was a scene in which "Yang Menhu sent his wife back to his son", I think he would rather go to jail and definitely not make this decision. He must have been lucky when he talked about morality in the first place.
This again makes me think that "we" are more of a group of people who are lucky and afraid of taking responsibility. Some things are known to be wrong, but they are the will of the above and continue to be implemented; when I can make decisions independently, I am thinking about what the above expects us to do, ignoring the actual situation.
Just after watching "The Lonely Survivor", I watched "Three Beats of the White Bone Spirit". In addition to being funny and sensational, Tang Seng made several decisions to drive away Sun Wukong and accompany the White Bone Lady's reincarnation. In the end, it was a great consummation. In the ending, Wukong is back, and Lady Bone can also be reincarnated as a human being, but we forget that this is a fairy tale. In this story, the immortals and Buddhas in it have the ability to bring back the dead and reverse the flow of time. They don't have to assume the role of the "lone survivor". They only need to do good, as long as they spread the truth. You have no magic power. I will send a few A capable person can protect you; as long as your golden body is not damaged, I can still save you; even if you die completely, I will allow you to live in the next life. But in real life, we are all mortals. A fall may make us stunned, and an exposure may become the target of public criticism. We face choices, and we cannot have the best of both worlds. It can only be said that we have to "live by ourselves, and not let others down". If there is a "sin", take it bravely.

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Lone Survivor quotes

  • Matt 'Axe' Axelson: [while sighting in a Taliban fighter] I'm the reaper.

  • Shane Patton: Been around the world twice. Talked to everyone once. Seen two whales fuck, been to three world faires. And I even know a man in Thailand with a wooden cock. I pushed more peeter, more sweeter and more completer than any other peter pusher around. I'm a hard bodied, hairy chested, rootin' tootin' shootin', parachutin' demolition double cap crimpin' frogman. There ain't nothin' I can't do. No sky too high, no sea too rough, no muff too tough. Been a lot of lessons in my life. Never shoot a large caliber man with a small caliber bullet. Drove all kinds of trucks. 2by's, 4by's , 6by's and those big mother fuckers that bend and go 'Shhh Shhh' when you step on the brakes. Anything in life worth doing is worth overdoing. Moderation is for cowards. I'm a lover, I'm a fighter, I'm a UDT Navy SEAL diver. I'll wine, dine, intertwine, and sneak out the back door when the refueling is done. So if you're feeling froggy, then you better jump, because this frogman's been there, done that and is going back for more. Cheers boys.