I think it looks pretty!

Bradford 2022-04-20 09:01:16

The rhythm was a little slow at the beginning, and I gave up after watching it a bit. Today, I thought I would pick it up and have a look. I found that the whole film started to be interesting when the male protagonist found out that the female protagonist was in danger and ran to save the female protagonist. Originally thought that after saving the heroine, the two should interpret a story of desperate mandarin ducks and Tianya, but the hero simply closed the door neatly and left; originally thought that the Yingyin girl who was in contact with the hero would be behind a big organization, because the hero insisted The hero saves the beauty and eliminates the male protagonist. As a result, Yingyin is actually the male protagonist's right-hand man and can't speak at all; I guessed that the big villain is the male protagonist's brother, and the two must end up in an ultimate duel. . As a result, when the villain saw his younger brother, he threw a few punches arrogantly and then began to complain about why the male protagonist had not contacted for so long; the two brothers sat on the ground and chatted and saw that the chairman behind the scenes turned black and came to them, thinking that the chairman must be He was so angry that he wanted to kill the male protagonist and then his brother stood up to block the gun, or the chairman came down and directly broke his brother and then let his younger brother take revenge. As a result, the chairman came down and forced himself to make a pass without getting paid, and let the male protagonist die without saying that he was happy... Maybe I am too familiar with Hollywood action film routines, but I still enjoy the various anti-routines in this film.

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The Accountant quotes

  • Christian Wolff: I like dogs playing poker... because dogs would never bet on things; so it's incongruous. I like incongruity.

  • Neurologist: 1 in 68 children in this country are diagnosed with a form of autism. But if you can put aside for a moment what your pediatrician and all the other NT's have said about your son...

    Autistic Boy's Father: "NTs?"

    Neurologist: Neuro-typicals. The rest of us. What if we're wrong? What if we've been using the wrong tests to quantify intelligence in children with autism? Your son's not less-than. He's different. Now, your expectations for your son may change over time, they might include marriage, children, self-sufficiency. They might not. But I guarantee you, if we let the world set expectations for our children, they'll start low, and they'll stay there. And maybe... Just maybe... He doesn't understand how to tell us. Or... we haven't yet learned how to listen.