Genius family: do not compromise with reality until the end of life

Rosalia 2022-04-21 09:01:20

Frost once said: "What is home? Home is a place where you can't be turned away when you want to go back." The form of home doesn't really matter, it can provide a warm haven and companionship. People with harmonious families are the happiest people in the world.

"When the water is full, it overflows, and when you say it is profitable, you lose money." This world has always been more beautiful, but not the most beautiful. And the moment that is closest to perfection is the easiest moment to go to the opposite. "The Trenbaums" proves that happy families are all alike, and every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

"The Trenbaums" is a satirical comedy written and directed by Wes Anderson. Despite being a family comedy, Wes Anderson was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for the film. The family is the epitome of society, it is the smallest society in which everyone grows up. And in this society we have learned the ability to love and be loved.

Wes Anderson, American director. Born in Houston, Texas on May 1, 1969, his father worked in the advertising industry, and his mother was an archaeologist and later became a real estate agent. The character of the mother in The Trembaums is based on her.
When it comes to Wes Anderson, everyone will think of his award-winning "The Grand Budapest Hotel". Wes Anderson's work is rare. This "Trenbaums" is also one of his author films, but "Trenbaums" precedes "Budapest" by thirteen years. Wes Anderson's feature films are very personal. He has extremely high requirements on the picture, and he likes to compose the picture in the center, which is what we often call a symmetrical picture. This has become a personal characteristic of him.

("The Grand Budapest Hotel")

("The Kingdom of the Moonrise")

("Genius Family")

("Crossing Darjeeling")
The pictures in the center composition are very clean, and some of the freeze-frame pictures will give people a strong visual impact. However, centering the composition will also have disadvantages. Using the centering composition when the space is closed will affect the expression of the characters' emotions. If the elder sister committed suicide knowing that her younger brother liked her, she was very sad and blamed herself, but because of the composition, the elder sister's emotional exposure was not so obvious.

Another feature of Wes Anderson's films is that the color saturation is very high, and color is also a part of the film language. A large number of high-density color blocks are used to render the film much warmer.

The three children of Roy Thrun and his wife, Aceline, became famous at young ages and have made extraordinary achievements in their respective fields. The eldest son, Chasy, started his own real estate business at the age of 12; Ranked among the award-winning screenwriters; his younger son Ricky was a junior tennis champion. And this kind of scenery did not help the family harmony, Roy still divorced Aceline and disappeared from their sight.

There is a false kindness in any family, and so does the Bob's. After Roy disappeared, Bob's children were scattered all over the place. It was only after knowing that my father was seriously ill that they got together again. The occurrence of several conflicts is actually saying that there is no way for you to forgive the past. Chasey and Ricky quarreled because of their father, and Chasey couldn't let go of what his father did. Margot married an older writer because of the lack of fatherly love, locked herself in the bathroom every day, and lived an unhappy life. Although Margaux is an adopted daughter, the lack of fatherly love leads to Margaux's Electra complex, so Roy is responsible for Margaux's unfortunate marriage. Ricky has had a crush on Margot since he was a child, so when he learns that Margot is married, he starts to sail the seas in a slump. The brothers and sisters have very different personalities. To say that the three brothers and sisters have similarities is that each of them has trauma left over from childhood or growing up.

As a father and lover, Roy was a failure. Roy's disadvantage is that he wants his children to win glory for himself, but he doesn't know how to be responsible for his children's growth. He disappeared after Ricky's last professional game. He took out most of his savings to bet on this game and didn't expect Ricky to lose. Years later, Roy wanted to return to the family because of bankruptcy to reunite the broken family, making an absurd and selfish effort.

"Genius and lunatic are next to each other." We often say that there is only a thin line between genius and lunatic. When the family is full of geniuses, trouble is sure to follow. Because of Ricky's suicide, the family's relationship has picked up again. In fact, I really like the director's handling of the emotional aspect. It's a matter of fact, can tell what's important, and won't waste time on useless footage. Everyone has a way of self-protection in dealing with their own feelings. Once a person indulges in his own weakness, he will fall blindly weakly. If he does not learn to let go, he will never learn to grow.

In the end, it was a happy comedy ending. In the end, Roy finally understood what was missing in his long life and completed self-redemption. The slow motion in the cemetery couldn't help crying. Everyone needs to let go and be loved, but they can't find the right way or the way to release love.

In fact, this is a conventional family drama mode. Wes Anderson makes a family's day-to-day wonderfully brilliant through images, styling and music. The music played a very important role in promoting the whole film, including "hey jude" at the beginning of the film. When Roy was talking with Ricky on the rooftop, the alternation of music and pictures complemented each other, and he felt a strong emotional shock.

The details of the film are handled very carefully. In terms of styling, Ben Stiller's Charcy changed clothes twice. He wore a red tracksuit from head to tail, and at the end he changed into black clothes when he attended his father's funeral at the cemetery, while the others were the same. Set of clothes from beginning to end.

Wes Anderson's films are all mixed, fantasy is the sedative of pain, and we all struggle with fantasy and pain. He is just admonishing us about the truth of life, and the adult world is just as fragile. We must learn to compromise properly in order to live happily in this world.

Those who always live by fantasies will eventually be disillusioned.
We are cowards, we are selfish, we are people who live by the mercy of our conscience.
We are all waiting, waiting for someone else to save us.

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Extended Reading

The Royal Tenenbaums quotes

  • Richie: Read it back to me so far, Pietro.

    Cote d'Ivoire Radio Operator: [speaks with an Italian accent, his words are shown in subtitles] "Dear Eli, I'm in the middle of the ocean. I haven't left my room in four days. I've never been more lonely in my life, and I think I'm in love with Margot."

    Richie: New paragraph.

  • [During a war game with BB guns]

    Royal: [on top of a roof, aiming at Chas] Hold it Chassie. Hold it right there.

    Young Chas Tenenbaum: What are you doing? You're on my team!

    Royal: Ha-ha! There are no teams!

    [he shoots at Chas, hitting his hand. Chas screams in pain and shoots back at him. Royal laughs as he ducks out of the way]

    Narrator: The BB was still lodged between two knuckles in Chas's left hand.